I wonder about the castle
Nice article about the development of the skill of creating castles.
When the first castles? Around 4000 BC in Egyptian carpenters Egipte.Ih produced from wood. they looked so:
As can be seen from the figure, it was necessary to stick your hand into the opening in the door and touch to insert the key into the lock-comb. Comb lift pins and can move the bolt. Principle secrets on pins preserved until now and is used in most mortise and padlocks. Locks in this form persisted for a very long time, and on this principle master locks manufactured in Mesopotamia, India, Greece, Rome and Norway. The African outback still use this type of locks.
Photo of the late 20th century.
But the real "boom" in the world zamkostroenii began in the 18th century. There metalworking technologies that are still in use, mechanics began to drink vodka and moments of enlightenment between hard drinking, they began to issue various interesting designs. Here, for example, the result of creativity postdeliriynogo:
Or is (it is clear that the mechanic ride on a white horse):
Locks are used everywhere: they closed the suitcases:
By the way, if a buckle adapted to trouser belt and fasten the belt for good Levi's 531 better half, you get a good chastity belt, iznt IT?
even the luggage lock.
And these snaps closed in the US mail bag:
In addition, almost locks are used for mailboxes:
Wild people. Everyone knows that the mailboxes are closed for passwords encrypted using the algorithm MD5. Savages!
But even then, the wizard to create true masterpieces. In 1767 (according to other sources in 1784), a certain Joseph Bramah produced "indehiscent Castle." In the store, where he was exposed, he was promised a prize of 200 guineas (crazy grandmother at the time) to anyone who will open the lock. The castle had about 500 million key combinations. Picked the lock only after 64 (according to other sources - 67) years. The mechanic-cracker spent 51 hours on the opening of the lock. By the way, this is the Joseph Bramah invented and patented safe. Sofremennye safes - a modification of "safe Brama».
From the logical move to safe combination lock. The first combination lock was discovered during excavations at the Roman period burial Athens ((Wolfram Hoepfner: «Ein Kombinationsschloss aus dem Kerameikos», Archäologischer Anzeiger, Vol., No. 2 (1979), pp. 210-213)). in 1206 the Arab engineer Al-Jazari described the principle of the combination lock in his book The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices. in the 16th century Italian Gerolamo Cardano also described the combination lock. Finally, the German Josef Loch in 1878 invented the modern combination lock, which is produced in various forms all over the world.
Edakii phone.
With the other principles set code.
When the first castles? Around 4000 BC in Egyptian carpenters Egipte.Ih produced from wood. they looked so:

As can be seen from the figure, it was necessary to stick your hand into the opening in the door and touch to insert the key into the lock-comb. Comb lift pins and can move the bolt. Principle secrets on pins preserved until now and is used in most mortise and padlocks. Locks in this form persisted for a very long time, and on this principle master locks manufactured in Mesopotamia, India, Greece, Rome and Norway. The African outback still use this type of locks.

Photo of the late 20th century.
But the real "boom" in the world zamkostroenii began in the 18th century. There metalworking technologies that are still in use, mechanics began to drink vodka and moments of enlightenment between hard drinking, they began to issue various interesting designs. Here, for example, the result of creativity postdeliriynogo:

Or is (it is clear that the mechanic ride on a white horse):

Locks are used everywhere: they closed the suitcases:

By the way, if a buckle adapted to trouser belt and fasten the belt for good Levi's 531 better half, you get a good chastity belt, iznt IT?
even the luggage lock.

And these snaps closed in the US mail bag:


In addition, almost locks are used for mailboxes:


Wild people. Everyone knows that the mailboxes are closed for passwords encrypted using the algorithm MD5. Savages!
But even then, the wizard to create true masterpieces. In 1767 (according to other sources in 1784), a certain Joseph Bramah produced "indehiscent Castle." In the store, where he was exposed, he was promised a prize of 200 guineas (crazy grandmother at the time) to anyone who will open the lock. The castle had about 500 million key combinations. Picked the lock only after 64 (according to other sources - 67) years. The mechanic-cracker spent 51 hours on the opening of the lock. By the way, this is the Joseph Bramah invented and patented safe. Sofremennye safes - a modification of "safe Brama».
From the logical move to safe combination lock. The first combination lock was discovered during excavations at the Roman period burial Athens ((Wolfram Hoepfner: «Ein Kombinationsschloss aus dem Kerameikos», Archäologischer Anzeiger, Vol., No. 2 (1979), pp. 210-213)). in 1206 the Arab engineer Al-Jazari described the principle of the combination lock in his book The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices. in the 16th century Italian Gerolamo Cardano also described the combination lock. Finally, the German Josef Loch in 1878 invented the modern combination lock, which is produced in various forms all over the world.

Edakii phone.

With the other principles set code.




