As consumers bred for example juice J7
What do you think, how much is contained in the juice is such a typical pack?
That's what I thought until yesterday that I buy a liter of vitamins and laid a good mood. However, turning the box, saw ...
Nedolivayut! For the first time it did not hesitate to declare frankly)
six packs - already 0.18litra, consider a glass)
The most interesting thing on the box is not specified anywhere volume. A consciousness of the store persistently draws 1L))
That's what I thought until yesterday that I buy a liter of vitamins and laid a good mood. However, turning the box, saw ...

Nedolivayut! For the first time it did not hesitate to declare frankly)
six packs - already 0.18litra, consider a glass)
The most interesting thing on the box is not specified anywhere volume. A consciousness of the store persistently draws 1L))
