Lefty Russian Vladimir Aniskin
Vladimir Aniskin is one of the few people in the world who can create microscopic work so that they fit on half of a poppy seed. 33-year-old scientist who works in the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Tyumen), micro-miniature art works in 1998, one is the creation of a microscopic few months. Over the years, he learned to work between heartbeats, and it is neither more nor less - half a second to the motion thereof, for which you need to have time to do something constructive. "While working I hold the workpiece with your fingers. Interfere with the heartbeat, so the most delicate touches to be made between heartbeats "- said Vladimir Aniskin.
His miniature masterpieces created their own tools, "Aniskinskogo" production, work, he also uses a powerful microscope. Of course, to survey his work without an increase is also impossible, because many of the details of the figures are measured in microns.
An exact copy of the Order of Suvorov second degree is made of gold and tin. The height of the order of 2 mm. Next to compare located poppy seed.
Source: www.terra-z.ru
His miniature masterpieces created their own tools, "Aniskinskogo" production, work, he also uses a powerful microscope. Of course, to survey his work without an increase is also impossible, because many of the details of the figures are measured in microns.
An exact copy of the Order of Suvorov second degree is made of gold and tin. The height of the order of 2 mm. Next to compare located poppy seed.

Source: www.terra-z.ru