Drop everything and go for permanent residence in the Caribbean!
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you drop everything and go live in some kind of heavenly country? For example, in the Caribbean Sea. But one young couple from our country did so. Be sure to read their story below.
Almaty young family decided to radically change his life
and leave his hometown in search of adventure and new places
Unknown 13 000 kilometers from home - in the Caribbean Sea!
Be sure to read further revelation that tell these
couple, how they live in the jungle,
without the usual benefits, familiar to civilized life.
At first glance, Borisov - an ordinary family:
Andrew - a specialist in the field of business administration,
Tatiana - a journalist, raising her daughter Aneta, now she is 2 years and 2 months.
But this is only at first glance. A year ago, Andrew
Tanya threw his settled life and left for Almaty to relocate to
Central America, in a little-known country called Belize.
Now they live in the jungle, on the Caribbean coast.
- In Almaty we had promising work, private apartment in a nice quiet area close to the circus.
We went to the mountains, traveling - by car toured the floor of Kazakhstan, - says Tatiana.
- And then suddenly we realized that no longer want to sit all day in the office,
stand for hours in traffic jams, spending the weekend on a shopping trip,
movie theaters and other places of "cultural activities". I wanted to be closer to nature, to themselves and to each other.
- No, we love Almaty, it's a great city, the best in the CIS. Insanely beautiful mountains, friendly people ...
If there grew pineapples, and nearby was a couple of picturesque tropical islands, we would probably not leaving.
Pineapples and other fruits play in the life of the family role.
Andrey, Tanya and Aneta - raw foodists, that is, do not eat food,
which was subjected to a heat treatment. - Several years ago, we realized,
that the ideal food for us - fruit, vegetables and delicious in Almaty,
Unfortunately, only a few months a year. We just got sick there tasteless Chinese apples
- This is another serious reason why we decided to go to the tropics.
Select country to emigrate was not easy, looking for options around the world.
Southeast Asia is not approached,
because there are a foreigner can not buy real estate in the property.
In Africa, the unfavorable political climate and crime.
We stopped at the Latin America and chose Belize
- A country with simplified immigration regime, cheap real estate,
low taxes and stable political environment.
And most importantly - all year round warm, next to the Caribbean Sea and the unspoilt nature.
Belize - a small country in Central America, where only 300 thousand people.
Previously it was known as British Honduras.
But local residents, apparently, did not want to be called Hondurans, and in 1973 the country was renamed.
The capital of Belize - Belmopan and largest city - Belize City, there lives a little more than 70 thousand people.
- Belize - very provincial country - says Tatiana.
- Cities are mainly composed of the private sector, if you see the "Restaurant»,
make no mistake - this is an eatery. In general, all as in the village, something like our Uzun-Agach.
- Belize City and did the worst place in the country, we try as little as possible to go there.
At least at night there is just not worth it to appear - criminal city.
In addition, he is on the coast, and there are frequent hurricanes.
In August Belizeans were waiting for the hurricane "Ernesto", but it turned to Mexico.
- In the capital - the city of Belmopan - quieter. But cities do not interest us, we do not knowingly fled the city.
In Belize, we have attracted untouched nature, good ecology, tropical forests, not yet contaminated by man.
In the jungle, Boris's bought 10 acres of land near the coast.
The nearest town - Belize City is also within reach, just 35 km away.
Their dream, which they are the epitome of hard work -
create an ecovillage and organic farm, to engage in ecotourism and earn,
growing vegetables and fruits.
Now all the forces thrown settlers to build a house. For the past year they build it with his own hands,
although he had had no experience in construction.
Fragile Tania learned to mix cement, plaster and even deftly handle the machete
- A place for the construction had to win at the jungle.
- First, we cut down the thickets, as the site was completely overgrown.
Then we brought a wooden house on stilts, and took him without a ladder,
the first night and had to sleep in the forest under the open sky.
It was very scary. Well, after we ourselves undertook the construction,
it's much cheaper than resort to hired workers.
Stable income from the family is not, only the savings and earnings from occasional work remotely.
Tatiana, for example, writes articles for Kazakhstani and Russian glossy magazines. - We have enough.
Here we spend a lot less than in Almaty, and generally try to use as little as possible with money.
With neighbors we barter: we give them the tools - they give us vegetables or seedlings.
Boris's such a big house built with "long-range" - plan to develop ecotourism in Belize.
Fortunately, apart from the sea and palm trees next to them, only 9 kilometers away, is a historic landmark
- The ruins of the ancient city of Altun Ha Mayan.
In addition, now the family has entered the ranks of kauchserferov
and plays host to travelers from around the world.
Recently, for example, have stayed the Canadian artist,
that in return for shelter depicted by one of the walls of the house.
According to our heroes who want to stay in Belize rife -
Many want to spend December 2012 on Maya land, moreover,
now there are carnivals and ritual ceremonies in the ancient temples.
However, to live in the tropics and can be longer
- Borisov invited wishing to winter. Application potential guests they take on their website.
"Fee" for accommodation - assistance in setting up a home or work on a farm.
Their organic farm called "Daisy" is not bad grow bananas,
sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes), papaya and okra
(tropical vegetable in the form of pods, to taste - something between eggplant and asparagus).
With vegetables is more difficult: Tatyana and Andrey tried to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, herbs,
but immediately destroy pests.
- We are beginning gardeners, learn from our mistakes.
Chemical fertilizers do not use the principle,
therefore, control weeds and pests can be difficult.
The development of high-grade organic farm needs at least three years.
But we have yet to come. For the majority of Belizeans farming -
main source of income, it inspires us.
While grown on plantations of fruit Borisov is not even enough for himself.
With purchase-everything is not so simple.
- Selection of local fruit is small - it is orange ($ 0, 5, 7-10 pieces),
bananas ($ 0, 5 for 8-10 pieces), pineapple ($ 1, 5), papaya ($ 0, 75),
but still need to go after them for 25 km. We have a lot of fruit,
every 2 days to go after them on a motorcycle seriously.
Therefore, we temporarily switched from raw food vegetarianism:
Eat food rice, legumes, dairy products, everything except the meat.
Our heroes have good relations with neighbors.
True, at first they wondered how these people from distant unknown country has managed to move to them.
Before that, they saw only the migrants from North America.
- Belizeans are mostly good, generous people, ready to help
or share the right tools or seeds of plants.
In addition, we live close to the immigrants from the United States and Canada.
Some have even a tennis court, swimming pool, golf course.
Sometimes we go to them to rest.
- Do not think that we live in total isolation from civilization.
Yes, at first we did not have electricity - we lived with a candle and tea boiled on a fire.
We now have electricity, mobile communications, the Internet, we were ready for a more spartan conditions.
- We are often asked how it is possible to live in the jungle with a small child.
And I think that it is much worse to live with the child in the space of 5 to 8 meters
and breathe the exhaust gases for a walk.
Here we do not get sick, and if something happens we have a tropical forest - the best pharmacy.
Education Aneta planning remote.
- Our family had hoped to the last that we have changed his mind to leave,
and now believe that we are about to go back.
But we are not guessing. Distant future we do not worry much,
we rejoice in the present moment.
We want to live in harmony with nature, provide for ourselves,
less use of money and other benefits of civilization ...
In general, take less involvement in the destruction of the planet and more in their own spiritual development.
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Almaty young family decided to radically change his life
and leave his hometown in search of adventure and new places
Unknown 13 000 kilometers from home - in the Caribbean Sea!
Be sure to read further revelation that tell these
couple, how they live in the jungle,
without the usual benefits, familiar to civilized life.
At first glance, Borisov - an ordinary family:
Andrew - a specialist in the field of business administration,
Tatiana - a journalist, raising her daughter Aneta, now she is 2 years and 2 months.
But this is only at first glance. A year ago, Andrew
Tanya threw his settled life and left for Almaty to relocate to
Central America, in a little-known country called Belize.
Now they live in the jungle, on the Caribbean coast.

- In Almaty we had promising work, private apartment in a nice quiet area close to the circus.
We went to the mountains, traveling - by car toured the floor of Kazakhstan, - says Tatiana.
- And then suddenly we realized that no longer want to sit all day in the office,
stand for hours in traffic jams, spending the weekend on a shopping trip,
movie theaters and other places of "cultural activities". I wanted to be closer to nature, to themselves and to each other.

- No, we love Almaty, it's a great city, the best in the CIS. Insanely beautiful mountains, friendly people ...
If there grew pineapples, and nearby was a couple of picturesque tropical islands, we would probably not leaving.

Pineapples and other fruits play in the life of the family role.
Andrey, Tanya and Aneta - raw foodists, that is, do not eat food,
which was subjected to a heat treatment. - Several years ago, we realized,
that the ideal food for us - fruit, vegetables and delicious in Almaty,
Unfortunately, only a few months a year. We just got sick there tasteless Chinese apples
- This is another serious reason why we decided to go to the tropics.

Select country to emigrate was not easy, looking for options around the world.
Southeast Asia is not approached,
because there are a foreigner can not buy real estate in the property.
In Africa, the unfavorable political climate and crime.
We stopped at the Latin America and chose Belize
- A country with simplified immigration regime, cheap real estate,
low taxes and stable political environment.
And most importantly - all year round warm, next to the Caribbean Sea and the unspoilt nature.

Belize - a small country in Central America, where only 300 thousand people.
Previously it was known as British Honduras.
But local residents, apparently, did not want to be called Hondurans, and in 1973 the country was renamed.
The capital of Belize - Belmopan and largest city - Belize City, there lives a little more than 70 thousand people.

- Belize - very provincial country - says Tatiana.
- Cities are mainly composed of the private sector, if you see the "Restaurant»,
make no mistake - this is an eatery. In general, all as in the village, something like our Uzun-Agach.

- Belize City and did the worst place in the country, we try as little as possible to go there.
At least at night there is just not worth it to appear - criminal city.
In addition, he is on the coast, and there are frequent hurricanes.
In August Belizeans were waiting for the hurricane "Ernesto", but it turned to Mexico.

- In the capital - the city of Belmopan - quieter. But cities do not interest us, we do not knowingly fled the city.
In Belize, we have attracted untouched nature, good ecology, tropical forests, not yet contaminated by man.

In the jungle, Boris's bought 10 acres of land near the coast.
The nearest town - Belize City is also within reach, just 35 km away.
Their dream, which they are the epitome of hard work -
create an ecovillage and organic farm, to engage in ecotourism and earn,
growing vegetables and fruits.

Now all the forces thrown settlers to build a house. For the past year they build it with his own hands,
although he had had no experience in construction.

Fragile Tania learned to mix cement, plaster and even deftly handle the machete
- A place for the construction had to win at the jungle.

- First, we cut down the thickets, as the site was completely overgrown.
Then we brought a wooden house on stilts, and took him without a ladder,
the first night and had to sleep in the forest under the open sky.
It was very scary. Well, after we ourselves undertook the construction,
it's much cheaper than resort to hired workers.

Stable income from the family is not, only the savings and earnings from occasional work remotely.
Tatiana, for example, writes articles for Kazakhstani and Russian glossy magazines. - We have enough.
Here we spend a lot less than in Almaty, and generally try to use as little as possible with money.
With neighbors we barter: we give them the tools - they give us vegetables or seedlings.

Boris's such a big house built with "long-range" - plan to develop ecotourism in Belize.
Fortunately, apart from the sea and palm trees next to them, only 9 kilometers away, is a historic landmark
- The ruins of the ancient city of Altun Ha Mayan.

In addition, now the family has entered the ranks of kauchserferov
and plays host to travelers from around the world.
Recently, for example, have stayed the Canadian artist,
that in return for shelter depicted by one of the walls of the house.

According to our heroes who want to stay in Belize rife -
Many want to spend December 2012 on Maya land, moreover,
now there are carnivals and ritual ceremonies in the ancient temples.
However, to live in the tropics and can be longer
- Borisov invited wishing to winter. Application potential guests they take on their website.
"Fee" for accommodation - assistance in setting up a home or work on a farm.

Their organic farm called "Daisy" is not bad grow bananas,
sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes), papaya and okra
(tropical vegetable in the form of pods, to taste - something between eggplant and asparagus).
With vegetables is more difficult: Tatyana and Andrey tried to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, herbs,
but immediately destroy pests.

- We are beginning gardeners, learn from our mistakes.
Chemical fertilizers do not use the principle,
therefore, control weeds and pests can be difficult.
The development of high-grade organic farm needs at least three years.
But we have yet to come. For the majority of Belizeans farming -
main source of income, it inspires us.

While grown on plantations of fruit Borisov is not even enough for himself.
With purchase-everything is not so simple.
- Selection of local fruit is small - it is orange ($ 0, 5, 7-10 pieces),
bananas ($ 0, 5 for 8-10 pieces), pineapple ($ 1, 5), papaya ($ 0, 75),
but still need to go after them for 25 km. We have a lot of fruit,
every 2 days to go after them on a motorcycle seriously.
Therefore, we temporarily switched from raw food vegetarianism:
Eat food rice, legumes, dairy products, everything except the meat.

Our heroes have good relations with neighbors.
True, at first they wondered how these people from distant unknown country has managed to move to them.
Before that, they saw only the migrants from North America.

- Belizeans are mostly good, generous people, ready to help
or share the right tools or seeds of plants.
In addition, we live close to the immigrants from the United States and Canada.
Some have even a tennis court, swimming pool, golf course.
Sometimes we go to them to rest.

- Do not think that we live in total isolation from civilization.
Yes, at first we did not have electricity - we lived with a candle and tea boiled on a fire.
We now have electricity, mobile communications, the Internet, we were ready for a more spartan conditions.

- We are often asked how it is possible to live in the jungle with a small child.
And I think that it is much worse to live with the child in the space of 5 to 8 meters
and breathe the exhaust gases for a walk.
Here we do not get sick, and if something happens we have a tropical forest - the best pharmacy.
Education Aneta planning remote.

- Our family had hoped to the last that we have changed his mind to leave,
and now believe that we are about to go back.
But we are not guessing. Distant future we do not worry much,
we rejoice in the present moment.
We want to live in harmony with nature, provide for ourselves,
less use of money and other benefits of civilization ...
In general, take less involvement in the destruction of the planet and more in their own spiritual development.

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