Footprints in the land or who is responsible for our Arctic ?!
Usually, photographers, following the motto "Earth is beautiful," directed lenses in the opposite direction from such stories. But sometimes we make exceptions, to draw attention to the problem, and as a result, make our planet cleaner.
16 Photo © Sergey Gorshkov
If you arrive on the Arctic coast of the country, the first thing that greets you - the endless piles of garbage and scattering of rusty barrels to gorizonta.Vzletnye band in the Arctic - is the military, and the military in the Arctic - is primarily a giant landfill.
However, not only the military - any attempts at industrialization were accompanied by monstrous polar areas contaminated areas.
"Wrangel Island", also called the maternity ward of polar bears.
In addition to polar bears, there are found in large quantities snowy owl, white geese, Brent Geese, musk oxen, arctic foxes, walruses and other animals. Today, preservation of natural complexes of the island is provided by the lack of population and geographical izolyatsiey.Odnako to the organization of the state nature reserve are trying to master the territory of the State in different ways: factory was founded, the separation of state farm reindeer, an auxiliary military airfield and the base air defense.
Every year, the island imported tons of fuel, a significant amount of which spills on land and in coastal waters; heavy machinery, tons of equipment for the job, household and food supply villagers with a population of 200 people. Nothing but personal property departing for the mainland, the island is not taken out - all waste, household garbage and dilapidated machinery remained in the dumps on the island. Wrangel Island is no exception and is just an example of development of our North.
Mostly partially empty barrels were exported for scrap: still ships delivering cargo to the north, going back empty. Even the export of scrap unprofitable: to exit even to zero, the barrel initially must be pressed on the shore, and the press there is usually no.
On Wrangel Island scrap metal is concentrated on the south coast, in places where previously there were different organizations: the airport, the air defense base, Roshydromet meteorological station, a frontier village and Ushakovskoe.
Currently, most of the barrels and tanks came into disrepair. They left tens of tons of petroleum products (gasoline, oil, diesel fuel)
From rusted barrels resets these substances on the ground, leading to contamination of the protected area.
Some barrels were stored and thrown in the sea, and spits on the banks of rivers.
Blurring these braids and strengthening storm leads to run off the barrels into the sea, after they washed ashore in different parts of the island.
Besides the drums and industrial waste, the Russian Arctic and contaminated objects poopasnee: along the Northern Sea Route in an abandoned condition of hundreds of radioactive power sources - RITEG'ov used in Soviet times for the supply of navigation equipment, such as lighthouses. The fuel they use strontium-90, a deadly isotope, continuing danger a thousand let.Na Wrangel Island the same radioactive source supply was washed away by sea in the Bay of Rogers. Take their own sources is not possible, moreover, it is also extremely dangerous. To search and removal of RTGs requires diving and helicopter rental. In 2008, he wrote a letter to Rostekhnadzor, but no response to letters sent out had been received. In the case of the destruction of the body RITEG'a possible radioactive contamination of the protected marine area.
In 2004 Wrangel Island was given the status of World Heritage with one condition - cleaning the territory of scrap metal and technological waste.
It allowed to leave only a small part of the historical sites are not polluting the protected area, as monuments of Arctic exploration.
Reserve staff on measures forces and capabilities are working to clean-up - take out the empty barrels to storage areas. Part of barrels exported drive-helicopter flights to the mainland, but it is a drop in the sea.
His funds from the reserve is not enough. Reserve staff are ready to prepare the base, develop technology, start pressing and storage of scrap metal for further export, but the press does not. There is only a small tractor, but it is already an achievement.
But the most important thing is that Wrangel Island not even included in the government program to clean up NORTH!
Our fathers have poisoned the Arctic. We are able to leave it to our children a little bit cleaner.
16 Photo © Sergey Gorshkov
If you arrive on the Arctic coast of the country, the first thing that greets you - the endless piles of garbage and scattering of rusty barrels to gorizonta.Vzletnye band in the Arctic - is the military, and the military in the Arctic - is primarily a giant landfill.

However, not only the military - any attempts at industrialization were accompanied by monstrous polar areas contaminated areas.

"Wrangel Island", also called the maternity ward of polar bears.

In addition to polar bears, there are found in large quantities snowy owl, white geese, Brent Geese, musk oxen, arctic foxes, walruses and other animals. Today, preservation of natural complexes of the island is provided by the lack of population and geographical izolyatsiey.Odnako to the organization of the state nature reserve are trying to master the territory of the State in different ways: factory was founded, the separation of state farm reindeer, an auxiliary military airfield and the base air defense.
Every year, the island imported tons of fuel, a significant amount of which spills on land and in coastal waters; heavy machinery, tons of equipment for the job, household and food supply villagers with a population of 200 people. Nothing but personal property departing for the mainland, the island is not taken out - all waste, household garbage and dilapidated machinery remained in the dumps on the island. Wrangel Island is no exception and is just an example of development of our North.

Mostly partially empty barrels were exported for scrap: still ships delivering cargo to the north, going back empty. Even the export of scrap unprofitable: to exit even to zero, the barrel initially must be pressed on the shore, and the press there is usually no.

On Wrangel Island scrap metal is concentrated on the south coast, in places where previously there were different organizations: the airport, the air defense base, Roshydromet meteorological station, a frontier village and Ushakovskoe.

Currently, most of the barrels and tanks came into disrepair. They left tens of tons of petroleum products (gasoline, oil, diesel fuel)

From rusted barrels resets these substances on the ground, leading to contamination of the protected area.

Some barrels were stored and thrown in the sea, and spits on the banks of rivers.

Blurring these braids and strengthening storm leads to run off the barrels into the sea, after they washed ashore in different parts of the island.

Besides the drums and industrial waste, the Russian Arctic and contaminated objects poopasnee: along the Northern Sea Route in an abandoned condition of hundreds of radioactive power sources - RITEG'ov used in Soviet times for the supply of navigation equipment, such as lighthouses. The fuel they use strontium-90, a deadly isotope, continuing danger a thousand let.Na Wrangel Island the same radioactive source supply was washed away by sea in the Bay of Rogers. Take their own sources is not possible, moreover, it is also extremely dangerous. To search and removal of RTGs requires diving and helicopter rental. In 2008, he wrote a letter to Rostekhnadzor, but no response to letters sent out had been received. In the case of the destruction of the body RITEG'a possible radioactive contamination of the protected marine area.

In 2004 Wrangel Island was given the status of World Heritage with one condition - cleaning the territory of scrap metal and technological waste.

It allowed to leave only a small part of the historical sites are not polluting the protected area, as monuments of Arctic exploration.

Reserve staff on measures forces and capabilities are working to clean-up - take out the empty barrels to storage areas. Part of barrels exported drive-helicopter flights to the mainland, but it is a drop in the sea.

His funds from the reserve is not enough. Reserve staff are ready to prepare the base, develop technology, start pressing and storage of scrap metal for further export, but the press does not. There is only a small tractor, but it is already an achievement.

But the most important thing is that Wrangel Island not even included in the government program to clean up NORTH!
Our fathers have poisoned the Arctic. We are able to leave it to our children a little bit cleaner.
