From St. Petersburg to Moscow on the wings of a bird of prey
Not every bird will fly to St. Petersburg for a 3, 5 hours. In its first flight set off a new high-speed train "Sapsan" - High Flyers and enhanced comfort. For the first time in the history of Russian railways Express has a top speed of 250 km / h, and the journey he took 3 hours and 45 minutes.
According to the schedule, "Peregrine Falcon" will operate between Moscow and St. Petersburg three times a day.
photo report from 30 photo blogger periskop
1) Here is the composition of the tail from the stalemate of the 4th track. While we look for is unusual, we must also get used to.
2) sealed the door.
3) Type in the "Sapsan" from the head of the train - that I was on the platform along the entire composition. The cab was 2 people; We are discussing something.
4) As part of the 7 train wagons of class II and 2 - I Class, as well as a bistro car. Disposition of them, in principle, similar to (rows of seats 2 +2), only in the I class leather seats, a little more distance, hot meals as part of the ticket outlet at every seat, and wi-fi. However, the price varies by half.
5) The conductor looked ticket and passport and ran inside. By the way, in the press slipped reported that the train conductors renamed "stewards", but internal translation during the journey (about coupe management) I have heard that they are still referred to as agents of "the conductor of the car 3 to come to something." Hand on heart, I believe that there is no need to bring in extra Anglicism w / q terms, it's pretty stupid corporate initiative. Is the word "wire" - is that bad?
6) The transitions between the cars made by "bunching" transition without doors. The temperature inside the structure is everywhere the same, nemotrya the cold outside; transparent doors of passenger cabins themselves wagons are opened automatically by the photosensor - so you can go through the entire structure, from head to tail, never touching to any door.
7) Go to the passenger compartment of the car 2 class. It is made in white and blue colors, with small pale yellow and gray patches.
8) undress in two ways: in the center of the car has a walk-in closet with hangers, visible from almost all the series; and some windows have racks where you can hang a jacket, too. And at the top you see the emergency brake. He is still there and in lobbies. Luggage racks have rows of seats on top and place in the beginning of the passenger compartment, for bulk bags with wheels.
9) Ahead - move into another car, slightly visible, and its interior is a transitional "accordion". On the right wall - space for oversized baggage; top - LCD display, to the right - a translucent display flight parameters (time, date, speed, temperature overboard). Left stop-cock.
10) chairs a bit wider and the distance between the rows of little more than the rows Jets "economy class".
11) The Austrian Rail Jet, say, the bottom made a large comfortable "pocket" where you can shove newspapers, books, small container with water, juice, some flat thing. Here this, alas, no - pristine flat surface. Carman is at the top, and it's small. It's much less convenient!
12) In the small pocket are two things - a booklet for passengers with schemes in Moscow / Peter / transport all sorts of phones; and disposable earphones in the package for radio and video channels.
13) Control of radio channels is in the video mezhdukreselnom distance; you just need to insert the plug into "their" side.
14) the interior of the car in motion; Now LCDs work.
15) Fold-table is very durable and solid, then you can easily locate and heavy polutoralitrovye "grenade" with fluids and much more.
16) Just note pleasant - Ride I really liked. Wonderful to touch gently slows down, not pulls.
17) Dual bio-toilets are at the end of each car (here - on the left along with the glazed door).
18) Wash. Completely remove the toilet did not work, because We need a very large wide-angle.
19) I was curious - but as a sealing composition in such an extreme combination? I walked into the lobby, walked to the door, held his hand on the joint. But not through at all, and the temperature was almost the same as in the passenger cabin. So it is quite a quality seal.
20) After the Chudovo I decided to test the car and bistro (№5) Gdańsk and drink coffee. The car is divided into three parts - first coupe control rack and then bar; then a sitting area.
21) Coffee mean - well, somewhere in the level of "perfect cup".
22) Let's look back in a sit-down area of the car bistro, at the bar.
23) Before Tver it was dawn, and behind it - and quite light. Here is the glow of sunrise near the station Klin.
24) Photos of "the window" at a speed of 200 km / h. Everything merges into a white band.
25) In the area of Kryukovo "Sapsan" resets the speed to 170 km / h, and in the bright winter sun dawn the camera is already time to fokusirovatsya.26)
26) And that's Ostankino needle. There is still slowed: go 95 km / h.
27) Placards with the arrival of the flight.
28) Arrival "Peregrine" on the Leningrad station. This lyapota, bright sun and frost!
29) Wagons "Sapsan".
30) "Peregrine" from the deadlock.
According to the schedule, "Peregrine Falcon" will operate between Moscow and St. Petersburg three times a day.
photo report from 30 photo blogger periskop
1) Here is the composition of the tail from the stalemate of the 4th track. While we look for is unusual, we must also get used to.

2) sealed the door.

3) Type in the "Sapsan" from the head of the train - that I was on the platform along the entire composition. The cab was 2 people; We are discussing something.

4) As part of the 7 train wagons of class II and 2 - I Class, as well as a bistro car. Disposition of them, in principle, similar to (rows of seats 2 +2), only in the I class leather seats, a little more distance, hot meals as part of the ticket outlet at every seat, and wi-fi. However, the price varies by half.

5) The conductor looked ticket and passport and ran inside. By the way, in the press slipped reported that the train conductors renamed "stewards", but internal translation during the journey (about coupe management) I have heard that they are still referred to as agents of "the conductor of the car 3 to come to something." Hand on heart, I believe that there is no need to bring in extra Anglicism w / q terms, it's pretty stupid corporate initiative. Is the word "wire" - is that bad?

6) The transitions between the cars made by "bunching" transition without doors. The temperature inside the structure is everywhere the same, nemotrya the cold outside; transparent doors of passenger cabins themselves wagons are opened automatically by the photosensor - so you can go through the entire structure, from head to tail, never touching to any door.

7) Go to the passenger compartment of the car 2 class. It is made in white and blue colors, with small pale yellow and gray patches.

8) undress in two ways: in the center of the car has a walk-in closet with hangers, visible from almost all the series; and some windows have racks where you can hang a jacket, too. And at the top you see the emergency brake. He is still there and in lobbies. Luggage racks have rows of seats on top and place in the beginning of the passenger compartment, for bulk bags with wheels.

9) Ahead - move into another car, slightly visible, and its interior is a transitional "accordion". On the right wall - space for oversized baggage; top - LCD display, to the right - a translucent display flight parameters (time, date, speed, temperature overboard). Left stop-cock.

10) chairs a bit wider and the distance between the rows of little more than the rows Jets "economy class".

11) The Austrian Rail Jet, say, the bottom made a large comfortable "pocket" where you can shove newspapers, books, small container with water, juice, some flat thing. Here this, alas, no - pristine flat surface. Carman is at the top, and it's small. It's much less convenient!

12) In the small pocket are two things - a booklet for passengers with schemes in Moscow / Peter / transport all sorts of phones; and disposable earphones in the package for radio and video channels.

13) Control of radio channels is in the video mezhdukreselnom distance; you just need to insert the plug into "their" side.

14) the interior of the car in motion; Now LCDs work.

15) Fold-table is very durable and solid, then you can easily locate and heavy polutoralitrovye "grenade" with fluids and much more.

16) Just note pleasant - Ride I really liked. Wonderful to touch gently slows down, not pulls.

17) Dual bio-toilets are at the end of each car (here - on the left along with the glazed door).

18) Wash. Completely remove the toilet did not work, because We need a very large wide-angle.

19) I was curious - but as a sealing composition in such an extreme combination? I walked into the lobby, walked to the door, held his hand on the joint. But not through at all, and the temperature was almost the same as in the passenger cabin. So it is quite a quality seal.

20) After the Chudovo I decided to test the car and bistro (№5) Gdańsk and drink coffee. The car is divided into three parts - first coupe control rack and then bar; then a sitting area.

21) Coffee mean - well, somewhere in the level of "perfect cup".

22) Let's look back in a sit-down area of the car bistro, at the bar.

23) Before Tver it was dawn, and behind it - and quite light. Here is the glow of sunrise near the station Klin.

24) Photos of "the window" at a speed of 200 km / h. Everything merges into a white band.

25) In the area of Kryukovo "Sapsan" resets the speed to 170 km / h, and in the bright winter sun dawn the camera is already time to fokusirovatsya.26)

26) And that's Ostankino needle. There is still slowed: go 95 km / h.

27) Placards with the arrival of the flight.

28) Arrival "Peregrine" on the Leningrad station. This lyapota, bright sun and frost!

29) Wagons "Sapsan".

30) "Peregrine" from the deadlock.
