Space fantasy
I offer you 14 pictures painted by science fiction artist A. Sokolov in collaboration with Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. Scanned from the Soviet cards.
He writes: newsparky
14 paintings + text
Construction of the lunar power
For heating, lighting, radio communication for researchers and builders will take a considerable amount of electricity.
Solar panels will be able to provide it only during the day, at night they will be inactive. A lunar day, as the night lasts about two Earth weeks, so there is better use of thermocouples. The fact that at a depth of several meters from the moon's surface temperature is constant (it slightly increases with depth, whereas at the surface it varies widely - from 120 ° day up to 160 ° night. Therefore, by mounting a thermocouple can be prepared energy almost continuously, except for a slight pause - at sunrise and sunset.
02 STARTED The first study
What is the surface of the moon? What is the degree of porosity? As the depth of the temperature changes? What chemicals are on the moon? Hundreds of such issues should be solved first lunoprohodtsam. An invaluable service in that they will have all-terrain vehicle. This - the perfect piece of engineering. He moves on the giant inflatable "balloon-wheels" and has a high degree of permeability. Man starts to explore the Moon ...
03. Over the Black Sea. Artist: Leonov AA
04. INSTALLATION honesty
One of the projects of the expedition to the moon provides for the withdrawal into orbit parts of future spacecraft and fuel containers. After their meeting in orbit fitters to assemble the ship, and then he comes aboard crew. Now, the spaceship can start from orbit to a certain point and leave it on the trajectory to the Moon. Ahead - the eternal companion of the Earth, and the windows could be seen even our planet.
05. On the lunar spaceport
Moon will be the main spaceport outside of Earth. The lack of atmosphere and lower gravity (6 times less than on Earth) is much easier to start the lunar surfaces. Therefore, it is to go to the moon and distant planets near many future space expeditions. To make takeoff and landing spacecraft on the lunar surface will be built special control panels, protected from meteorites powerful hemispherical shells.
06. Space welders
Electric energy source for space yavyatsya solar panels and batteries. The very same welding process will be slightly different from the Earth. Weightlessness will make it possible to dispense with scaffolding. To gain a foothold in the design, at the disposal of the astronauts is a small rope with an electromagnetic anchor.
07. Meeting at selenocentric orbit
On the moon there is no ionosphere, so the radio on it is possible only within the line of sight. To fix this, a person will mount on selenocentric orbit a number of satellites - repeaters operating on the principle of artificial satellites "Molniya-1."
08. Morning Mars
It ended the cold Martian night. It rose small but dazzling bright sun. Its rays lit orange sands and unusual "ice" plants; its heat will awaken them from their slumber the night, that they may live, deployed their leaves and become like a huge dragonflies.
09. Landing on Venus
10. "Venera-4" COMING TO VENUS
About the authors:
Andrei Sokolov
September 29, 1931 - March 16, 2007
After graduating from the Architectural Institute in the mid-50s working on the basic specialty - the architect.
Since childhood the future artist liked science fiction Jules Verne, Belyaeva, Tsiolkovsky, Bradbury. And his first work in the genre of sci-fi paintings he devoted Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451».
After the launch of Sputnik in 1957, all of creative aspirations Sokolova given topic of space exploration.
Some of his paintings are "mini-series": we see the successive stages of the construction of large manned space station orbiting the Earth, to witness the first landing of men on the moon, Venus, Mars, satellites of giant planets, along with the crews of photonic rockets rush to the stars.
A great number of works on the theme of the real achievements of the Soviet space program (only in 1981 on the album "Life among the stars" appear several works on the topic of American studies in space).
Since the mid-60s a permanent co-author of Sokolov is a Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. In the 90s Sokolov participates in collaboration with American artist Robert McCall. In collaboration with him created some impressive work.
Alexei Leonov
Soviet cosmonaut, Major General Aviation. Member of the CPSU since 1957.
Born May 30, 1934 in the village of Listvyanka Kemerovo region.
The first space flight made on 18-19 March 1965 in conjunction with the PI Belyaev as co-pilot on a spaceship "Voskhod-2».
The world's first AA Leonov He came out of the cabin of the spacecraft into space and performed a series of experiments outside the ship. To make a person go out into space ship "Voskhod-2" was provided with a lock chamber. Conducted biomedical research, addressed some problems of space navigation. The first descent of the spacecraft carried out by manual control.
Second space flight 15-21 July 1975 in conjunction with the VN Kubasov on a spaceship "Soyuz-19". It was the world's first joint flight of the Soviet spacecraft "Soyuz" and the American "Apollo».
Ships within 44 hours were docked. Crews moved from one ship to another, carried out jointly by the scientific and technical experiments.
In orbit an artificial satellite of the Earth International was created manned laboratory "Soyuz-Apollo" - the prototype of future international space station.
A. Leonov, a large number of paintings on the theme of space exploration. Since the mid-60s, he is a permanent co-author of science fiction artist Sokolova.
See also: scifiart.narod.ru/
He writes: newsparky
14 paintings + text
Construction of the lunar power
For heating, lighting, radio communication for researchers and builders will take a considerable amount of electricity.
Solar panels will be able to provide it only during the day, at night they will be inactive. A lunar day, as the night lasts about two Earth weeks, so there is better use of thermocouples. The fact that at a depth of several meters from the moon's surface temperature is constant (it slightly increases with depth, whereas at the surface it varies widely - from 120 ° day up to 160 ° night. Therefore, by mounting a thermocouple can be prepared energy almost continuously, except for a slight pause - at sunrise and sunset.

02 STARTED The first study
What is the surface of the moon? What is the degree of porosity? As the depth of the temperature changes? What chemicals are on the moon? Hundreds of such issues should be solved first lunoprohodtsam. An invaluable service in that they will have all-terrain vehicle. This - the perfect piece of engineering. He moves on the giant inflatable "balloon-wheels" and has a high degree of permeability. Man starts to explore the Moon ...

03. Over the Black Sea. Artist: Leonov AA

04. INSTALLATION honesty
One of the projects of the expedition to the moon provides for the withdrawal into orbit parts of future spacecraft and fuel containers. After their meeting in orbit fitters to assemble the ship, and then he comes aboard crew. Now, the spaceship can start from orbit to a certain point and leave it on the trajectory to the Moon. Ahead - the eternal companion of the Earth, and the windows could be seen even our planet.

05. On the lunar spaceport
Moon will be the main spaceport outside of Earth. The lack of atmosphere and lower gravity (6 times less than on Earth) is much easier to start the lunar surfaces. Therefore, it is to go to the moon and distant planets near many future space expeditions. To make takeoff and landing spacecraft on the lunar surface will be built special control panels, protected from meteorites powerful hemispherical shells.

06. Space welders
Electric energy source for space yavyatsya solar panels and batteries. The very same welding process will be slightly different from the Earth. Weightlessness will make it possible to dispense with scaffolding. To gain a foothold in the design, at the disposal of the astronauts is a small rope with an electromagnetic anchor.

07. Meeting at selenocentric orbit
On the moon there is no ionosphere, so the radio on it is possible only within the line of sight. To fix this, a person will mount on selenocentric orbit a number of satellites - repeaters operating on the principle of artificial satellites "Molniya-1."

08. Morning Mars
It ended the cold Martian night. It rose small but dazzling bright sun. Its rays lit orange sands and unusual "ice" plants; its heat will awaken them from their slumber the night, that they may live, deployed their leaves and become like a huge dragonflies.

09. Landing on Venus

10. "Venera-4" COMING TO VENUS





About the authors:
Andrei Sokolov
September 29, 1931 - March 16, 2007
After graduating from the Architectural Institute in the mid-50s working on the basic specialty - the architect.
Since childhood the future artist liked science fiction Jules Verne, Belyaeva, Tsiolkovsky, Bradbury. And his first work in the genre of sci-fi paintings he devoted Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451».
After the launch of Sputnik in 1957, all of creative aspirations Sokolova given topic of space exploration.
Some of his paintings are "mini-series": we see the successive stages of the construction of large manned space station orbiting the Earth, to witness the first landing of men on the moon, Venus, Mars, satellites of giant planets, along with the crews of photonic rockets rush to the stars.
A great number of works on the theme of the real achievements of the Soviet space program (only in 1981 on the album "Life among the stars" appear several works on the topic of American studies in space).
Since the mid-60s a permanent co-author of Sokolov is a Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. In the 90s Sokolov participates in collaboration with American artist Robert McCall. In collaboration with him created some impressive work.
Alexei Leonov
Soviet cosmonaut, Major General Aviation. Member of the CPSU since 1957.
Born May 30, 1934 in the village of Listvyanka Kemerovo region.
The first space flight made on 18-19 March 1965 in conjunction with the PI Belyaev as co-pilot on a spaceship "Voskhod-2».
The world's first AA Leonov He came out of the cabin of the spacecraft into space and performed a series of experiments outside the ship. To make a person go out into space ship "Voskhod-2" was provided with a lock chamber. Conducted biomedical research, addressed some problems of space navigation. The first descent of the spacecraft carried out by manual control.
Second space flight 15-21 July 1975 in conjunction with the VN Kubasov on a spaceship "Soyuz-19". It was the world's first joint flight of the Soviet spacecraft "Soyuz" and the American "Apollo».
Ships within 44 hours were docked. Crews moved from one ship to another, carried out jointly by the scientific and technical experiments.
In orbit an artificial satellite of the Earth International was created manned laboratory "Soyuz-Apollo" - the prototype of future international space station.
A. Leonov, a large number of paintings on the theme of space exploration. Since the mid-60s, he is a permanent co-author of science fiction artist Sokolova.
See also: scifiart.narod.ru/
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