The story of the St. Petersburg diver aquarium
A few words from topikstarter:
He writes to me our Komrad-YaPovets Serge13 requested to make a theme.
He himself has no experience in this.
Well, the theme seemed to me interesting and I decided to help.
Few letters and 18 photos (all copyright, slightly edited by me) further.
I like that, two years ago, was at work in St. Petersburg. Outstanding free time sitting in an Internet, viewed websites Petersburg dive centers, I thought - "can dive where there is free time" (by the way, we dive, divers, not just on the seas, but in general wherever there is water) . And I came to the site of the St. Petersburg Oceanarium. He felts biggest in Europe, whether in Russia, I do not remember.
There's a lot of different fish, moray eels, stingrays, etc. But the most interesting - there is a shark! 20. Pieces from the subway up to 3! And there, at the aquarium has a dive center, which among other things provides such a service: if you are a certified diver, you can dive into the main aquarium. With a guide, of course. Since all divers on his head dejected, I immediately burst into flames! Phoned the director of the dive center, determine the time and forward. Cost service while 6000 p.
Arriving by filling out the documents that I take full responsibility for yourself and if something happens (pah-pah) will not have any claims to the dive center, presented the certificate of the diver, was instructed to prepare the equipment and went.
At the briefing, inter alia, the instructor warned that as soon as the dive, shark just will fly me to sniff like a stranger. He says - do not twitch. Claw says should not, cases did not exist. But for some reason, gave Mail metal gloves. To my question: "why?" Replied, "just in case».
Dressed in suits, they went to the technical part of the main tank, to where the fish are fed. Put on equipment, plunged. With me was the guide - the worker dive center. The young man, 23 years old. His father - the owner of the dive center at the Oceanarium. He works with his father: besides diving training in an ordinary pool somewhere in the city, and his father feed the fish in a large aquarium aquarium, including sharks and shark show is performed in the same place and, in my opinion, even with the seals that are in another aquarium oceanarium.
Do not have time to reach the bottom (where m 2 - 2, 5 total), I was warned, sharks once Rushed to me (it Rushed - not exaggerating, and that to me, because my guide they knew). It's in the pictures can be seen well from the outside. Oh they sailed to me to get acquainted or not - I do not know, not until I was counting on the "moment of truth". But it seemed to me - everything. Immediately. And yet they tried something like the nose on my neck and in the groin rub all climbed. I am at the moment for some reason thought that they are looking artery - with fear, I think. But the feeling, I'll tell you, not a pleasant one. Particularly active sharks my guide (can not remember the name of it) suspended from my hand. Twirled around me and about me poterevshis minutes 2 - 3 (or maybe it seemed to me so? Maybe it lasted just 15 seconds?), They dispersed to their business. After the procedure, dating I sailed around the aquarium, climbed in all sorts of caves, cave. My guide photographed me. Sharks no longer molested, but always floated around. Some swim, lay down on the bottom.
The dive lasted 30 minutes - 40. By the middle of the dive I was a little used to the constant presence of sharks, but never lost his fear, his hands would not climb them and generally tried not to shine. Type accidentally swam here, you really do not blame me ... Coming out to the surface and dressed, badly wanted to have - probably from the experience. Immediately I went hamster in a cafe in the same shopping center where the oceanarium. With me was a girl, she photographed me outside. I apologize for the poor quality of these photographs (glass tunnel all scratched and shine from the flash), but I specifically put in the overall series, as they seem to show a view of a person looking from the outside.
By the way, when I sailed, there was a group of visitors (they can be seen in the photo), and so it seemed to me, which I am more interesting than the fish. They went after me. One more thing that I want to point out. I once, telling about this nyryalki heard opinions such as they (sharks) there zakormlennye, lazy, etc. So people want to offer - approach to the circus "zakormlennomu and lazy" bear or a tiger ...
© Serge13
13. Amphora
14. Leopard moray
15. Floating above the tunnel
16. Ramp bracken
17. After nyryalki
18. The Last Picture outside
He writes to me our Komrad-YaPovets Serge13 requested to make a theme.
He himself has no experience in this.
Well, the theme seemed to me interesting and I decided to help.
Few letters and 18 photos (all copyright, slightly edited by me) further.
I like that, two years ago, was at work in St. Petersburg. Outstanding free time sitting in an Internet, viewed websites Petersburg dive centers, I thought - "can dive where there is free time" (by the way, we dive, divers, not just on the seas, but in general wherever there is water) . And I came to the site of the St. Petersburg Oceanarium. He felts biggest in Europe, whether in Russia, I do not remember.

There's a lot of different fish, moray eels, stingrays, etc. But the most interesting - there is a shark! 20. Pieces from the subway up to 3! And there, at the aquarium has a dive center, which among other things provides such a service: if you are a certified diver, you can dive into the main aquarium. With a guide, of course. Since all divers on his head dejected, I immediately burst into flames! Phoned the director of the dive center, determine the time and forward. Cost service while 6000 p.
Arriving by filling out the documents that I take full responsibility for yourself and if something happens (pah-pah) will not have any claims to the dive center, presented the certificate of the diver, was instructed to prepare the equipment and went.
At the briefing, inter alia, the instructor warned that as soon as the dive, shark just will fly me to sniff like a stranger. He says - do not twitch. Claw says should not, cases did not exist. But for some reason, gave Mail metal gloves. To my question: "why?" Replied, "just in case».
Dressed in suits, they went to the technical part of the main tank, to where the fish are fed. Put on equipment, plunged. With me was the guide - the worker dive center. The young man, 23 years old. His father - the owner of the dive center at the Oceanarium. He works with his father: besides diving training in an ordinary pool somewhere in the city, and his father feed the fish in a large aquarium aquarium, including sharks and shark show is performed in the same place and, in my opinion, even with the seals that are in another aquarium oceanarium.
Do not have time to reach the bottom (where m 2 - 2, 5 total), I was warned, sharks once Rushed to me (it Rushed - not exaggerating, and that to me, because my guide they knew). It's in the pictures can be seen well from the outside. Oh they sailed to me to get acquainted or not - I do not know, not until I was counting on the "moment of truth". But it seemed to me - everything. Immediately. And yet they tried something like the nose on my neck and in the groin rub all climbed. I am at the moment for some reason thought that they are looking artery - with fear, I think. But the feeling, I'll tell you, not a pleasant one. Particularly active sharks my guide (can not remember the name of it) suspended from my hand. Twirled around me and about me poterevshis minutes 2 - 3 (or maybe it seemed to me so? Maybe it lasted just 15 seconds?), They dispersed to their business. After the procedure, dating I sailed around the aquarium, climbed in all sorts of caves, cave. My guide photographed me. Sharks no longer molested, but always floated around. Some swim, lay down on the bottom.
The dive lasted 30 minutes - 40. By the middle of the dive I was a little used to the constant presence of sharks, but never lost his fear, his hands would not climb them and generally tried not to shine. Type accidentally swam here, you really do not blame me ... Coming out to the surface and dressed, badly wanted to have - probably from the experience. Immediately I went hamster in a cafe in the same shopping center where the oceanarium. With me was a girl, she photographed me outside. I apologize for the poor quality of these photographs (glass tunnel all scratched and shine from the flash), but I specifically put in the overall series, as they seem to show a view of a person looking from the outside.
By the way, when I sailed, there was a group of visitors (they can be seen in the photo), and so it seemed to me, which I am more interesting than the fish. They went after me. One more thing that I want to point out. I once, telling about this nyryalki heard opinions such as they (sharks) there zakormlennye, lazy, etc. So people want to offer - approach to the circus "zakormlennomu and lazy" bear or a tiger ...
© Serge13











13. Amphora

14. Leopard moray

15. Floating above the tunnel

16. Ramp bracken

17. After nyryalki

18. The Last Picture outside
