Puzzle for driver: the 5 most difficult air interchanges in the world

Los Angeles – interchange judge Harry Pregerson
This puzzle was commissioned in 1993 after a long construction and a long litigation with respect to the territory where it was planned interchange. The case was considered by judge Harry Pregerson, which decided in favor of the road administration. Since then, the tangle of roads called "interchange name judges Harry Pregerson". But soon after the opening, journalists called it "the most expensive interchange in the state."
This road construction is located at the intersection of 2 freeways — I-105 and I-110. It consists of 4 tiers of roads with a minimum of 3 and maximum of 8 stripes. Getting to this junction, You can go in any of 4 directions, but the main focus. It's easy to get lost, especially for the beginner.
Shanghai — The Puxi Viaduct

This interchange connects 2 Central street of Shanghai. Just imagine: the huge scale of the intersection with a confusing roundabout. 5 levels of bridges and overpasses are intertwined and create another puzzle for drivers. And in the morning rush hour is very easy to "fly" your turn.
GA — Interchange Tom Moreland

"Spaghetti" — so nicknamed by local residents the road puzzle. And there is a reason. The peculiarity of the interchanges in that instead of traditionally to merge entries begin to bifurcate. The total number of bridges that are part of the puzzle – 14. What can I say? Attention: one wrong turn and the day is lost.
Tokyo – the outcome 9-6

One of the most challenging puzzles for drivers. Moreover, all pointers are set extremely rare, but they are still in Japanese. And that's not all "dirty tricks" of the interchange. It has rubber inserts in the truest sense of the word. Due to frequent earthquakes in the denouement mounted rubber sections, which prevent the destruction of the structure in the fluctuations of the surface. And not enough for You that You don't know where to turn or where to leave Your car in addition starts to behave strangely: bounce and twitch.
Birmingham Gravelly Hill

This junction has more than 15 years, and many local residents still can't remember where and when to turn. More than half the inhabitants of Birmingham tries to avoid this outcome. Of course! 6 levels of roads, more than 20 congresses and the almost complete absence of signs.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
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