20 street installations that reveal the city on the other side

Sometimes just a small detail, the original recording on the wall or the tiny figure on the curb can turn an ordinary gray street is now an art space.
We are in the Website is collected photos of the street, "hooliganism", which allows to look at the world very differently.

Author:. Leafy Seadragon

Unknown author.
Author:. Sandrine Estrade Boule

Unknown author.

Author: Slinkachu

Unknown author.

Author: Oakoak

Author:. Octavi Serra

Author:. Gotemyey

Unknown author.

Author:. Buttonose

Author: Fra.Biancoshock

Author: Oakoak

Author:. Secretlakr

Author:. Loyydiruz02

Author: Oakoak

Author:. Spacergnome

Unknown author.

Author: Oakoak

Author:. Miguel Marquez
Preview: Miguel Marquez
via http://miguelmarquezoutside.com/
Photographer proved that from every shot, you can make a masterpiece
20 fascinating facts about the incredibly small objects