Novasti science from BlackHalf-a. New, nah fuck !!!!
Some might even pomnetsya previous abassaku from the world of high nouki, great gothic shystinogova canoe -robata, rozrabatyvaemovo Korean chytyrehglazyme.
Ftykat here
Yeblysk ... click here tries. Do not beak myshoy clicking.
I've been debt tarmazil svaimi firmennyme atiblokirovachnyme tormozame but vso still reshyl oznakomet you with one ische abassakoy pas similar theme.
So, it turned out that pendosskie uchonye very pazavidovale quality grass svaih kareyskih kalleg and Dazhy pahodu prikupile nekotoroye its quantity. Pakur purchased dope, scientists prasmatreli demostratsyonny cartoon about kareyskoe weapons destruction and Dazhy little piles poshlifovli vysakonauchnye cylindroid identified in non-scientific circles as a dick on how fun and vigorously wagging zheppoy shystinogaya kobylo killer.
After etava in their Galavit matured b / n zloveschschy plan. Fuck, well, blasphemy, kaneshno, so I do not wash holog naturally no plan other than to sinister there will not grow. Pendasskie uchonye rishyli acherednoy in time to alleviate the plight svaih soldiers. It turned out that today pindosiyskie soldiers drag on their shoulders about 45 kg of cargo. Pesdets and uzhos! Indeed, the week zopas diapers, avtovafelnitsa, pot polifonicheskime tunes tsvitnym progress bar and a heated, three trenerovachnyh koramelki probe-schupz, pack komegsov with mekemauzom for morning masturbation and spidor-menom for vicherney and bust ass Joji Bush for an afternoon confession - This, I tell you how much pezdets. A esle uchest ische fuck that ibanutye commanders zostavlyayut Saboya to take any type of lumbering ninuzhnuyu huyetu zhyleznyh kakihto sticks and stuff, Cator Peha vavnutr stick, it becomes clear pachemu many saldaty commit to, to impose the hands of al Seeb excessive load.
In order to avoid the death of the soldier, cunning uchonye gathered from unetaza, coffeemakers and detski wheelchair hitrava kolesnovo Robat-Assistant designed to carry all this garbage. However, Robat not oprovdal assigned nodezhd - he was somewhere ukatilso and proyebalso.
It happened in the so-called narrow scientific circles, huyovaya poeben, soobrazile uchonye. They again pirismotreli KOMEKS about super-Losha killer and track pachemu a movie "Priklecheniya Ilektronega" about tirminatorov predpolagaemovo protivneka, then Pakur, Pakur, Pakur, Pakur and only Pat few Pakur and realized INTO shtoby Robat niproebalso, it must Pahad on Sabaku. Logically, as the ahuet yes shtoto melochitstso - just opezdenet! (approx. pirivtchega).
They picked up flamasterom, paint, clay (ofetsealny supplier of clay sikretnyh laboratories UWB - Ass kofeanana (rights riklamy). After three days drawing Robat-dog helper was ready. However, some uchonye waved over his head trusame and krechali that this is not the Sabaki, and some zolupa kangaroo after operatsyi circumcision, but it's only on the nervous overload, I assured you. Pa idea of dog should be able to boldly carry vsyuhuynyu fun properdyvat anthem UWB in three different keys at night to sing "Jingle Bells "to the soldiers was not scared, washable diapers, and the commander's version - Dazhy do blow job and rospisyvatsya in dokumentah.V plan also was armed with niibatso Robat, the ist naucht stsobaku kusatstso vzheppu, rozvyazyvat enemy soldiers laces and save psihoaromaticheskogo PRINCIPLE mine action. However, despite portachennye 1.5 million bakinskeh papugeyev, dogs only dumb-eyed with an oblique drawing yobnutyme Zenk and embarrassed otvetstvennuyu the Commission its resemblance to a kangaroo zolupoy. Yes ische and about uzhos circumcised. On vapros kamissei where proibales money uchonye responded sharply and convincingly - and dick evo know, let's go have a smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, well then have a few smoke and can then recall.
Well, my dear ftykateli nouchnyh news, we zhy ostaetstso only wish success pendosskim uchonym that they doizobreli supplied to the dog cat fucking mouse baivovo torakanchega Pecka to prinasit soldiers zhyvachki in Rozgar srozheniya, well pabolshy to think about science and less on huyah Australian zhyvotnyh. Well, look kaneshnazhy sikretnye chirtezhy extracted from lobaratory nashym special correspondent for the Uzbek boxes virbluzhey kalyuchki, current shhh ... Ani there still think that this elite Chui plan ...
You can check in Chom I nopezdel: www.membrana.ru/articles/technic/20.../08/214700.html
Ftykat here
Yeblysk ... click here tries. Do not beak myshoy clicking.
I've been debt tarmazil svaimi firmennyme atiblokirovachnyme tormozame but vso still reshyl oznakomet you with one ische abassakoy pas similar theme.
So, it turned out that pendosskie uchonye very pazavidovale quality grass svaih kareyskih kalleg and Dazhy pahodu prikupile nekotoroye its quantity. Pakur purchased dope, scientists prasmatreli demostratsyonny cartoon about kareyskoe weapons destruction and Dazhy little piles poshlifovli vysakonauchnye cylindroid identified in non-scientific circles as a dick on how fun and vigorously wagging zheppoy shystinogaya kobylo killer.
After etava in their Galavit matured b / n zloveschschy plan. Fuck, well, blasphemy, kaneshno, so I do not wash holog naturally no plan other than to sinister there will not grow. Pendasskie uchonye rishyli acherednoy in time to alleviate the plight svaih soldiers. It turned out that today pindosiyskie soldiers drag on their shoulders about 45 kg of cargo. Pesdets and uzhos! Indeed, the week zopas diapers, avtovafelnitsa, pot polifonicheskime tunes tsvitnym progress bar and a heated, three trenerovachnyh koramelki probe-schupz, pack komegsov with mekemauzom for morning masturbation and spidor-menom for vicherney and bust ass Joji Bush for an afternoon confession - This, I tell you how much pezdets. A esle uchest ische fuck that ibanutye commanders zostavlyayut Saboya to take any type of lumbering ninuzhnuyu huyetu zhyleznyh kakihto sticks and stuff, Cator Peha vavnutr stick, it becomes clear pachemu many saldaty commit to, to impose the hands of al Seeb excessive load.
In order to avoid the death of the soldier, cunning uchonye gathered from unetaza, coffeemakers and detski wheelchair hitrava kolesnovo Robat-Assistant designed to carry all this garbage. However, Robat not oprovdal assigned nodezhd - he was somewhere ukatilso and proyebalso.
It happened in the so-called narrow scientific circles, huyovaya poeben, soobrazile uchonye. They again pirismotreli KOMEKS about super-Losha killer and track pachemu a movie "Priklecheniya Ilektronega" about tirminatorov predpolagaemovo protivneka, then Pakur, Pakur, Pakur, Pakur and only Pat few Pakur and realized INTO shtoby Robat niproebalso, it must Pahad on Sabaku. Logically, as the ahuet yes shtoto melochitstso - just opezdenet! (approx. pirivtchega).
They picked up flamasterom, paint, clay (ofetsealny supplier of clay sikretnyh laboratories UWB - Ass kofeanana (rights riklamy). After three days drawing Robat-dog helper was ready. However, some uchonye waved over his head trusame and krechali that this is not the Sabaki, and some zolupa kangaroo after operatsyi circumcision, but it's only on the nervous overload, I assured you. Pa idea of dog should be able to boldly carry vsyuhuynyu fun properdyvat anthem UWB in three different keys at night to sing "Jingle Bells "to the soldiers was not scared, washable diapers, and the commander's version - Dazhy do blow job and rospisyvatsya in dokumentah.V plan also was armed with niibatso Robat, the ist naucht stsobaku kusatstso vzheppu, rozvyazyvat enemy soldiers laces and save psihoaromaticheskogo PRINCIPLE mine action. However, despite portachennye 1.5 million bakinskeh papugeyev, dogs only dumb-eyed with an oblique drawing yobnutyme Zenk and embarrassed otvetstvennuyu the Commission its resemblance to a kangaroo zolupoy. Yes ische and about uzhos circumcised. On vapros kamissei where proibales money uchonye responded sharply and convincingly - and dick evo know, let's go have a smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, well then have a few smoke and can then recall.
Well, my dear ftykateli nouchnyh news, we zhy ostaetstso only wish success pendosskim uchonym that they doizobreli supplied to the dog cat fucking mouse baivovo torakanchega Pecka to prinasit soldiers zhyvachki in Rozgar srozheniya, well pabolshy to think about science and less on huyah Australian zhyvotnyh. Well, look kaneshnazhy sikretnye chirtezhy extracted from lobaratory nashym special correspondent for the Uzbek boxes virbluzhey kalyuchki, current shhh ... Ani there still think that this elite Chui plan ...
You can check in Chom I nopezdel: www.membrana.ru/articles/technic/20.../08/214700.html
