As in Kiev isolation tested
Over the weekend in Kiev passed modeling of fundamentally new type of junction has a reverse movement of the ring (and more simply - clockwise). Typing a few dozen cars volunteers and almost 3 hours all skated in a circle on a small platform, causing confusion of passing drivers and visitors to nearby supermarkets Writes nashkiev.ua. Oleg Totskiy
(24 pics + text)
Source tov-tob.com
Project Background
Draft new interchanges are not abstract but directly tied to the current Shuliavska puteprovodu.Klats here) The existing interchange has a number of problems that require urgent resolution:
- In essence this is a typical "clover leaf", which means to turn left or turn have to pass both levels of isolation, thereby reducing the capacity of the transport hub for transit traffic.
- At Shulyavska overpass lacks half Congresses / races. Their absence is compensated by the surrounding streets and odd winding laps at the junction.
- After the recent fires weakened the structure of the overpass, and it requires a major overhaul.
Official problem solving looks like:
Ie not much is not enough, but only the construction of an additional exit, arrival + Expanding the overpass up to 8 lanes.
For this project to carry plant factory "Bolshevik" and a residential house, but most of the problems, "clover" will remain, and the fourth congress / arrival and will not appear.
Viktor Petruk, to develop an alternative project that offers a radically different solution which makes it possible to rotate in any direction "on the spot" and not to demolish the building. One of the renderings:
Incidentally, a similar scheme is proposed for the first time the organization of movement and has been patented by the author.
It is easy to notice that the main feature of such a denouement - a movement clockwise to the middle level. The advantages of an alternative project:
- Bandwidth twice the one that can give the official project.
- Possible use of the surrounding streets and overpasses for left turns.
- Reduced the number of nodes with intersecting flows, and therefore should be less accidents.
- No need to demolish the plant "Bolshevik" and a house. And in general, such isolation has an area smaller than the "clover».
- Decoupling rules apply roundabouts (in contrast to the usual circular motion), but you can go to the ring and move down from it to any band of the standard rules of right-hand rotation.
- High- and low-speed streams are isolated from each other, as well as pedestrians.
Uncertain times:
- Unusual traffic pattern;
- The relatively small turning radius.
A more detailed description of a great debate, and the author's response can be found here. Klats here)
All cheese boron began from the fact that an alternative isolation did not want to argue, as the official version of the reconstruction. While decoupling has already received laudatory reviews in the "Kyivproject", "DorGosUkrEkspertize" and not only.
Whether in this place decoupling of such functionality - a separate issue for discussion. I judge it is difficult, because in the area Shulyavka I am sranitelnye rarely and usually in off-peak time, the distribution of flow diagrams and not, as people understand the issues, opinions were divided. In any case, such a denouement is interesting as the idea and promising solution to the problems of major transport nodes.
The greatest controversy erupted on the movement of the ring clockwise. Opponents of the idea and somnevayuschesya lead such arguments:
- Move around the ring clockwise - is left-hand traffic.
- Such an organization banned the SDA movement.
- Because of unusual traffic patterns will increase the number of accidents.
All this has its own counter:
- Movement of the ring is actually not. Formally no. The SDA standard circular motion negotiated separately, as for such a movement has its own rules. For example, the entrance to the ring - it is actually a right turn, and the standard rules it is possible only from the extreme right lane in the extreme right lane. To ring this restriction does not apply to the ring and exit is possible from any band in any band. If you look closely at the ring circuitry of the proposed roundabout, you will see that for him there are standard rules for travel of a crossroads: turn right from the right lane, turn left into any lane reversal only from the extreme left lane. Ie Special traffic conditions, there is only unusual circuit isolation.
- I could not find the item in the SDA expressly prohibiting such traffic organization.
- The problem is solved by setting the correct signs and fences. Although there are some nuances.
To confirm the theory, practice and simulated. 01
I hope I did not tired too long text, continue to the visual part
The ground on which the simulation was held, is located in the district near the overpass Zhulyanskogo (by the way, his understudy, is almost build, Hurrah). Collection of people:
Scored five dozen cars of volunteers, if not more.
The machines were different
Briefing before the simulation. Author of the project Viktor Petruk talks about a new junction:
Each driver handed the program from the routes. To model was recreated a piece of interchange (pictured above); a little, but to test the controversial points will be enough. The lower part of the circle only need to return to the isolation of machines; for the same purpose right turn at the roundabout curled around the ring.
The essence of such a program: modeling is divided into 50 routes. Number of the route posted on the conditional starting position and changed every 3-4 minutes. Each driver, starting the next round, choose a route in accordance with the program. Each driver routes are arranged in a manner so simultaneously performed at junction and turn right and left with the movement of the ring and turn. Some rooms of the program provided a temporary sediment decoupling is to regulate the flow.
It looks like part of the interchange. The markup is applied chalk, placed signs and curb, blocking the passage to the ring counterclockwise.
Final preparations:
People line up before the start of the conditional:
POST tsiferka «1» ...
... And begins to move:
General view of the action:
Before leaving for the people of the ring course gives way to transport going the right:
Out of the ring:
Rotation of the ring:
Return to the denouement:
Then I was cold and I was sheltered in the car for sugrevu.
Before leaving the ring with:
Everything that is happening carefully recorded on the camera both organizers and participants. And sometimes it makes a very unexpected way
What can I say finally: Of course, the real conditions simulation could not fully recreate: no trucks, no minibuses (even better staying anywhere), etc. Besides, I did not like the location of the stop line for the reversal: people instinctively afraid to go beyond the middle half rings, leaving an overview of the flow on the main road only in the rear-view mirrors. Thus, the traffic is stopped in part, which means to go to the ring. Since habits are known to fight hard and I'm sure that even when the front of the stop line reversal "of the median height of 1 meter," the drivers will still be getting used to. Psychologically.
Not to end on a pessimistic note, I will say that I liked the organization, I came to a very adequate people and modeling in general, I believe success.
(24 pics + text)
Source tov-tob.com

Project Background
Draft new interchanges are not abstract but directly tied to the current Shuliavska puteprovodu.Klats here) The existing interchange has a number of problems that require urgent resolution:
- In essence this is a typical "clover leaf", which means to turn left or turn have to pass both levels of isolation, thereby reducing the capacity of the transport hub for transit traffic.
- At Shulyavska overpass lacks half Congresses / races. Their absence is compensated by the surrounding streets and odd winding laps at the junction.
- After the recent fires weakened the structure of the overpass, and it requires a major overhaul.
Official problem solving looks like:

Ie not much is not enough, but only the construction of an additional exit, arrival + Expanding the overpass up to 8 lanes.
For this project to carry plant factory "Bolshevik" and a residential house, but most of the problems, "clover" will remain, and the fourth congress / arrival and will not appear.
Viktor Petruk, to develop an alternative project that offers a radically different solution which makes it possible to rotate in any direction "on the spot" and not to demolish the building. One of the renderings:

Incidentally, a similar scheme is proposed for the first time the organization of movement and has been patented by the author.
It is easy to notice that the main feature of such a denouement - a movement clockwise to the middle level. The advantages of an alternative project:
- Bandwidth twice the one that can give the official project.
- Possible use of the surrounding streets and overpasses for left turns.
- Reduced the number of nodes with intersecting flows, and therefore should be less accidents.
- No need to demolish the plant "Bolshevik" and a house. And in general, such isolation has an area smaller than the "clover».
- Decoupling rules apply roundabouts (in contrast to the usual circular motion), but you can go to the ring and move down from it to any band of the standard rules of right-hand rotation.
- High- and low-speed streams are isolated from each other, as well as pedestrians.
Uncertain times:
- Unusual traffic pattern;
- The relatively small turning radius.
A more detailed description of a great debate, and the author's response can be found here. Klats here)
All cheese boron began from the fact that an alternative isolation did not want to argue, as the official version of the reconstruction. While decoupling has already received laudatory reviews in the "Kyivproject", "DorGosUkrEkspertize" and not only.
Whether in this place decoupling of such functionality - a separate issue for discussion. I judge it is difficult, because in the area Shulyavka I am sranitelnye rarely and usually in off-peak time, the distribution of flow diagrams and not, as people understand the issues, opinions were divided. In any case, such a denouement is interesting as the idea and promising solution to the problems of major transport nodes.
The greatest controversy erupted on the movement of the ring clockwise. Opponents of the idea and somnevayuschesya lead such arguments:
- Move around the ring clockwise - is left-hand traffic.
- Such an organization banned the SDA movement.
- Because of unusual traffic patterns will increase the number of accidents.
All this has its own counter:
- Movement of the ring is actually not. Formally no. The SDA standard circular motion negotiated separately, as for such a movement has its own rules. For example, the entrance to the ring - it is actually a right turn, and the standard rules it is possible only from the extreme right lane in the extreme right lane. To ring this restriction does not apply to the ring and exit is possible from any band in any band. If you look closely at the ring circuitry of the proposed roundabout, you will see that for him there are standard rules for travel of a crossroads: turn right from the right lane, turn left into any lane reversal only from the extreme left lane. Ie Special traffic conditions, there is only unusual circuit isolation.
- I could not find the item in the SDA expressly prohibiting such traffic organization.
- The problem is solved by setting the correct signs and fences. Although there are some nuances.
To confirm the theory, practice and simulated. 01
I hope I did not tired too long text, continue to the visual part
The ground on which the simulation was held, is located in the district near the overpass Zhulyanskogo (by the way, his understudy, is almost build, Hurrah). Collection of people:

Scored five dozen cars of volunteers, if not more.

The machines were different

Briefing before the simulation. Author of the project Viktor Petruk talks about a new junction:

Each driver handed the program from the routes. To model was recreated a piece of interchange (pictured above); a little, but to test the controversial points will be enough. The lower part of the circle only need to return to the isolation of machines; for the same purpose right turn at the roundabout curled around the ring.

The essence of such a program: modeling is divided into 50 routes. Number of the route posted on the conditional starting position and changed every 3-4 minutes. Each driver, starting the next round, choose a route in accordance with the program. Each driver routes are arranged in a manner so simultaneously performed at junction and turn right and left with the movement of the ring and turn. Some rooms of the program provided a temporary sediment decoupling is to regulate the flow.
It looks like part of the interchange. The markup is applied chalk, placed signs and curb, blocking the passage to the ring counterclockwise.

Final preparations:

People line up before the start of the conditional:

POST tsiferka «1» ...

... And begins to move:

General view of the action:

Before leaving for the people of the ring course gives way to transport going the right:


Out of the ring:

Rotation of the ring:

Return to the denouement:


Then I was cold and I was sheltered in the car for sugrevu.

Before leaving the ring with:

Everything that is happening carefully recorded on the camera both organizers and participants. And sometimes it makes a very unexpected way

What can I say finally: Of course, the real conditions simulation could not fully recreate: no trucks, no minibuses (even better staying anywhere), etc. Besides, I did not like the location of the stop line for the reversal: people instinctively afraid to go beyond the middle half rings, leaving an overview of the flow on the main road only in the rear-view mirrors. Thus, the traffic is stopped in part, which means to go to the ring. Since habits are known to fight hard and I'm sure that even when the front of the stop line reversal "of the median height of 1 meter," the drivers will still be getting used to. Psychologically.
Not to end on a pessimistic note, I will say that I liked the organization, I came to a very adequate people and modeling in general, I believe success.
