Zoo in St. Petersburg
Yesterday, I not without pleasure, visited our St. Petersburg Zoo, therefore, attach a small vidos and some photos, struck me as interesting. The video: jaguar, lion, bears, giraffes, talking ducks, monkeys, sloth, durukuli tiger. Many are busy eating.
With of.sayta: "The most important thing - the beast at all times should be kept under review and as he approached to take a threatening posture, waving a broom or shovel»
Time: 10:35
Size: 20, 6/45, ordinary 0Mb / HD
40 ph
P.S. Animals look cheerfully claims to the content and the local authorities do not impose. Polar bear. According to observations by Russian sailors, sailing the polar bear, pursued by a submarine, capable of speeds of up to 3, 5 knots.
Jaguar. In the language of Guarani yaguara (jaguarete) meant "a beast that kills with one leap."
Black Jaguar. They live in tropical forests, water, hunting for crocodiles and freshwater turtles. Sometimes the fish.
Lev. In North America, they became extinct about 10,000 years ago in Europe destroyed in ancient times.
Polar bears are preparing to be sent somewhere abroad, where it was - could not figure out.
Brown bear. Bear-survivor Barbara - 29 years old.
Grey Wolf - Click teeth.
Cane toad. Length 24 cm, weight 1 kg.
African burrowing frog. Length 25 cm, 2 kg weight.
She - the embodiment of universal evil.
All your favorite Madagascar hissing cockroaches.
The longest insect in the world - megapalochnik Chan.
Striped Mouse (2 pieces).
Average Sajmir. Living up to 21 years.
Cotton-top tamarin.
Night Monkey Durukuli (I think it is understandable why they call it that).
The slothful man during a meal.
Is it very vigorously, I must say.
Birds are mixed there, so to say who it is - is difficult.
Heron. Outside the breeding season, usually uncommunicative. In the colony, on the contrary, blatantly - loud voice resembles a sprawling croak. Sometimes it publishes short question sounds hoarse.
Marabou stork. Also uncommunicative.
Emu. Chicks hatch weight of 0, 5 kg. During this period, protecting their young male becomes very aggressive, and if it is disturbed, a kick can break a man's bones (uzhos).
Toco Toucan Toco or.
White-fronted Amazons.
Black Cockatoo.
Two brothers-acrobat blue and yellow macaw.
There is clear.
Przewalski's Horse. In the wild, was last seen in 1968.
Siberian goat.
Horned goat (FAS).
Horned goat (profile).
Local resident.
Peter and Paul Cathedral without light ...
... And of this.
This fox - kagbe symbol of the end of the collection.
Strange, but the video only shows in HD, and normally hangs ... ((
With of.sayta: "The most important thing - the beast at all times should be kept under review and as he approached to take a threatening posture, waving a broom or shovel»
Time: 10:35
Size: 20, 6/45, ordinary 0Mb / HD
40 ph
P.S. Animals look cheerfully claims to the content and the local authorities do not impose. Polar bear. According to observations by Russian sailors, sailing the polar bear, pursued by a submarine, capable of speeds of up to 3, 5 knots.

Jaguar. In the language of Guarani yaguara (jaguarete) meant "a beast that kills with one leap."

Black Jaguar. They live in tropical forests, water, hunting for crocodiles and freshwater turtles. Sometimes the fish.

Lev. In North America, they became extinct about 10,000 years ago in Europe destroyed in ancient times.


Polar bears are preparing to be sent somewhere abroad, where it was - could not figure out.


Brown bear. Bear-survivor Barbara - 29 years old.

Grey Wolf - Click teeth.

Cane toad. Length 24 cm, weight 1 kg.

African burrowing frog. Length 25 cm, 2 kg weight.

She - the embodiment of universal evil.

All your favorite Madagascar hissing cockroaches.

The longest insect in the world - megapalochnik Chan.

Striped Mouse (2 pieces).

Average Sajmir. Living up to 21 years.

Cotton-top tamarin.

Night Monkey Durukuli (I think it is understandable why they call it that).

The slothful man during a meal.

Is it very vigorously, I must say.

Birds are mixed there, so to say who it is - is difficult.



Heron. Outside the breeding season, usually uncommunicative. In the colony, on the contrary, blatantly - loud voice resembles a sprawling croak. Sometimes it publishes short question sounds hoarse.

Marabou stork. Also uncommunicative.

Emu. Chicks hatch weight of 0, 5 kg. During this period, protecting their young male becomes very aggressive, and if it is disturbed, a kick can break a man's bones (uzhos).



Toco Toucan Toco or.

White-fronted Amazons.

Black Cockatoo.

Two brothers-acrobat blue and yellow macaw.

There is clear.

Przewalski's Horse. In the wild, was last seen in 1968.

Siberian goat.

Horned goat (FAS).

Horned goat (profile).

Local resident.

Peter and Paul Cathedral without light ...

... And of this.

This fox - kagbe symbol of the end of the collection.

Strange, but the video only shows in HD, and normally hangs ... ((