7 of the world's largest space centers
March 4, 1997, the first space launch from the new Russian cosmodrome "Free." He became the twentieth applicable at the time the world spaceport. Now, the construction of the launch site Baikonur "East", which is scheduled for commissioning in 2018. Thus, Russia will have 5 spaceports - more than China's, but less than the United States. Today we tell about the world's largest aerospace markets.
Baikonur (Russia, Kazakhstan)
The oldest and the largest and still is the "Baikonur", opened in the steppes of Kazakhstan in 1957. Its area is 6717 sq.km. The best - 60 years - it was made up to 40 launches per year. And operated 11 launch complexes. Over the entire period of the cosmodrome from it was made more than 1,300 launches.
On this parameter "Baikonur" leads the world today. Annually run into space on average two dozen missiles. Legally spaceport with all its infrastructure and vast territory belongs to Kazakhstan. And Russia rents it for $ 115 million. Per year. The contract for the rental must end in 2050.
However, even before most Russian launches should be postponed for now under construction in the Amur region spaceport "East».
US Air Force base at Cape Canaveral (USA)
There is in Florida since 1949. Originally based on the military aircraft were tested, and later launches of ballistic missiles. As landfill is used for space launches from 1957. Without stopping military trials in 1957 of the launch pads placed at the disposal NASA.
It launched the first American satellite, hence left in the first flight of American astronauts - Alan Shepard and Virgil Grissom (suborbital flight on a ballistic trajectory) and John Glenn (orbital flight). Then the program of manned flights moved to the newly rebuilt Space Center, where in 1963 after the death of President Kennedy was named.
Since then, the base was used to launch unmanned ships that brought the astronauts in orbit must be shipped, as well as research stations automatically sent to other planets and beyond the solar system.
Also from Cape Canaveral launch and launch satellites - both civilian and military. Due to the variety of problems solved on the base here was built 28 launch pads. Currently operating are 4. Two more are maintained in anticipation of the start of production of modern shuttles Boeing X-37, which should "send retired" rocket "Delta", "Atlas" and "Titan».
Space Center. Kennedy (USA)
It was established in Florida in 1962. Area - 557 sq km Number of employees - 14 thousand. Man. Complex undivided owns NASA. From here we started all manned spacecraft, starting with the flight in May 1962 of the fourth astronaut Scott Carpenter. There has been implemented the program "Apollo", crowned the landing on the moon. Hence we flew back and forth as all American ships reusable - shuttles.
Now all the pads are in standby mode the new technology. The last launch took place in 2011. However, the Centre continued to work hard and flight control of the ISS and the development of new space programs.
Kourou (France, the European Space Agency)
Located in French Guiana - French overseas department located in the northeast of South America. The area - about 1,200 square kilometers Spaceport Kourou was inaugurated by the French Space Agency in 1968. Due to the small distance from the equator, from here you can run the spacecraft with a considerable saving of fuel, because the rocket "pushes" a large linear velocity of the Earth's rotation around zero parallel.
In 1975, the French invited the European Space Agency (ESA) Kourou use to implement their programs. As a result, now the maintenance and development of the cosmodrome France releases the third of the necessary funds, the rest lies with the ESA. This ESA is the owner of three of the four launchers.
From here go to space nodes European ISS and satellites. Because rockets are produced entirely dominates in Toulouse euromissiles "Arian". There were made more than 60 starts. At the same time five times from the Baikonur launched our "alliance" with commercial satellites.
Jiuquan (China)
China owns four spaceport. Two of them decide only military objectives, producing a ballistic missile tests, the launch of spy satellites, test interception of foreign space objects. The two have a dual purpose, providing not only the implementation of the militaristic programs, but also the peaceful exploration of space.
The largest and oldest of them - the Jiuquan spaceport. It operates since 1958. It occupies an area of 2,800 square kilometers
At first it Soviet specialists trained Chinese "brothers forever" tricks military space "craft." In 1960 here it was first launched short-range missiles - Soviet. Shortly successfully launched a rocket in China, in the creation of which was also attended by Soviet specialists. Once there was a gap of friendly relations between the countries, the activities of the cosmodrome stalled.
Only in 1970 with the launch site was successfully launched the first Chinese satellite. After 10 years, it launched the first intercontinental ballistic missile. At the end of the century went into space first spaceship landing without pilot. In 2003, first appeared in orbit taykvonavt.
Who are the Baikonur 4 of 7 launch pads. 2 of them are reserved exclusively for the needs of the Ministry of Defence. Every year from the Baikonur Jiuquan rocket starts 5-6.
Tanegashima Space Center (Japan)
It was founded in 1969. Managed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Located on the southeast coast of the island tanegashima, in the south of Kagoshima Prefecture.
The first primitive satellite was launched into orbit in 1970. Since then, Japan, owning strong technology platform in the field of electronics, greatly succeeded in establishing how effective orbiting satellites and geleotsentricheskih research stations.
The cosmodrome two pads are reserved for sub-orbital launches of geophysical devices serve two heavy rocket H-IIA and H-IIB. These are missiles delivered to the ISS scientific equipment and the necessary equipment. Annually up to 5 starts.
Sea Launch "Odyssey" (International)
This unique floating cosmodrome, based on the platform of the ocean, was enacted in 1999. Due to the fact that the platform is based on the zero parallel with it starts the most energetically favorable for the use of a maximum linear velocity of the earth at the equator. Activities of "The Odyssey" controls the consortium, which includes Boeing, RSC "Energia", Ukrainian CB "South", Ukrainian Software "Pivdenmash" producing missiles "Zenith", and the Norwegian shipbuilding company Aker Kværner.
"Ulysses" is composed of two ships - the platform with the launcher and the ship, which plays the role of the Mission Control Center.
Launch pad was formerly a Japanese oil platform, which renovated and refurbished. Its dimensions are: length 133 m, width 67 m, height of 60 m and a displacement of 46 thousand. Tonnes.
Rocket "Zenith", which are used to launch commercial satellites belong to the middle class. They are able to place in orbit for more than 6 tons of payload.
During the existence of floating cosmodrome it produced about 40 start-ups.
And all the other
In addition to these launch sites there are 17. All of them are considered valid.
Some of them survived, "former glory", greatly slowed activity, if not frozen. Some serve only military space sector. There are those who have been developing and, very likely, will become since the "legislators Space fashion».
Here's a list of countries with spaceports and their number, including those listed in this article
USA - 6;
Russia - 4;
China - 4;
Japan - 2;
Brazil - 1;
Israel - 1;
India - 1;
Iran - 1;
North Korea - 1;
Republic of Korea - 1;
France - 1.

Baikonur (Russia, Kazakhstan)

The oldest and the largest and still is the "Baikonur", opened in the steppes of Kazakhstan in 1957. Its area is 6717 sq.km. The best - 60 years - it was made up to 40 launches per year. And operated 11 launch complexes. Over the entire period of the cosmodrome from it was made more than 1,300 launches.

On this parameter "Baikonur" leads the world today. Annually run into space on average two dozen missiles. Legally spaceport with all its infrastructure and vast territory belongs to Kazakhstan. And Russia rents it for $ 115 million. Per year. The contract for the rental must end in 2050.
However, even before most Russian launches should be postponed for now under construction in the Amur region spaceport "East».
US Air Force base at Cape Canaveral (USA)

There is in Florida since 1949. Originally based on the military aircraft were tested, and later launches of ballistic missiles. As landfill is used for space launches from 1957. Without stopping military trials in 1957 of the launch pads placed at the disposal NASA.
It launched the first American satellite, hence left in the first flight of American astronauts - Alan Shepard and Virgil Grissom (suborbital flight on a ballistic trajectory) and John Glenn (orbital flight). Then the program of manned flights moved to the newly rebuilt Space Center, where in 1963 after the death of President Kennedy was named.
Since then, the base was used to launch unmanned ships that brought the astronauts in orbit must be shipped, as well as research stations automatically sent to other planets and beyond the solar system.
Also from Cape Canaveral launch and launch satellites - both civilian and military. Due to the variety of problems solved on the base here was built 28 launch pads. Currently operating are 4. Two more are maintained in anticipation of the start of production of modern shuttles Boeing X-37, which should "send retired" rocket "Delta", "Atlas" and "Titan».
Space Center. Kennedy (USA)

It was established in Florida in 1962. Area - 557 sq km Number of employees - 14 thousand. Man. Complex undivided owns NASA. From here we started all manned spacecraft, starting with the flight in May 1962 of the fourth astronaut Scott Carpenter. There has been implemented the program "Apollo", crowned the landing on the moon. Hence we flew back and forth as all American ships reusable - shuttles.
Now all the pads are in standby mode the new technology. The last launch took place in 2011. However, the Centre continued to work hard and flight control of the ISS and the development of new space programs.
Kourou (France, the European Space Agency)

Located in French Guiana - French overseas department located in the northeast of South America. The area - about 1,200 square kilometers Spaceport Kourou was inaugurated by the French Space Agency in 1968. Due to the small distance from the equator, from here you can run the spacecraft with a considerable saving of fuel, because the rocket "pushes" a large linear velocity of the Earth's rotation around zero parallel.
In 1975, the French invited the European Space Agency (ESA) Kourou use to implement their programs. As a result, now the maintenance and development of the cosmodrome France releases the third of the necessary funds, the rest lies with the ESA. This ESA is the owner of three of the four launchers.
From here go to space nodes European ISS and satellites. Because rockets are produced entirely dominates in Toulouse euromissiles "Arian". There were made more than 60 starts. At the same time five times from the Baikonur launched our "alliance" with commercial satellites.
Jiuquan (China)

China owns four spaceport. Two of them decide only military objectives, producing a ballistic missile tests, the launch of spy satellites, test interception of foreign space objects. The two have a dual purpose, providing not only the implementation of the militaristic programs, but also the peaceful exploration of space.
The largest and oldest of them - the Jiuquan spaceport. It operates since 1958. It occupies an area of 2,800 square kilometers
At first it Soviet specialists trained Chinese "brothers forever" tricks military space "craft." In 1960 here it was first launched short-range missiles - Soviet. Shortly successfully launched a rocket in China, in the creation of which was also attended by Soviet specialists. Once there was a gap of friendly relations between the countries, the activities of the cosmodrome stalled.
Only in 1970 with the launch site was successfully launched the first Chinese satellite. After 10 years, it launched the first intercontinental ballistic missile. At the end of the century went into space first spaceship landing without pilot. In 2003, first appeared in orbit taykvonavt.
Who are the Baikonur 4 of 7 launch pads. 2 of them are reserved exclusively for the needs of the Ministry of Defence. Every year from the Baikonur Jiuquan rocket starts 5-6.
Tanegashima Space Center (Japan)

It was founded in 1969. Managed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Located on the southeast coast of the island tanegashima, in the south of Kagoshima Prefecture.
The first primitive satellite was launched into orbit in 1970. Since then, Japan, owning strong technology platform in the field of electronics, greatly succeeded in establishing how effective orbiting satellites and geleotsentricheskih research stations.
The cosmodrome two pads are reserved for sub-orbital launches of geophysical devices serve two heavy rocket H-IIA and H-IIB. These are missiles delivered to the ISS scientific equipment and the necessary equipment. Annually up to 5 starts.
Sea Launch "Odyssey" (International)

This unique floating cosmodrome, based on the platform of the ocean, was enacted in 1999. Due to the fact that the platform is based on the zero parallel with it starts the most energetically favorable for the use of a maximum linear velocity of the earth at the equator. Activities of "The Odyssey" controls the consortium, which includes Boeing, RSC "Energia", Ukrainian CB "South", Ukrainian Software "Pivdenmash" producing missiles "Zenith", and the Norwegian shipbuilding company Aker Kværner.
"Ulysses" is composed of two ships - the platform with the launcher and the ship, which plays the role of the Mission Control Center.
Launch pad was formerly a Japanese oil platform, which renovated and refurbished. Its dimensions are: length 133 m, width 67 m, height of 60 m and a displacement of 46 thousand. Tonnes.
Rocket "Zenith", which are used to launch commercial satellites belong to the middle class. They are able to place in orbit for more than 6 tons of payload.
During the existence of floating cosmodrome it produced about 40 start-ups.
And all the other

In addition to these launch sites there are 17. All of them are considered valid.
Some of them survived, "former glory", greatly slowed activity, if not frozen. Some serve only military space sector. There are those who have been developing and, very likely, will become since the "legislators Space fashion».

Here's a list of countries with spaceports and their number, including those listed in this article
USA - 6;
Russia - 4;
China - 4;
Japan - 2;
Brazil - 1;
Israel - 1;
India - 1;
Iran - 1;
North Korea - 1;
Republic of Korea - 1;
France - 1.
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