Flashmob: Flying lanterns
Very positive and cool flash mob, a report from the grayscale
That's what I love LJ. It is enough to make some crazy idea and a hundred people there and then undermine its exercise. "Treat yourself to a holiday Old New Year! There is an idea - to start flying in the sky a flock of Christmas lanterns from Sparrow Hills! "- Wrote in the profile vino_y_veritas community on 9 January.
So I'm on my way to the other end of Valentina Moscow to take wholesale company unexpectedly large order. What did not make for the sake of reporting clog boxes full trunk and go to the viewing platform.
- Hey, where is this love to the flashlight? - I start pestering her with questions. - What are they such?
- It must feel. As the balloon is filled with air, it becomes elastic, his well-read pull up, and you're holding it ... This is not the fireworks - lit, and all the departed. Here you are part of the action, you're involved in what is happening until the last moment, when he was released.
- This is not dangerous? Fire still can and fly to the balcony.
- If you wait until the ball is well warmed up, he will fly high very quickly, and then no wind on the balcony did not blow out. Well, I think it is necessary to run in any weather, of course.
- And how many burners missing?
- Minutes to 15-20.
- What if the police have now povyazhet in light of recent events.
- Flying lanterns are not prohibited as the fireworks, they just paper.
- The burner is still there.
- It is also paper, but is impregnated with wax. I'm all certificates otkserit and took with him, just in case.
23 photos
We reach the place, Valentine constantly coordinating by phone intending participants.
Flashlights are from relatively small to large and white with drawings and unusual shapes such as the heart.
They cost from 150 rubles to three thousand. Our start was not Lantern expensive 350 rubles. By purchasing wholesale, Valentine had a good discount.
In almost never publicized event, it's a hundred people. Everyone is wondering size of aircraft deployed - most of those present as I hold them in my hands for the first time.
Lacking experience, one Flying lanterns can not be started. There is every chance that it will burn the earth.
The idea to run them simultaneously in two crashes - participants of newcomers. Barely takes off first bunting flashlight - someone hurried. Another is already hanging on the tree.
Then everything comes without pads. Balloons fly away as soon as available.
Someone inflating balloon, relax and stop exactly on top of it to keep. A gust of wind, a flashlight and illuminate bends. The unexpectedness of his release.
Two burning down to the ground and did not take off.
Forty minutes of incredible elation and 58 running in the sky lanterns, not counting those that were brought with the participants. Wonderful Old New Year! Gray people in uniform course came, but only when it was far from all dirt in the sky.
That's what I love LJ. It is enough to make some crazy idea and a hundred people there and then undermine its exercise. "Treat yourself to a holiday Old New Year! There is an idea - to start flying in the sky a flock of Christmas lanterns from Sparrow Hills! "- Wrote in the profile vino_y_veritas community on 9 January.
So I'm on my way to the other end of Valentina Moscow to take wholesale company unexpectedly large order. What did not make for the sake of reporting clog boxes full trunk and go to the viewing platform.
- Hey, where is this love to the flashlight? - I start pestering her with questions. - What are they such?
- It must feel. As the balloon is filled with air, it becomes elastic, his well-read pull up, and you're holding it ... This is not the fireworks - lit, and all the departed. Here you are part of the action, you're involved in what is happening until the last moment, when he was released.
- This is not dangerous? Fire still can and fly to the balcony.
- If you wait until the ball is well warmed up, he will fly high very quickly, and then no wind on the balcony did not blow out. Well, I think it is necessary to run in any weather, of course.
- And how many burners missing?
- Minutes to 15-20.
- What if the police have now povyazhet in light of recent events.
- Flying lanterns are not prohibited as the fireworks, they just paper.
- The burner is still there.
- It is also paper, but is impregnated with wax. I'm all certificates otkserit and took with him, just in case.
23 photos

We reach the place, Valentine constantly coordinating by phone intending participants.

Flashlights are from relatively small to large and white with drawings and unusual shapes such as the heart.

They cost from 150 rubles to three thousand. Our start was not Lantern expensive 350 rubles. By purchasing wholesale, Valentine had a good discount.

In almost never publicized event, it's a hundred people. Everyone is wondering size of aircraft deployed - most of those present as I hold them in my hands for the first time.

Lacking experience, one Flying lanterns can not be started. There is every chance that it will burn the earth.

The idea to run them simultaneously in two crashes - participants of newcomers. Barely takes off first bunting flashlight - someone hurried. Another is already hanging on the tree.

Then everything comes without pads. Balloons fly away as soon as available.













Someone inflating balloon, relax and stop exactly on top of it to keep. A gust of wind, a flashlight and illuminate bends. The unexpectedness of his release.

Two burning down to the ground and did not take off.

Forty minutes of incredible elation and 58 running in the sky lanterns, not counting those that were brought with the participants. Wonderful Old New Year! Gray people in uniform course came, but only when it was far from all dirt in the sky.
