The most famous goat
In the Leningrad region live goat named Arshavin. It is a big name horned animal has no chance. Immediately after the birth of his home to see on the left side, covered with dark hair, a white figure "10".
Its owners, farmers, Vladimir and Natalia - old fans of "Zenith", the players know and follow the fate of the players.
- When we saw this figure, immediately thought of the famous striker Andrei Arshavin our team, it's his number! - Says Vladimir.
When it came time to execute documents, the kid had to give a name. Toddler recorded Arshavin.
- We had the idea to give our Arshavin football player Andrei Arshavin, - says the owner of the goat, Vladimir. - But he's a busy man, and where he was to keep the goat? For him it is necessary to look to feed. We love your pet. It is we, it seems, too. In his own name and respond with pleasure eating from hand.
Comment specialist
Vyacheslav Komov biologist:
- I saw the goat, the animal exceptional. This rarely happens in nature. Most likely, there was a random distribution of genes that affected color. Repeated pattern in the offspring is unknown.
© www.nevasport.ru/articles.php?id=16592
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Its owners, farmers, Vladimir and Natalia - old fans of "Zenith", the players know and follow the fate of the players.
- When we saw this figure, immediately thought of the famous striker Andrei Arshavin our team, it's his number! - Says Vladimir.
When it came time to execute documents, the kid had to give a name. Toddler recorded Arshavin.
- We had the idea to give our Arshavin football player Andrei Arshavin, - says the owner of the goat, Vladimir. - But he's a busy man, and where he was to keep the goat? For him it is necessary to look to feed. We love your pet. It is we, it seems, too. In his own name and respond with pleasure eating from hand.
Comment specialist
Vyacheslav Komov biologist:
- I saw the goat, the animal exceptional. This rarely happens in nature. Most likely, there was a random distribution of genes that affected color. Repeated pattern in the offspring is unknown.
© www.nevasport.ru/articles.php?id=16592
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