Installations from scrap materials from the American artist

Artist Jason Peters is the author of large-scale installations, which is closely in the exhibition space. New York artist Jason Peters (Jason Peters) is the author of the stunning large-scale installations, which seems to be closely in the exhibition space. It is noteworthy that in the process of creating their extraterrestrial structures, Peters is actively using the most common "consumer goods". The artist literally brings new life to subjects that have long been unnecessary was thrown out by the inhabitants of the big Apple.

In addition to the contents of the garbage containers are plastic buckets from the hardware divisions, metal fittings, wire, car tyres, folding chairs... "By their works", — says the artist — "I'm studying intellectual and emotional reactions of people on the way in which objects interact with the environment. I urge the viewer not to focus more on past experience and inviting in a visual space, where the mind is completely free."

Interestingly, the things learned from the context of everyday life, are really starting to behave differently – it seems that in place of the usual stability came unpredictability. The artist further reinforced this feeling by adding unusual designs even more expressive with the help of light elements.

American artist creates an interesting installation of different elements. "I like to get away from conventional ways of thinking and seeing," explains the artist- "my goal is to awaken emotions, entrenched deep inside. My works are like visual puzzles which I propose to unravel".

The work of Peters reminiscent of the visual puzzles. Interestingly, among contemporary artists there is a tendency of using overage materials for making sculptures and installations. So, a young American artist, sculptor and graphic, crystal Wagner (Wagner Crystal) uses recycled materials to create their works. She often finds items for future installations on the street, and sometimes buys everything you need in the cheapest stores.
Source: avivas.ru/topic/vizualnie_golovolomki_installyacii_iz_podruchnih_materialov_ot_amerikanskogo_hudojnika.html
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