Festo also created a new type of wind turbine

When someone says the word "wind turbine" or we read of "wind farms", immediately presents enormous pillars with blades. Now a similar design - the standard for wind turbine. In general, all is well, except that the wind turbines of this type is not very efficient use of the wind.
And the company Festo, previously developed robotic seagull and robotic dragonfly, proposed a new variant of the wind turbine. According to the developers of Festo, a new wind turbine uses the wind more efficiently, producing, respectively, more energy. The project was named DualWingGenerator.
secret design of the device, where we have used some of the things invented by nature. For example, the new generator blades have aerofoil birds (well, the profile of an airplane wing, this statement will also be true).

In this generator optimizes your work automatically, adjusting to almost any direction of movement of air masses and to any air velocity.
Recently the company posted a net Festo interesting video, where is explained in detail how it all works.
Via Festo
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/217951/