Hamburg account

There is a category of air bikes that are difficult to check. Whether it was, no, embellished or all as in spirit is unknown. It's just fun. Well, believe it or not, that's the thing.
At the airport of Hamburg, another board lands, they steer along the strip and listen to the air. And there are four in line to board. The first should go Lufthansa aircraft, followed by a cargo FedEx, then British Airways and then Il-86 Aeroflot, delayed for some four hours. Pilot Ila, having judged that he is already late and needs to catch up, put the device on the queue of Lufthansa and begins to descend. Ground control service drowns in hysteria, but seeing the intransigence of the crew of Il, trying to somehow resolve the situation. They give you permission to land. The crews of FedEx and British Airways take the situation rather stoically, and the pilot of the German airliner begins to find out on high tones why he should give way to the Russians. Receives a quite expected answer from the Russian side that he goes by the right of the winner and say, you need to learn to fight. Unable to find something to object, he shuts up for half a minute, and then churns on the air, which, well, they say, there are no Jews in the queue. It receives an instant response from the British board about the inadmissibility of such statements.
Everybody sit down. And about an hour later, airport security came to the break room. Politely asked to come with them. It turned out that the pilot of the Lufthansa in one of the toilets seriously exhausted. And with particular cynicism. Not only did they seriously spoil the face and stripped two front teeth, but also the pilot's license was drained into the toilet. The identification was not crowned with success - the German did not identify anyone from the Aeroflot flyers. And of the rest, no one was suspected – the “civilized world.”
And after a while, approximately in the same composition, the sides are preparing for departure. And then suddenly, without a dispatcher team in front of the Lufthansa liner, a falcon from British Airways takes off. The German begins to spit and he yells on the air that this is a complete madhouse, not an airport. The Russians do not let the British take off.
And here comes the text from British in Russian. Well, like Russian. In characteristic Odessa. “Tell me,” they say, “to this potty, he has shut up.” I and Sema are once again pricking him from the entire Jewish people.