The gardens on the water
10 photos
The gardens on the water, also known as aquatic gardens, are a type of landscape design. Under water gardens meant any interior or exterior, as well as an architectural element, which corresponds to the main criterion - the presence of aquatic plants. It does not matter whether one plant or a combination thereof. In addition to this specific features, a water garden can also include a pond and ornamental fish, but this is a secondary element, whose presence is not required.
1. Although there are no precise canons, strictly regulate the depth and size of the water garden, they tend to be small and relatively small - up to 60 cm in depth.
2. The point here is not to save space.
3. The relatively small depth of the typical aqua garden is a necessary condition for the majority of decorative water plants, which are used for decoration such ladnshaftnoy composition.
4. Many of these plants are very sensitive to water pressure and require a certain depth for the safe existence.
5. Therefore, the depth of each individual pond is dictated by the needs of the plants that you are going to plant it.
The gardens on the water, also known as aquatic gardens, are a type of landscape design. Under water gardens meant any interior or exterior, as well as an architectural element, which corresponds to the main criterion - the presence of aquatic plants. It does not matter whether one plant or a combination thereof. In addition to this specific features, a water garden can also include a pond and ornamental fish, but this is a secondary element, whose presence is not required.

1. Although there are no precise canons, strictly regulate the depth and size of the water garden, they tend to be small and relatively small - up to 60 cm in depth.

2. The point here is not to save space.

3. The relatively small depth of the typical aqua garden is a necessary condition for the majority of decorative water plants, which are used for decoration such ladnshaftnoy composition.

4. Many of these plants are very sensitive to water pressure and require a certain depth for the safe existence.

5. Therefore, the depth of each individual pond is dictated by the needs of the plants that you are going to plant it.





