A wonderful holiday in Thailand.

First there was a celebration in the street. That evening around selling paper lanterns. Thousands of people take to the streets by families or companies are launching into the sky lanterns and launch boats into the river. In general, young people.

The sky is filled with soaring above the city lights. This tradition of launching a flashlight in the sky came from Burma, a neighbor of the northern provinces of Thailand, but did not become widespread in central and southern provinces of the kingdom. In the north of Thailand this summer festival lanterns called Yee Peng

Adrift launch small boats decorated with flowers. "Loy" means to float, glide over the surface of the water, soar. "Krathong" - boat (structure) of the leaves, the base of which is made from the muzzle palm trees, which in turn decorated with leaves of trees, flowers, incense sticks and candles. It turns a beautiful flower, like the open lotus bud as a symbol of an open mind and sincerity.

The full moon of the lunar month last year, according to the Buddhist calendar (our November) in many countries in Southeast Asia, not only in Thailand, say Loykratong (Loy Kratong). Sometimes the holiday falls on the full moon of the eleventh lunar month (October), but most of the last full moon falls on the last month of the lunar year (November). At this time, the water in the rivers is considered to be the purest and rivers - the most complete. Many of these boats are made independently.

Those who did not do myself can buy. Flashlight is 30-50 baht (rubles). Boat from 50 to 100. It is believed that floating away Krathong carries away all the bad things and make come true at this moment wishes will be fulfilled. It happens that the candle is extinguished or Krathong sinking, according to popular belief, it means bad karma of the one who let him go.

In addition to holiday in the city streets, a few days later, a refresher celebration in a closed area, 30 kilometers north of Chiang Mai. Basically, there come secured Thais. A ticket for this party can be purchased in advance on the site of some of the commercial organization. Prices start at $ 80 and go up to three thousand dollars for a seat next to the monks. The area is fenced by a high fence and well protected. It was very interesting that there is such a special place to be. It managed to climb over the fence unnoticed and take pictures there.

In the center of the celebrations - a large semi-circular platform, with a hundred monks dressed in yellow robes, seated on the dais, next to the towering statue of Buddha illuminated with a full moon rising behind it all. Hundreds of people sit quietly awaiting the monks sing their prayers. One of the dignitaries to invite someone from the visitors to light the first candle, and then all the candles dotted on the dais, lighted, while the head monk says his sermon

After the speech enlightenment monk begins a massive launch of lanterns into the sky

It happens that the flashlight can not take off or burned, caught on a tree or wires - too much of a wish make

Lanterns are made using the traditional bamboo arched following, and then coated paper than like a tracing paper. Ring of wax, placed in the middle of the lantern, provides hot air to fill the paper wrap and gently lift up the lamp.

Thais believe that letting your flashlight, they are exempt from all problems and hardships that have accumulated over the year.

Source: pitalenko.livejournal.com