Fotofokus: shoot without lens!
Today, we shoot without lens.
It's no secret that good lenses are expensive, heavy, take up much space. Not many know that from the lens can be dispensed at all, at least temporarily. Recording without lens based on the property of small holes (diameter ranging from 0, 1 to 1 mm) to give reverse image of objects located in front of the opening. Thus the narrow opening can replace the lens. To be able to take pictures using the narrow opening, it is necessary to make a pinhole camera. Today we are going to do it from a conventional digital camera ...
Fotofokus by Ilya Varlamov and 8 ph confirming
The camera obscura - the simplest form of the device, which allows to obtain an optical image objects. It represents a light-tight box with a hole in one wall and the screen (frosted glass or thin white paper) on the opposite wall. Light rays passing through an aperture diameter of about 0, 5-5 mm, creating an inverted image on the screen. On the basis of a camera obscura made some cameras, this film is placed instead of the screen, which is fixed.
In this case, instead of the camera pinhole camera will be the camera without a lens. The sheet film instead of digital matrix. Studies have shown that to obtain the highest image sharpness hole size and the length of the camera linked to certain ratio to each other. This relationship is expressed by the formula:
R = 0.95 * √ƒ * ∂
where R is the radius of the hole;
ƒ the length of the camera obscura;
∂ wavelength of light.
To calculate ∂ convenient to take 550mμ. After a tricky calculations, I realized that the radius of holes in a conventional digital camera should be less than a tenth of a millimeter. Given that such small holes can only be done by laser, at home this formula can be ignored, but later we still need it.
The best thing to do with a needle hole in a black film. For this purpose it is necessary to heat it and make a small hole. It is very important that there are no ragged edges, all affect the sharpness of the picture. After it is necessary to make a hole to stick the film in the camera. For this is well suited black electrical tape on it then there will be no traces. Make sure that the camera does not get an extra light, better seal all cracks with tape. Also make sure that the material you use to shoot fully opaque, otherwise it will be supplied through the extra light and photography work, as in "the fog».
Yellow shows the place where the hole is located. It must be positioned precisely in the center of the matrix.
We start shooting. In my opinion, the dirt on the sensor only decorates the photograph. I got not quite sharply, due to the large holes.
You can shoot animals. This iguana did not understand that I am a photographer and happily posed. Pay attention to the colors, this is the original color, without photoshop.
The described method is all just a way to entertain friends unusual technique, maybe someone will take it into service as an artistic device. I am sure that if we approach this matter with the mind, can get very interesting pictures. You can put in comments the results of his experiments!
And now the bonus. What if you turn the camera obscura in the room? Get a stunning effect. To do this on a sunny day it is necessary to seal the window (the room should be rectangular). Seal must be very good, not to the incoming light, this approach cardboard and masking tape. Next, make a hole in the center of the window. In the above formula, the radius of the opening allowing maximum sharpness when the length of the camera obscura of 3 meters. 7 should be 7 mm. After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, you will see an image of what is happening on the walls in the street, only inverted. Some photographers use this technique in their work. I recommend to watch portfolio Abelardo Morell:
That's the beauty of his work.
Or the work of Fyodor Telkova
It's no secret that good lenses are expensive, heavy, take up much space. Not many know that from the lens can be dispensed at all, at least temporarily. Recording without lens based on the property of small holes (diameter ranging from 0, 1 to 1 mm) to give reverse image of objects located in front of the opening. Thus the narrow opening can replace the lens. To be able to take pictures using the narrow opening, it is necessary to make a pinhole camera. Today we are going to do it from a conventional digital camera ...
Fotofokus by Ilya Varlamov and 8 ph confirming

The camera obscura - the simplest form of the device, which allows to obtain an optical image objects. It represents a light-tight box with a hole in one wall and the screen (frosted glass or thin white paper) on the opposite wall. Light rays passing through an aperture diameter of about 0, 5-5 mm, creating an inverted image on the screen. On the basis of a camera obscura made some cameras, this film is placed instead of the screen, which is fixed.
In this case, instead of the camera pinhole camera will be the camera without a lens. The sheet film instead of digital matrix. Studies have shown that to obtain the highest image sharpness hole size and the length of the camera linked to certain ratio to each other. This relationship is expressed by the formula:
R = 0.95 * √ƒ * ∂
where R is the radius of the hole;
ƒ the length of the camera obscura;
∂ wavelength of light.
To calculate ∂ convenient to take 550mμ. After a tricky calculations, I realized that the radius of holes in a conventional digital camera should be less than a tenth of a millimeter. Given that such small holes can only be done by laser, at home this formula can be ignored, but later we still need it.
The best thing to do with a needle hole in a black film. For this purpose it is necessary to heat it and make a small hole. It is very important that there are no ragged edges, all affect the sharpness of the picture. After it is necessary to make a hole to stick the film in the camera. For this is well suited black electrical tape on it then there will be no traces. Make sure that the camera does not get an extra light, better seal all cracks with tape. Also make sure that the material you use to shoot fully opaque, otherwise it will be supplied through the extra light and photography work, as in "the fog».
Yellow shows the place where the hole is located. It must be positioned precisely in the center of the matrix.
We start shooting. In my opinion, the dirt on the sensor only decorates the photograph. I got not quite sharply, due to the large holes.

You can shoot animals. This iguana did not understand that I am a photographer and happily posed. Pay attention to the colors, this is the original color, without photoshop.

The described method is all just a way to entertain friends unusual technique, maybe someone will take it into service as an artistic device. I am sure that if we approach this matter with the mind, can get very interesting pictures. You can put in comments the results of his experiments!
And now the bonus. What if you turn the camera obscura in the room? Get a stunning effect. To do this on a sunny day it is necessary to seal the window (the room should be rectangular). Seal must be very good, not to the incoming light, this approach cardboard and masking tape. Next, make a hole in the center of the window. In the above formula, the radius of the opening allowing maximum sharpness when the length of the camera obscura of 3 meters. 7 should be 7 mm. After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, you will see an image of what is happening on the walls in the street, only inverted. Some photographers use this technique in their work. I recommend to watch portfolio Abelardo Morell:
That's the beauty of his work.


Or the work of Fyodor Telkova


