the registrar on an armored personnel carrier
Altai couple came to the registrar on an armored personnel carrier
Newlyweds from Rubtsovsk Altai Territory came to the building of the registrar on an armored personnel carrier. A trip to the APC was donated bride her fiance Dmitry Gridyaevym.
BTR, decorated with wedding ribbons, balloons and a sign with the inscription "The Fellowship of the groom", passed by one of the main streets of the city toward the registrar. Fighting vehicle was headed by a wedding convoy.
"I thought that our wedding should give us something different from the others to remember. The machine asked his friends, and they went to meet me. So it took a surprise ", - said the groom.
Newlyweds from Rubtsovsk Altai Territory came to the building of the registrar on an armored personnel carrier. A trip to the APC was donated bride her fiance Dmitry Gridyaevym.
BTR, decorated with wedding ribbons, balloons and a sign with the inscription "The Fellowship of the groom", passed by one of the main streets of the city toward the registrar. Fighting vehicle was headed by a wedding convoy.
"I thought that our wedding should give us something different from the others to remember. The machine asked his friends, and they went to meet me. So it took a surprise ", - said the groom.