Volga21 and Ford
It turns out, not only Lada loggerheads with Fiat. Volga, it turns out, was a full copy of Ford. And we're on the Chinese auto industry swear.
In the world there are two schools of automotive - American and European. They differ not only location, as approach to the development of the car. "Europeans" tend to create a practical compact cars and the improvement of technical parameters. "The Americans" - just the opposite. They fiddle playing spectacular design and passenger comfort. In our country, most of the designers are always inclined to the European School, and only existed at GAZ stable group "Americans." It is they who in the mid-50s assigned to create a new machine, which was to replace the "Victory».
The same Ford Mainline, purchased the plant:
In fact, the development of the new car was conducted first US experts. They opted for deficiencies model "GAZ M-20" and improve its performance. The car has received a body type "sedan", change the line wings, became more spacious cabin, the front seat was made separately. In addition, the design of the car made a huge number of improvements: was upgraded suspension, improved traction qualities of the engine, the car has received a new, more convenient transmission. However, to everyone's surprise, the State Commission did not accept this option. For an explanation of the reasons for this unexpected decision is necessary to digress.
After the war, our country became fast as it is now fashionable to say, to change the image - try on the status of a world power. "Victory" is mainly intended to serve the mid-level Soviet nomenklatura, it was the official car of the Soviet system. And this car should be no worse than the enemy - the West. Well, if you're not, then at least look. "Victory" is worthy to fulfill this mission. But "nothing lasts forever" - and by the mid 50's car "GAZ-M-20" looked already very archaic. Officials are urgently needed a new, more prestigious "workhorse". That is why the option proposed by US engineers, and was rejected: the car needed a fundamentally different, modern style.
And then I remember the "Americans" with gas. In their favor was another fact. Since the "Victory" has been continuously improved in the course of production, by 1955 there was a favorable situation: the outdated design of the body motor, transmission and chassis were very modern. Therefore, to accelerate the development of a new model, it was decided to use the engine and transmission of the "GAZ-M-20." So, a new body was required.
Role models, Soviet designers have found rather quickly: in the next year bought Chevrolet Bel-Air, Ford Mainline and Plymouth Savoy. Engineers GAZ long suffered the problem of choice, and stopped at the "Ford" - although the Americans believed Mainline rapidly aging model and in 1955 changed its design, providing fashionable while panoramic steklom.Nesomnenno completely impossible to adopt all the features of this car, so to case connected designers under the direction of Leo Eremeev. And created, in fact, a masterpiece of Soviet car design, especially in the final version. Moreover 21st "Volga" got almost all foreign books on car design.
But some features of the American automobile industry still remained in what can be ubeditsya listed below on the photos.
Ford's roads Moscow:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
And if the truth is to open up to the end, it is necessary to mention the figure of a deer, which is almost exactly, except for horns repeats deer with Chrysler vehicles beginning 30s.
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:
In the world there are two schools of automotive - American and European. They differ not only location, as approach to the development of the car. "Europeans" tend to create a practical compact cars and the improvement of technical parameters. "The Americans" - just the opposite. They fiddle playing spectacular design and passenger comfort. In our country, most of the designers are always inclined to the European School, and only existed at GAZ stable group "Americans." It is they who in the mid-50s assigned to create a new machine, which was to replace the "Victory».
The same Ford Mainline, purchased the plant:

In fact, the development of the new car was conducted first US experts. They opted for deficiencies model "GAZ M-20" and improve its performance. The car has received a body type "sedan", change the line wings, became more spacious cabin, the front seat was made separately. In addition, the design of the car made a huge number of improvements: was upgraded suspension, improved traction qualities of the engine, the car has received a new, more convenient transmission. However, to everyone's surprise, the State Commission did not accept this option. For an explanation of the reasons for this unexpected decision is necessary to digress.
After the war, our country became fast as it is now fashionable to say, to change the image - try on the status of a world power. "Victory" is mainly intended to serve the mid-level Soviet nomenklatura, it was the official car of the Soviet system. And this car should be no worse than the enemy - the West. Well, if you're not, then at least look. "Victory" is worthy to fulfill this mission. But "nothing lasts forever" - and by the mid 50's car "GAZ-M-20" looked already very archaic. Officials are urgently needed a new, more prestigious "workhorse". That is why the option proposed by US engineers, and was rejected: the car needed a fundamentally different, modern style.
And then I remember the "Americans" with gas. In their favor was another fact. Since the "Victory" has been continuously improved in the course of production, by 1955 there was a favorable situation: the outdated design of the body motor, transmission and chassis were very modern. Therefore, to accelerate the development of a new model, it was decided to use the engine and transmission of the "GAZ-M-20." So, a new body was required.
Role models, Soviet designers have found rather quickly: in the next year bought Chevrolet Bel-Air, Ford Mainline and Plymouth Savoy. Engineers GAZ long suffered the problem of choice, and stopped at the "Ford" - although the Americans believed Mainline rapidly aging model and in 1955 changed its design, providing fashionable while panoramic steklom.Nesomnenno completely impossible to adopt all the features of this car, so to case connected designers under the direction of Leo Eremeev. And created, in fact, a masterpiece of Soviet car design, especially in the final version. Moreover 21st "Volga" got almost all foreign books on car design.
But some features of the American automobile industry still remained in what can be ubeditsya listed below on the photos.
Ford's roads Moscow:

GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:


And if the truth is to open up to the end, it is necessary to mention the figure of a deer, which is almost exactly, except for horns repeats deer with Chrysler vehicles beginning 30s.
GAZ-21/22 "Volga»:

