Create your supermen!
Recently completely got me these gourmet super-heroes, Spiderman and others, and I thought to create their own, our supermen.
So, to start my four works:
That evening, the man-vampire Leonid decided not to dine Kiev grandmothers, and new Russian, but he prevented the weather conditions and the label tin
And where do you think the vest? And in fact, as a result of eating pockets Man-hamster, well, the truth is sometimes failures are
Man Beaver: traits - titanium tooth sharpens his one-time fee of trees can destroy any gardening site, lives mainly in recreational areas, where it lies in wait for their prey to the lure of the victim enjoys a mustache and wig Igor Nikolaev.
Why is itches Superman? Because of his pursuing his worst enemy - man-Bloch
So, to start my four works:

That evening, the man-vampire Leonid decided not to dine Kiev grandmothers, and new Russian, but he prevented the weather conditions and the label tin

And where do you think the vest? And in fact, as a result of eating pockets Man-hamster, well, the truth is sometimes failures are

Man Beaver: traits - titanium tooth sharpens his one-time fee of trees can destroy any gardening site, lives mainly in recreational areas, where it lies in wait for their prey to the lure of the victim enjoys a mustache and wig Igor Nikolaev.

Why is itches Superman? Because of his pursuing his worst enemy - man-Bloch
