Advertisers do not have time for the advertising market. OMD Media Direction estimated budgets of the largest advertisers
Media agency OMD Media Direction specially for Kommersant estimated budgets of the largest national advertisers in 2006. It turned out that the cost of advertising in these companies do not keep up with the advertising market, which in 2006 increased overall by 29%. Rating advertisers demonstrates the consequences of the introduction of the new law "On Advertising", a quarter which reduced the volume of TV advertising allowed six of the ten largest advertisers have reduced their presence in the TV.
A rating of the largest advertisers in Russia, OMD Media Direction based on data monitoring advertising expenditure research companies TNS Gallup AdFact and "Espar-Analytic". These amounts have been restated to reflect the average discount on purchases in each of the advertising media carriers. For TV discount rate was set at 65% for the press - 41%, radio - 34%. In outdoor advertising "Espar-Analytic" provided its own expert evaluation. The resulting rating of other agencies recognized valid. "The location of the advertisers in the list is quite true," - said the general director of the agency Optimum Media Buying Nikolai Anoufriev. A director for the purchase of advertising in the electronic media holding company Group M Konstantin Avdeev said that "the cost estimate is adequate on TV." Sami advertisers appearing in the rankings, preferred not to comment on their budgets.
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The total costs of all advertisers in 2006, according to the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia increased by 29%. But the increase in the annual budget of the majority of advertisers in the top 10 was more modest - from 16 to 26%. A sharp increase in the budgets of the companies Procter & Gamble (P & G) and "Baltika" in the past year was due to the consolidation of their business. So, in 2006 advertising budget P & G already includes the costs of promotion of brands acquired in 2005 the company Gillette. "The budget Gillette in Russia in 2005 amounted to approximately $ 30-35 million - like director of research at OMD Media Direction Sergey Artemov.- By including these costs in the budget of P & G its advertising expenses in 2006 increased by 42%." A 76 per cent increase in the budget of "Baltika" is explained by the consolidation of all the assets of Baltic Beverage Holding - breweries "Vienna", "Yarpivo" and "Pikra».
The main reason for even such a modest growth of advertising budgets in 2006, became media inflation. The rise in prices on TV, according to the group "Video International", in 2006 was 40%. Until now, the annual growth rates not exceeding 25%. The number of items purchased with the TV ratings (GRP; conventional unit in the sale of television advertising, reflects the number of viewers who saw the ad unit) in six of the ten largest advertisers in 2006 even decreased in comparison with 2005. Much of this decline is due to come into force in July 2006. The new law "On Advertising", a quarter to reduce the amount of advertising allowed on TV.
These findings OMD Media Direction confirmed by calculations of the consulting company Media Logics (part of the Starcom MediaVest Group): According to her, the July-November 2006 the total volume of purchased GRP at the twenty biggest advertisers has decreased compared to the same period in 2005 by 7%. < br />
However, the decrease in advertising activity of major players not only due to legal restrictions, said Konstantin Avdeev from Group M. "Each of the companies have their own marketing policy, which provides for the reduction of advertising expenses, depending on the market conditions in a particular industry", - he recalls . For example, Samsung Electronics - the only company of the top-10, a budget was reduced in 2006. A source at the headquarters of the Korean advertising group Cheil Communications (in Russia, its main customer is Samsung) claims that Samsung has lowered the cost of advertising as "home appliances market is stagnating in Russia».
Sergey b-Sobolev
Source: Kommersant
via kommersant.ru

A rating of the largest advertisers in Russia, OMD Media Direction based on data monitoring advertising expenditure research companies TNS Gallup AdFact and "Espar-Analytic". These amounts have been restated to reflect the average discount on purchases in each of the advertising media carriers. For TV discount rate was set at 65% for the press - 41%, radio - 34%. In outdoor advertising "Espar-Analytic" provided its own expert evaluation. The resulting rating of other agencies recognized valid. "The location of the advertisers in the list is quite true," - said the general director of the agency Optimum Media Buying Nikolai Anoufriev. A director for the purchase of advertising in the electronic media holding company Group M Konstantin Avdeev said that "the cost estimate is adequate on TV." Sami advertisers appearing in the rankings, preferred not to comment on their budgets.

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The total costs of all advertisers in 2006, according to the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia increased by 29%. But the increase in the annual budget of the majority of advertisers in the top 10 was more modest - from 16 to 26%. A sharp increase in the budgets of the companies Procter & Gamble (P & G) and "Baltika" in the past year was due to the consolidation of their business. So, in 2006 advertising budget P & G already includes the costs of promotion of brands acquired in 2005 the company Gillette. "The budget Gillette in Russia in 2005 amounted to approximately $ 30-35 million - like director of research at OMD Media Direction Sergey Artemov.- By including these costs in the budget of P & G its advertising expenses in 2006 increased by 42%." A 76 per cent increase in the budget of "Baltika" is explained by the consolidation of all the assets of Baltic Beverage Holding - breweries "Vienna", "Yarpivo" and "Pikra».
The main reason for even such a modest growth of advertising budgets in 2006, became media inflation. The rise in prices on TV, according to the group "Video International", in 2006 was 40%. Until now, the annual growth rates not exceeding 25%. The number of items purchased with the TV ratings (GRP; conventional unit in the sale of television advertising, reflects the number of viewers who saw the ad unit) in six of the ten largest advertisers in 2006 even decreased in comparison with 2005. Much of this decline is due to come into force in July 2006. The new law "On Advertising", a quarter to reduce the amount of advertising allowed on TV.
These findings OMD Media Direction confirmed by calculations of the consulting company Media Logics (part of the Starcom MediaVest Group): According to her, the July-November 2006 the total volume of purchased GRP at the twenty biggest advertisers has decreased compared to the same period in 2005 by 7%. < br />
However, the decrease in advertising activity of major players not only due to legal restrictions, said Konstantin Avdeev from Group M. "Each of the companies have their own marketing policy, which provides for the reduction of advertising expenses, depending on the market conditions in a particular industry", - he recalls . For example, Samsung Electronics - the only company of the top-10, a budget was reduced in 2006. A source at the headquarters of the Korean advertising group Cheil Communications (in Russia, its main customer is Samsung) claims that Samsung has lowered the cost of advertising as "home appliances market is stagnating in Russia».
Sergey b-Sobolev
Source: Kommersant
via kommersant.ru
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