In Lithuania, the decision of the court for three months stopped relaying channel "NTV Mir"

In Lithuania, the decision of the court for three months stopped relaying channel "NTV Mir", which is the international version of the Russian TV channel "NTV».
Reported Russian Service BBC. In the near future, the Lithuanian court will decide the fate of the international version of the TV channel "Russia».
Last year in Lithuania for three months was stopped broadcasting the Baltic version of the First Channel. This happened after the broadcast went release program "Man and Law", which was presented to the controversial version of events of January 13, 1991 in Vilnius.
On Monday, the Lithuanian Journalists' Ethics Service decided that television news programs "First" ("Time") and "Russia" ("News of the Week"), as well as the documentary "The Condemned. Trap for the group "Alpha", "channel" NTV "spread prohibited by law on media informatsiyu.V Lithuania this law prohibits propaganda, disinformation, incitement of ethnic hatred, war.