Flying penguins in Tokyo's Sunshine Aquarium

Penguins are one of the few birds that in the course of evolution have lost the ability to fly. However, some of them, due to human activity, again acquired this "skill". For example, flying penguins have appeared in recently opened in Tokyo entertainment complex Sunshine Aquarium.

Flying penguins? Eka wonder, you say, the engineers from Festo, has developed a system AirPenguins. However, birds in Tokyo's Sunshine aquarium Aquarium — not artificial, but very real!
The fact that Sunshine Aquarium now is the exhibition of penguins, for which in Tokyo brought about a hundred of these amazing birds. Moreover, they were given most of the facilities and aquariums of this entertainment complex. And, where previously the fish swimming, can now frolic "guests from the South".

Moreover, the most popular room of the Sunshine Aquarium has become one in which the penguins had the opportunity to "fly". Of course, in the air, they did not rise! They only had the opportunity to swim over the heads of the audience who may seem to be these flightless birds suddenly soared above the earth!
In ordinary days at the Sunshine Aquarium in a similar way to "fly" the manatees and sea lions. However, during the exhibition, the penguins, the access to this part of the aquarium and got these birds. However, flows pinnipeds and pinguinoerrante separated in time — otherwise the latter would be in trouble, because sea lions are one of the natural enemies of penguins.
Source: /users/78
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