13 unstudied phenomena
In this post contains some unexplained phenomenon until now.
1. The placebo effect
Do not try this at home! Within a few days you cause someone pain several times a day. You decrease the pain with the help of morphine, until the last day of the experiment, and then replace the morphine with saline. And guess what happens? Saline relieves pain.
2. The problem of the horizon
Our universe is inexplicably united. Look at the space from one edge of the visible universe to the other, and you will see that all over the background microwave radiation in space has the same temperature. It does not seem surprising, as long as you do not think that the two edges are at a distance of 28 billion light-years away from each other, and our universe is only 14 billion years.
Nothing can move at a speed greater than the speed of light, so it is impossible to heat radiation could traveled between the two horizons, and to balance the hot and cold zones formed during the Big Bang, setting the thermal equilibrium we see now.
3. Ultra-energetic cosmic rays
For more than ten years, physicists in Japan observed cosmic rays that should not exist. Cosmic rays - a particle that travels in the universe at a speed close to the speed of light. Some cosmic rays coming to Earth as a result of violent events such as supernova explosion. But we know nothing about the origin of high-energy particles observed in nature. And even that's not the real mystery.
4. The phenomenon of homeopathy
Madeleine Ennis (Madeleine Ennis), a pharmacologist at Queen's University Belfast - a disaster for homeopathy. She opposed the claims of homeopaths that the chemical agent can be diluted to such an extent that the sample will contain almost nothing but water, and at the same time have a healing power. Ennis decided once and for all prove that homeopathy is just chatter.
5. Dark Matter
Take our best knowledge of gravity, apply it to the rotation of the galaxy, and you will immediately find the problem: according to our knowledge, the galaxy must disintegrate. Galactic matter revolves around a central point because its gravitational attraction creates centripetal forces. But to create the observed rotation of galaxies do not have enough mass.
6. Life on Mars
July 20, 1976. Gilbert Levin (Gilbert Levin) sits on the edge of his chair. At a distance of millions of kilometers away on the Mars landing spacecraft "Viking" took soil samples. Equipment Levin mixed them with a substance containing carbon-14. Scientists involved in the experiment, consider that if you show up soil emissions of methane containing carbon-14, then on Mars should be zhizn.Analizatory "Viking" give a positive result. Something absorbs nutrients, transforms them, and then releases the gas containing the carbon-14. But why not have a holiday?
7. tetraneutron
Four years ago, six were found particles which were not to exist. They were called tetraneutron - four neutrons that are in a relationship which ignores the laws of physics.
A group of scientists under the leadership of Kan Francisco Miguel Marquez (Francisco Miguel Marqu? S) shoots beryllium nucleus into a small carbon target and analyzed their trajectories using the detectors. Scientists expect to see that four different neutron fall into different detectors. Instead, they found only one flash of light in one detector.
The energy of this outbreak showed that all four neutrons were in the same detector. Maybe it's just a coincidence, and four neutrons accidentally hit in the same place at the same time. But that's ridiculously improbable.
However, this behavior is not likely to tetraneutron. However, some may argue that the standard model of elementary particle physics, tetraneutron simply can not exist. After all, according to the Pauli principle, the same system did not even exist two protons or neutrons, which might have the same quantum characteristics. Hold them together nuclear power is such that he can not even hold two single neutron, not to mention four.
Marquez and his team were so overwhelmed with the results that the "buried" the data in the scientific paper, which read about a certain probability of opening tetraneutron in the future. After all, if you start to change the laws of physics to prove the connection of four neutrons, there chaos ....
8. anomaly Pioneer
In 1972, the Americans launched the spacecraft Pioneer-10. On board were the message of extraterrestrial civilizations - a sign with images of men, women, and the layout of the Earth in space. A year later, after it went to Pioneer-11. So far, both machines have had to be in outer space. However, in an unusual way their paths diverged greatly from the settlement.
9. Dark energy
This is one of the most famous and the most intractable problems of physics. In 1998, astronomers discovered that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate. Before that, it was believed that after the Big Bang expansion of the universe slowed down.
A reasonable explanation for this discovery, scientists have not yet been found. One suggestion - this phenomenon is responsible for some property of empty space. Cosmologists call it dark energy. But all attempts to identify it failed.
10. Tenth Planet
If you go on a journey to the edge of the solar system, in the cold zone of the space beyond Pluto, you'll see something strange. After passing through the Kuiper Belt - the region of space teeming with icy rocks - suddenly you will see a blank space.
11. Space signal WOW
It lasted 37 seconds and came from outer space. August 15, 1977 on the printout of the radio telescope in Delaware recorders drafted: WOW. And twenty-eight years later, no one knows what caused this signal.
The pulses come from the constellation of Sagittarius at a frequency of 1420 MHz. Assists in this range are prohibited by international agreement. Natural sources of radiation, such as the thermal emission of the planets, cover a much wider range of frequencies. What was the reason for the emission of these pulses? The answer is still no.
The nearest star in that direction is located 220 light-years. If the signal had come from there, then it should be a huge astronomical event, or developed by an extraterrestrial civilization with a surprisingly powerful transmitter.
All the following observations on the same area of the sky nor to no avail. WOW signal such longer registered.
12. These non-permanent permanent
In 1997, astronomer John Webb (John Webb) and his team from the University of New South Wales in Sydney analyzed the light coming to Earth from distant quasars. On the travel duration of 12 billion years light passes through interstellar cloud consisting of metals such as iron, nickel and chromium. The researchers found that the atoms absorb photons of light of a quasar, but not those that are expected.
The only more or less reasonable explanation for this phenomenon is that the physical constant called the fine structure constant, or alpha, has a different value in the transmission of light through the clouds.
But this is heresy! Alpha is an extremely important constant that determines how light interacts with matter, and it should not be changed! Its value, among other things, depends on the electron charge, the speed of light and Planck's constant. Is it possible that some of these options really changed ?!
13. Low-temperature nuclear fusion (NTS)
After sixteen years of absence, he returned. Although, in fact, HTC has never disappeared. Since 1989, the US Navy laboratory conducted more than 200 experiments designed to find out whether nuclear reactions at room temperature to generate more energy than it uses (it is believed that this is only possible inside stars).
Controlled nuclear fusion would solve many of the world's energy problems. Not surprisingly, the US Department of Energy because it interested. In December last year after a long consideration of all the evidence, it is stated that is open to proposals for new HTC experiments.

1. The placebo effect
Do not try this at home! Within a few days you cause someone pain several times a day. You decrease the pain with the help of morphine, until the last day of the experiment, and then replace the morphine with saline. And guess what happens? Saline relieves pain.
2. The problem of the horizon
Our universe is inexplicably united. Look at the space from one edge of the visible universe to the other, and you will see that all over the background microwave radiation in space has the same temperature. It does not seem surprising, as long as you do not think that the two edges are at a distance of 28 billion light-years away from each other, and our universe is only 14 billion years.
Nothing can move at a speed greater than the speed of light, so it is impossible to heat radiation could traveled between the two horizons, and to balance the hot and cold zones formed during the Big Bang, setting the thermal equilibrium we see now.
3. Ultra-energetic cosmic rays
For more than ten years, physicists in Japan observed cosmic rays that should not exist. Cosmic rays - a particle that travels in the universe at a speed close to the speed of light. Some cosmic rays coming to Earth as a result of violent events such as supernova explosion. But we know nothing about the origin of high-energy particles observed in nature. And even that's not the real mystery.
4. The phenomenon of homeopathy
Madeleine Ennis (Madeleine Ennis), a pharmacologist at Queen's University Belfast - a disaster for homeopathy. She opposed the claims of homeopaths that the chemical agent can be diluted to such an extent that the sample will contain almost nothing but water, and at the same time have a healing power. Ennis decided once and for all prove that homeopathy is just chatter.
5. Dark Matter
Take our best knowledge of gravity, apply it to the rotation of the galaxy, and you will immediately find the problem: according to our knowledge, the galaxy must disintegrate. Galactic matter revolves around a central point because its gravitational attraction creates centripetal forces. But to create the observed rotation of galaxies do not have enough mass.
6. Life on Mars
July 20, 1976. Gilbert Levin (Gilbert Levin) sits on the edge of his chair. At a distance of millions of kilometers away on the Mars landing spacecraft "Viking" took soil samples. Equipment Levin mixed them with a substance containing carbon-14. Scientists involved in the experiment, consider that if you show up soil emissions of methane containing carbon-14, then on Mars should be zhizn.Analizatory "Viking" give a positive result. Something absorbs nutrients, transforms them, and then releases the gas containing the carbon-14. But why not have a holiday?
7. tetraneutron
Four years ago, six were found particles which were not to exist. They were called tetraneutron - four neutrons that are in a relationship which ignores the laws of physics.
A group of scientists under the leadership of Kan Francisco Miguel Marquez (Francisco Miguel Marqu? S) shoots beryllium nucleus into a small carbon target and analyzed their trajectories using the detectors. Scientists expect to see that four different neutron fall into different detectors. Instead, they found only one flash of light in one detector.
The energy of this outbreak showed that all four neutrons were in the same detector. Maybe it's just a coincidence, and four neutrons accidentally hit in the same place at the same time. But that's ridiculously improbable.
However, this behavior is not likely to tetraneutron. However, some may argue that the standard model of elementary particle physics, tetraneutron simply can not exist. After all, according to the Pauli principle, the same system did not even exist two protons or neutrons, which might have the same quantum characteristics. Hold them together nuclear power is such that he can not even hold two single neutron, not to mention four.
Marquez and his team were so overwhelmed with the results that the "buried" the data in the scientific paper, which read about a certain probability of opening tetraneutron in the future. After all, if you start to change the laws of physics to prove the connection of four neutrons, there chaos ....
8. anomaly Pioneer
In 1972, the Americans launched the spacecraft Pioneer-10. On board were the message of extraterrestrial civilizations - a sign with images of men, women, and the layout of the Earth in space. A year later, after it went to Pioneer-11. So far, both machines have had to be in outer space. However, in an unusual way their paths diverged greatly from the settlement.
9. Dark energy
This is one of the most famous and the most intractable problems of physics. In 1998, astronomers discovered that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate. Before that, it was believed that after the Big Bang expansion of the universe slowed down.
A reasonable explanation for this discovery, scientists have not yet been found. One suggestion - this phenomenon is responsible for some property of empty space. Cosmologists call it dark energy. But all attempts to identify it failed.
10. Tenth Planet
If you go on a journey to the edge of the solar system, in the cold zone of the space beyond Pluto, you'll see something strange. After passing through the Kuiper Belt - the region of space teeming with icy rocks - suddenly you will see a blank space.
11. Space signal WOW
It lasted 37 seconds and came from outer space. August 15, 1977 on the printout of the radio telescope in Delaware recorders drafted: WOW. And twenty-eight years later, no one knows what caused this signal.
The pulses come from the constellation of Sagittarius at a frequency of 1420 MHz. Assists in this range are prohibited by international agreement. Natural sources of radiation, such as the thermal emission of the planets, cover a much wider range of frequencies. What was the reason for the emission of these pulses? The answer is still no.
The nearest star in that direction is located 220 light-years. If the signal had come from there, then it should be a huge astronomical event, or developed by an extraterrestrial civilization with a surprisingly powerful transmitter.
All the following observations on the same area of the sky nor to no avail. WOW signal such longer registered.
12. These non-permanent permanent
In 1997, astronomer John Webb (John Webb) and his team from the University of New South Wales in Sydney analyzed the light coming to Earth from distant quasars. On the travel duration of 12 billion years light passes through interstellar cloud consisting of metals such as iron, nickel and chromium. The researchers found that the atoms absorb photons of light of a quasar, but not those that are expected.
The only more or less reasonable explanation for this phenomenon is that the physical constant called the fine structure constant, or alpha, has a different value in the transmission of light through the clouds.
But this is heresy! Alpha is an extremely important constant that determines how light interacts with matter, and it should not be changed! Its value, among other things, depends on the electron charge, the speed of light and Planck's constant. Is it possible that some of these options really changed ?!
13. Low-temperature nuclear fusion (NTS)
After sixteen years of absence, he returned. Although, in fact, HTC has never disappeared. Since 1989, the US Navy laboratory conducted more than 200 experiments designed to find out whether nuclear reactions at room temperature to generate more energy than it uses (it is believed that this is only possible inside stars).
Controlled nuclear fusion would solve many of the world's energy problems. Not surprisingly, the US Department of Energy because it interested. In December last year after a long consideration of all the evidence, it is stated that is open to proposals for new HTC experiments.
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