10 stories that you can read in your spare time

This literature does not take much time, but the time to 15 minutes to captivate and inspire your world.
< Website I have prepared an excellent collection of short stories.
"The Last Leaf" O. Genri

Incredibly touching story about good and fortitude. Motivating the story of the struggle for life, inspiration and faith.
"White Elephant" E. Heminguey

Ernest Hemingway, like no other, creating such masterpieces which reveal the essence of life. In short, vivid, intriguing, and only the most important thing.
"Ordinary Tale" A. Miln

Ordinary author of this tale "Winnie the Pooh" definitely will not name. This is an amazing story about the illusions, transformations and magic.
"Which of the three?" A. Chehov

"The old, but ever new story", - reads the subtitle of the work. The story is really about the eternal - about love, about the choice and happiness.
"Hedgehog. The story of the vain hectic "G. Gorin

The story is really worth reading every adult, at the moment when he realizes that the child is not returned. The story of the children's values, of which we are with you do not forget.
"Confusion" A. Kuprin

Getting already speaks for itself, "- I think no one has never seen an original Christmas as one of my patients in the sixth thousand eight hundred ninety year - said Butynsky, fairly well-known in the town psychiatrist».
"Wheelchair" N. Gogol

Live and, as always, the life story of Gogol. Comedy, after reading that I want to cry with laughter.
"Cupid's Arrow" R. Kipling

Kipling briefly and succinctly described a typical situation where a young daughter want to give a rich, but middle-aged and unattractive man. But, as it turned out, the children are not always ready to act dutifully decrees of their parents. Sometimes they act on their own plan.
"Arabia" George. Dzhoys

Cherished dream boy to buy his girlfriend a gift to a charity bazaar - some trifle - roughly broken callousness of adults who have forgotten about his request. A story filled with resentment and bitterness, but at the same time warm and touching children's love of adoration.
"Word" V. Nabokov

This story of mystery by Vladimir Nabokov. The story, woven out of the sun and hope. After reading everyone will find the one and only special word.
Cover photo by: Dmitrii Junior P'yankov em>
See also: 5 stories in a good mood
Poignant stories of 6 words
Exciting stories of the two proposals
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