NTV program "Anatomy of Protest"
Yesterday, March 15, 2012, NTV broadcast was shown "documentary" film "Anatomy of a protest" constitutes a gross falsification propaganda aimed against Russian opposition.
Refusal to cooperate with the magazine EXPERT NTV: via
To our deep regret, it was used in the film commentary editor of the magazine "Expert" V. Fadeyev. The comments received by direct fraud: NTV employees claimed that they will be used in the final news release. In addition, comments had nothing to do with the content of the movie.
We consider it a insulting and how the comments have been received, and the context in which they were used. NTV employee behavior is beyond the scope of any, even the most lowly concepts of professional ethics.
In connection with the above media holding "Expert" officially declares the impossibility of any collaboration with NTV in the future.
The NTV still violent people work. First TV brutal start, then cheat us, including (not talking about the first channel :)).
and when bayanushku pritravushku:
Refusal to cooperate with the magazine EXPERT NTV: via
To our deep regret, it was used in the film commentary editor of the magazine "Expert" V. Fadeyev. The comments received by direct fraud: NTV employees claimed that they will be used in the final news release. In addition, comments had nothing to do with the content of the movie.
We consider it a insulting and how the comments have been received, and the context in which they were used. NTV employee behavior is beyond the scope of any, even the most lowly concepts of professional ethics.
In connection with the above media holding "Expert" officially declares the impossibility of any collaboration with NTV in the future.
The NTV still violent people work. First TV brutal start, then cheat us, including (not talking about the first channel :)).
and when bayanushku pritravushku: