C Day diver!
Russia celebrates Day of the diver. The world's first diving school was established in Kronstadt by the decree of Emperor Alexander III, May 5, 1882.
8 ph via calend.ru
While in Europe, we considered it an honor to go to school in Kronstadt. The whole world knows Russian divers. "We are from Kronstadt" - is becoming a global recognition of vocational training. For a long time was the only training center in the world, where trained specialists diving business. Today, the heir to the Kronstadt diving school is a Naval Engineering Institute. Peter the Great.
May 5, 2002, at the request of representatives of diving organizations, services and divisions of various ministries and departments of the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin this day as the Day of the diver.
Vladimir Kirkin seriously famous summer of 2007, when the guys from his association divers managed to find at the bottom of the Neva Hellmuth watches worth 200 thousand dollars (150 grams of pure gold - inlaid shell and 150th diamonds). They drowned a foreigner who has declared that those who watch will receive a fee of 10 thousand dollars.
Earn money tried many divers from St. Petersburg, and found two divers from the Association of divers Kirkina. They found the loss of the symbol of the island near the Rabbit - bronze hare stuck between a rock and a metal pipe. The clock itself is not affected, but they came off the bracelet. He was later found, too. On operation it took only an hour. Vladimir Kirkin then explained that the direct award to the charity and to the training of young divers.
But this is only fun professionals in their spare time. In general, Vladimir Kirkin - very serious and busy person. And the president of the National Association of the All-Russian divers (NOAV).
- Vladimir Antonov, what the divers needed to unite the whole of Russia?
- In order not to degrade. The accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya power plant revealed that the country needs a serious state reserve divers professionals. Those on duty security forces from the Emergencies Ministry, who after the accident, arrived at the station, were not able to perform the desired operation.
- As far as I know, there are also professionals working?
- They can be called generalists, not more. And if gets narrow and difficult task, it is necessary for its implementation have another professional level. But such a conventional duty MOE does not stand for a long time and snatched a variety of commercial structures.
- What you do not master divers Emergency Ministry Shushenskaya HPP?
- 60 emcheesnikov submariners fought for four days, but have not been able to seal the chamber to begin pumping water. I had to call the professionals from private entities. They are six of us in four hours coped with the task. I want to say that the duty service of MES is not a system in which, for example, private professional Ivanov 24 hours can arrive at an emergency facility and perform any work. The ministry did not know how to call, what to provide. And you need to know. It should be a state reserve of specialists. Today, the Russian National Association of divers in conjunction with the Ministry of Emergency Situations is trying to solve this problem. To do this, divers and united country.
- How will this look like in practice?
- Now the requirements for diving companies are very blurred. The law in the most general terms, talking about it. Standards on which the divers could work uniformly across the country, does not exist. A challenging situations arise at every step. Besides us, there are no experts in the country, which could be distinguished from a professional impostor. And organizations, stamp books diving in Russia for more than forty.
- And what is the law today regulates diving business in Russia?
- You'll laugh, but it's - Town Planning Code. Only in him a list of diving, but only those that "affect the security of capital construction projects." There is still the order of the Ministry of Regional Development under the number 274. There is only one point - 33 minutes - mentions some diving operations and lifting objects from the water.
- I wonder, how did "lifting objects out of the water" affects the security of capital construction?
- Good question. But it is still no one could answer. This is our law, on it even caught in the rise of shells diver risks to appear before the court. Here, for example, underwater welding work on oil and gas pipelines do not require any authorization. Actually! ..
- So? ..
- If, for example, today at a gasoline-Vyborg Kirishi burst pipe due to the fact that at one time was unprofessional cooked, the one responsible for it will not. In the event of such an accident Petrograders will drink water mixed with gasoline. No filters will not be saved.
- Your Association is trying to change the situation and arrange a diving operations?
- As long as we act only as experts on diving works - we educate, explain, show ... But in the near future we plan to conduct this work in the framework of the Interdepartmental Commission of diving under the Government of the Russian Federation.
- For themselves write standards?
- Incidentally, this is the right approach. If we again let things drift, it will be written in legislation, under which then will be difficult to adapt. Who has formulated objectives for the next two years, we are talking about national standards for the diving business. In Soviet times, all diving services and training was centralized. Later, all were separated by different ministries and departments - both civilian and power. Now, these services do not overlap with each other, and live by different laws. The ministry signed a document in another GRU, the third in the Navy. And consistency is required. This is what we are working. In fact, this is the last chance to save the country's diving as a branch of the national economy. If in the next three years, we have not put in place a single national standard, protect its market from the invasion of foreign experts would not be possible.
- What you do not like foreign specialists?
- Experience in business showed that if our market started to ask foreign companies, then soon they are not otobeshsya. Having to dump the first phase, they soon will be deprived of many Russians. And when we were giving out, they immediately raise prices. Therefore it is necessary to fight for their labor markets. Yes, in the short term, you can hire a Norwegian, English, Dutch, Swedes ... but only temporarily. When foreign companies understand that the Russian divers left, we put on knees. And it will be impossible to recover the capacity. Disappear schools, experts, tradition ...
- And this is still with us?
- While there is. But today, for example, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation trains its specialists in Norway, rather than to support domestic diving school. Former school named after Dzerzhinsky, and now - Naval University this fall scored diving ... two people. But Russian diving school - the only system in the world of school, which laid the basis of development around the diving business in the world. 130 years ago in Kronstadt at the initiative of Emperor Alexander II was formed the first state diving school. Since then went diving all science, all diving equipment in the world.
- But it is considered the inventor of the aqualung Cousteau?
- Few people know that Jacques Cousteau, creating your scuba gear, took the development of the Russian diving school. Now we come to the fact that soon we will not be able to go down into the water, but to look at the fish in the diving operation ...
8 ph via calend.ru

While in Europe, we considered it an honor to go to school in Kronstadt. The whole world knows Russian divers. "We are from Kronstadt" - is becoming a global recognition of vocational training. For a long time was the only training center in the world, where trained specialists diving business. Today, the heir to the Kronstadt diving school is a Naval Engineering Institute. Peter the Great.
May 5, 2002, at the request of representatives of diving organizations, services and divisions of various ministries and departments of the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin this day as the Day of the diver.

Vladimir Kirkin seriously famous summer of 2007, when the guys from his association divers managed to find at the bottom of the Neva Hellmuth watches worth 200 thousand dollars (150 grams of pure gold - inlaid shell and 150th diamonds). They drowned a foreigner who has declared that those who watch will receive a fee of 10 thousand dollars.

Earn money tried many divers from St. Petersburg, and found two divers from the Association of divers Kirkina. They found the loss of the symbol of the island near the Rabbit - bronze hare stuck between a rock and a metal pipe. The clock itself is not affected, but they came off the bracelet. He was later found, too. On operation it took only an hour. Vladimir Kirkin then explained that the direct award to the charity and to the training of young divers.
But this is only fun professionals in their spare time. In general, Vladimir Kirkin - very serious and busy person. And the president of the National Association of the All-Russian divers (NOAV).

- Vladimir Antonov, what the divers needed to unite the whole of Russia?
- In order not to degrade. The accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya power plant revealed that the country needs a serious state reserve divers professionals. Those on duty security forces from the Emergencies Ministry, who after the accident, arrived at the station, were not able to perform the desired operation.
- As far as I know, there are also professionals working?
- They can be called generalists, not more. And if gets narrow and difficult task, it is necessary for its implementation have another professional level. But such a conventional duty MOE does not stand for a long time and snatched a variety of commercial structures.

- What you do not master divers Emergency Ministry Shushenskaya HPP?
- 60 emcheesnikov submariners fought for four days, but have not been able to seal the chamber to begin pumping water. I had to call the professionals from private entities. They are six of us in four hours coped with the task. I want to say that the duty service of MES is not a system in which, for example, private professional Ivanov 24 hours can arrive at an emergency facility and perform any work. The ministry did not know how to call, what to provide. And you need to know. It should be a state reserve of specialists. Today, the Russian National Association of divers in conjunction with the Ministry of Emergency Situations is trying to solve this problem. To do this, divers and united country.

- How will this look like in practice?
- Now the requirements for diving companies are very blurred. The law in the most general terms, talking about it. Standards on which the divers could work uniformly across the country, does not exist. A challenging situations arise at every step. Besides us, there are no experts in the country, which could be distinguished from a professional impostor. And organizations, stamp books diving in Russia for more than forty.
- And what is the law today regulates diving business in Russia?
- You'll laugh, but it's - Town Planning Code. Only in him a list of diving, but only those that "affect the security of capital construction projects." There is still the order of the Ministry of Regional Development under the number 274. There is only one point - 33 minutes - mentions some diving operations and lifting objects from the water.
- I wonder, how did "lifting objects out of the water" affects the security of capital construction?
- Good question. But it is still no one could answer. This is our law, on it even caught in the rise of shells diver risks to appear before the court. Here, for example, underwater welding work on oil and gas pipelines do not require any authorization. Actually! ..

- So? ..
- If, for example, today at a gasoline-Vyborg Kirishi burst pipe due to the fact that at one time was unprofessional cooked, the one responsible for it will not. In the event of such an accident Petrograders will drink water mixed with gasoline. No filters will not be saved.
- Your Association is trying to change the situation and arrange a diving operations?
- As long as we act only as experts on diving works - we educate, explain, show ... But in the near future we plan to conduct this work in the framework of the Interdepartmental Commission of diving under the Government of the Russian Federation.
- For themselves write standards?
- Incidentally, this is the right approach. If we again let things drift, it will be written in legislation, under which then will be difficult to adapt. Who has formulated objectives for the next two years, we are talking about national standards for the diving business. In Soviet times, all diving services and training was centralized. Later, all were separated by different ministries and departments - both civilian and power. Now, these services do not overlap with each other, and live by different laws. The ministry signed a document in another GRU, the third in the Navy. And consistency is required. This is what we are working. In fact, this is the last chance to save the country's diving as a branch of the national economy. If in the next three years, we have not put in place a single national standard, protect its market from the invasion of foreign experts would not be possible.
- What you do not like foreign specialists?
- Experience in business showed that if our market started to ask foreign companies, then soon they are not otobeshsya. Having to dump the first phase, they soon will be deprived of many Russians. And when we were giving out, they immediately raise prices. Therefore it is necessary to fight for their labor markets. Yes, in the short term, you can hire a Norwegian, English, Dutch, Swedes ... but only temporarily. When foreign companies understand that the Russian divers left, we put on knees. And it will be impossible to recover the capacity. Disappear schools, experts, tradition ...
- And this is still with us?
- While there is. But today, for example, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation trains its specialists in Norway, rather than to support domestic diving school. Former school named after Dzerzhinsky, and now - Naval University this fall scored diving ... two people. But Russian diving school - the only system in the world of school, which laid the basis of development around the diving business in the world. 130 years ago in Kronstadt at the initiative of Emperor Alexander II was formed the first state diving school. Since then went diving all science, all diving equipment in the world.
- But it is considered the inventor of the aqualung Cousteau?
- Few people know that Jacques Cousteau, creating your scuba gear, took the development of the Russian diving school. Now we come to the fact that soon we will not be able to go down into the water, but to look at the fish in the diving operation ...
