What child would not play ... (4 photos)
American designer James Sooy came up with an alternative to glasses and contact lenses. Points-nez attached not on the bridge, and directly into the nose. The lenses are attached to an aluminum bracket that pierces the nose. Such piercing points never fall and will move to one side.
According to the inventors, they are a much more convenient and humane solution to the problem of poor vision, than to improve the operation of, or contact lenses.
I do not think that these piercings have to wear glasses around the clock. The design makes it easy to remove the lenses that attach to the nasal bridge with the help of magnets. Aluminum bracket itself passes through the skin over the bridge, so that, according to the inventor, who himself tried to imagine a new model, the wearing of piercing points does not cause inconvenience and gives far fewer problems than conventional glasses or contact lenses. However, installation of the main element - bracket over the bridge - a procedure not a pleasant one.
Doctors warn that too often piercing procedures may harm the health, but James Sooy believes that the piercing is much better than laser surgery to correct.
"Paying for something to cut my eyes and fired the laser, so I could not wear glasses - no, for me it's too" - said Sooy, protecting your idea.
The inventor is going to patent his model piercing points and put them into industrial production. However, it will require more work on the design.

According to the inventors, they are a much more convenient and humane solution to the problem of poor vision, than to improve the operation of, or contact lenses.

I do not think that these piercings have to wear glasses around the clock. The design makes it easy to remove the lenses that attach to the nasal bridge with the help of magnets. Aluminum bracket itself passes through the skin over the bridge, so that, according to the inventor, who himself tried to imagine a new model, the wearing of piercing points does not cause inconvenience and gives far fewer problems than conventional glasses or contact lenses. However, installation of the main element - bracket over the bridge - a procedure not a pleasant one.

Doctors warn that too often piercing procedures may harm the health, but James Sooy believes that the piercing is much better than laser surgery to correct.
"Paying for something to cut my eyes and fired the laser, so I could not wear glasses - no, for me it's too" - said Sooy, protecting your idea.
The inventor is going to patent his model piercing points and put them into industrial production. However, it will require more work on the design.
