A selection of quotes
& lt; Lunev & gt; Neighbors passed an apartment with a hot young man by the name of Karen south. Karen from home regularly comes probably some weird shit, he smokes it. nakurke by Karen begins to read. But the books in the apartment only Maxwell's textbook "atomic physics for the curious." No, I do read it in 12 years, but not in the morning, in the ears of roles with Tajik accent!
& lt; Lunev & gt; You sit at night for the Note, and because the wall is heard: "panimash long time piriroda iliktrona-magnitnava field remained a mystery to scientists, there are all fools in this America. but then they found a fucking field that arises from the tiny, already pi ... u ilimintarnoy particles re ... Pede pa ... peredvizhayuscheysya oheritelno complex orbit around the nucleus of an atom. Aaaaaa, blyayayayaya, chumaaaaa !!! »
[hello_there] - Where's blonde hair can be black?
[hello_there] - between the teeth.
& lt; Solnyshkin & gt; Nastya: You are perfect, you do not wordy, yet smart.
& lt; Solnyshkin & gt; Nastya: That is what draws me to you.
& lt; Nastenka & gt; Ya LYULYU YBATSO !!!
& lt; Lisa & gt; You know when I saw you, you told me was a pleasant ... You Pts cute, cool, funny, well ... netakoy all ... you've got that something special ...
I trust you ...
Really I did not think I'd be with you opschatsya, after some of your words ... Honestly I did not like when you hear those words ...
But you're good ...
& lt; Maverick & gt; Once again I say, go fuck !!!
Star Wind: Shit, a greeting!
Yulia_On_Work: Wow greeting
Star Wind: From shit ... finger slipped. I would like "Shit" to write, but it turned out "Fuck».
Star Wind: JULIA fucking name ... you have a beautiful ... current write it uncomfortable ... fucking ...
& lt; Topper & gt; uh, in the riser heard rumbling through the pipes. perhaps, give water ...
& lt; SeKToR & gt; no, it's cursing plumber pings apartments
& lt; Asp & gt; Hello.
& lt; Arkas & gt; LOL. if the letters in their names, "viper" rearrange poluchitsa "pisda»!
& lt; Asp & gt; genius. to rearrange his nickname.
& lt; Irra & gt; I have a cat named Stsuko. Mom thinks it's Japanese name.
& lt; damned & gt; kastor, popinguy!
& lt; kastor & gt; Hears himself popinguy!
& lt; damned & gt; From popinguya hear!
Vasya & gt; That's it ... after the plane, a sleepless night ... I doubt I'll be a normal guest, as if not to fall asleep at the table
Tanya & gt; I will not give you!
Tanya & gt; Oh sorry! In the sense - to thrust at the table ...
Tanya & gt; Sorry! In the sense - to sleep! :-D
& lt; yTpo & gt; Hey gay people !!!
& lt; _eGe_ & gt; I'm not gay YOU !!!
& lt; Kwolf & gt; Hello
& lt; Avs & gt; zdarova
& lt; Petro & gt; zdarova
& lt; Kwolf & gt; like life?
& lt; Avs & gt; OK
& lt; Petro & gt; OK
& lt; Kwolf & gt; and you are always in sync answer?
& lt; Avs & gt; No
& lt; Petro & gt; No
& lt; Avs & gt; Shoot
& lt; Petro & gt; Shoot
b0t! nkAa (02:44 PM):
Do not have a habit to answer after 4 hours = \
Krechet (07:40 PM):
& lt; Throyanec & gt; long thought - what a kitten in the body is not enough, if it eats polyethylene
& lt; Throyanec & gt; decided that the brain ...
SUV2 & gt; looking at Yandex "how to make a million" - 151 000 pages
SUV2 & gt; how to make a million without giving up your ass - only 694 pages (((((((((((((((((((
& lt; user & gt; I sit today in the morning in the office, working ...
& lt; user & gt; and, running to a commander's briefing time!
& lt; user & gt; The walls are thin, and the computer is old and perezabity 99%
& lt; user & gt; I'm in control of myself naturally enough ...
& lt; user & gt; Well, somewhere into the game on the 40th of this torment the door opened behind me
& lt; user & gt; and stuck in her face completely unfamiliar to me man that lybyas says:
& lt; user & gt; - Excuse me, I've been working behind the wall. I'm sorry to interrupt ...
& lt; user & gt; but PROMANDOBLYADSKUYU, in the ass and mouth fucking horse to shit MOUSE, cover TRIHOMUDISTOY smelly pussy I just had to watch, I'm sorry ...
& lt; user & gt; And continuing to apologize just disappear ...
vnezpapno & lt; user & gt; Class!
Monk_ what galvanic resistance?
morg Monk_: Well, you ask The
morg Monk_: this uprising batteries may
& lt; Mapkyc & gt; He left yesterday laptop on the floor, half under the bed stuck out: Tesza thought scales - began to check his weight. In short, $ 1,500 reptile weighs
& lt; Meia & gt; Sorry, but sex - that's not a reason to authorize you to "ICQ».
& lt; VoVuK & gt; The people who lend a few thousand? I am faithful, honest!
* Aliso4ka changes nickname on Aliso4ka_away
* Helga changes nickname on Helga away
* Jerry leaves #main
* Henry changes nickname to Henry | NETU
* Sebastian change nickname on netu_deneg
* Pilea relish potsalovala in gratitude & lt; Fedis & gt;
* Fedis looked at his gratitude and smiled
Julia, turn off the caps-lock
WELL, WHAT YOU CURRENT CBSA LOC did not like it, I like Hold SHIFT uncomfortable !!!
& lt; HeLLfirE_SoN & gt; Bonpos # 37: Supernatural - at the superstitious ideas - being evil spirit takes up residence in the bath. (6 letters)
& lt; Darth_Blade & gt; Fluder
* UncleFedor nodybol sereal "Twin Peaks»
& lt; zeon & gt; UncleFedor, Laura Palmer killed her father
& lt; zeon & gt; Free the 10 gigs 54,253,764
& lt; UncleFedor & gt; BITCH !!!
& lt; UncleFedor & gt; I love you !!!
& lt; Glyuk & gt; The employee sent another sms-ku "How are you?". Got answer: choirs. He sits and thinks, and where the typo ..?
& lt; BJ & gt; I have one friend wrote that he would very much like POOBATSYA here too I think, where is a typo
* Lua`Jallar makes a terrible face, portraying live yogurt cultures
* Evghoul just realized that flipping through photos from the stick key delete
Taken from here
& lt; Lunev & gt; You sit at night for the Note, and because the wall is heard: "panimash long time piriroda iliktrona-magnitnava field remained a mystery to scientists, there are all fools in this America. but then they found a fucking field that arises from the tiny, already pi ... u ilimintarnoy particles re ... Pede pa ... peredvizhayuscheysya oheritelno complex orbit around the nucleus of an atom. Aaaaaa, blyayayayaya, chumaaaaa !!! »
[hello_there] - Where's blonde hair can be black?
[hello_there] - between the teeth.
& lt; Solnyshkin & gt; Nastya: You are perfect, you do not wordy, yet smart.
& lt; Solnyshkin & gt; Nastya: That is what draws me to you.
& lt; Nastenka & gt; Ya LYULYU YBATSO !!!
& lt; Lisa & gt; You know when I saw you, you told me was a pleasant ... You Pts cute, cool, funny, well ... netakoy all ... you've got that something special ...
I trust you ...
Really I did not think I'd be with you opschatsya, after some of your words ... Honestly I did not like when you hear those words ...
But you're good ...
& lt; Maverick & gt; Once again I say, go fuck !!!
Star Wind: Shit, a greeting!
Yulia_On_Work: Wow greeting

Star Wind: From shit ... finger slipped. I would like "Shit" to write, but it turned out "Fuck».
Star Wind: JULIA fucking name ... you have a beautiful ... current write it uncomfortable ... fucking ...
& lt; Topper & gt; uh, in the riser heard rumbling through the pipes. perhaps, give water ...
& lt; SeKToR & gt; no, it's cursing plumber pings apartments
& lt; Asp & gt; Hello.
& lt; Arkas & gt; LOL. if the letters in their names, "viper" rearrange poluchitsa "pisda»!
& lt; Asp & gt; genius. to rearrange his nickname.
& lt; Irra & gt; I have a cat named Stsuko. Mom thinks it's Japanese name.
& lt; damned & gt; kastor, popinguy!
& lt; kastor & gt; Hears himself popinguy!
& lt; damned & gt; From popinguya hear!
Vasya & gt; That's it ... after the plane, a sleepless night ... I doubt I'll be a normal guest, as if not to fall asleep at the table

Tanya & gt; I will not give you!
Tanya & gt; Oh sorry! In the sense - to thrust at the table ...
Tanya & gt; Sorry! In the sense - to sleep! :-D
& lt; yTpo & gt; Hey gay people !!!
& lt; _eGe_ & gt; I'm not gay YOU !!!
& lt; Kwolf & gt; Hello
& lt; Avs & gt; zdarova
& lt; Petro & gt; zdarova
& lt; Kwolf & gt; like life?
& lt; Avs & gt; OK
& lt; Petro & gt; OK
& lt; Kwolf & gt; and you are always in sync answer?
& lt; Avs & gt; No
& lt; Petro & gt; No
& lt; Avs & gt; Shoot
& lt; Petro & gt; Shoot
b0t! nkAa (02:44 PM):
Do not have a habit to answer after 4 hours = \
Krechet (07:40 PM):
& lt; Throyanec & gt; long thought - what a kitten in the body is not enough, if it eats polyethylene
& lt; Throyanec & gt; decided that the brain ...
SUV2 & gt; looking at Yandex "how to make a million" - 151 000 pages
SUV2 & gt; how to make a million without giving up your ass - only 694 pages (((((((((((((((((((
& lt; user & gt; I sit today in the morning in the office, working ...
& lt; user & gt; and, running to a commander's briefing time!
& lt; user & gt; The walls are thin, and the computer is old and perezabity 99%
& lt; user & gt; I'm in control of myself naturally enough ...
& lt; user & gt; Well, somewhere into the game on the 40th of this torment the door opened behind me
& lt; user & gt; and stuck in her face completely unfamiliar to me man that lybyas says:
& lt; user & gt; - Excuse me, I've been working behind the wall. I'm sorry to interrupt ...
& lt; user & gt; but PROMANDOBLYADSKUYU, in the ass and mouth fucking horse to shit MOUSE, cover TRIHOMUDISTOY smelly pussy I just had to watch, I'm sorry ...
& lt; user & gt; And continuing to apologize just disappear ...
vnezpapno & lt; user & gt; Class!
Monk_ what galvanic resistance?
morg Monk_: Well, you ask The
morg Monk_: this uprising batteries may

& lt; Mapkyc & gt; He left yesterday laptop on the floor, half under the bed stuck out: Tesza thought scales - began to check his weight. In short, $ 1,500 reptile weighs
& lt; Meia & gt; Sorry, but sex - that's not a reason to authorize you to "ICQ».
& lt; VoVuK & gt; The people who lend a few thousand? I am faithful, honest!
* Aliso4ka changes nickname on Aliso4ka_away
* Helga changes nickname on Helga away
* Jerry leaves #main
* Henry changes nickname to Henry | NETU
* Sebastian change nickname on netu_deneg
* Pilea relish potsalovala in gratitude & lt; Fedis & gt;
* Fedis looked at his gratitude and smiled
Julia, turn off the caps-lock
WELL, WHAT YOU CURRENT CBSA LOC did not like it, I like Hold SHIFT uncomfortable !!!
& lt; HeLLfirE_SoN & gt; Bonpos # 37: Supernatural - at the superstitious ideas - being evil spirit takes up residence in the bath. (6 letters)
& lt; Darth_Blade & gt; Fluder
* UncleFedor nodybol sereal "Twin Peaks»
& lt; zeon & gt; UncleFedor, Laura Palmer killed her father
& lt; zeon & gt; Free the 10 gigs 54,253,764
& lt; UncleFedor & gt; BITCH !!!
& lt; UncleFedor & gt; I love you !!!
& lt; Glyuk & gt; The employee sent another sms-ku "How are you?". Got answer: choirs. He sits and thinks, and where the typo ..?
& lt; BJ & gt; I have one friend wrote that he would very much like POOBATSYA here too I think, where is a typo

* Lua`Jallar makes a terrible face, portraying live yogurt cultures
* Evghoul just realized that flipping through photos from the stick key delete
Taken from here