Clinic Korsakov
Let's talk about the past and present of the place in which intersect the fate of people like Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir Levi, Yesenin and Mikhail Vrubel, Serbian and Lombroso.
The main attraction of the clinic - a huge garden, the distal end of which (the area greatly reduced due to the building, but still rather big) rests on the "back" part of the estate of Tolstoy in Khamovniki. And it is no coincidence that neighborhood.
In the 18th century, near the Maiden field is a vast country estate Vice Chancellor Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Golitsyn. Manor Park lasted until the Moskva River. The estate became the property of Olsufyeva, after the daughter of Prince Golitsyn married Dmitry Adamovich Olsufyeva.
The house, which stood on this estate was built in the second half of the XVIII century and is a typical noble residence in Moscow at the time. The front of his, according to Anna Vasilevny Levitsky, born Olsufyeva was extensively described by Leo Tolstoy in "War and Peace", as the front house Rostovs.
Artist Vasily Polenov shot outbuilding house on the Virgin's Field from 1878 to 1881, and the romantic in its ruins, crumbling architectural ensemble was perceived by them as the embodiment of noble Turgenev's nest. There he wrote his famous painting "Grandmother's Garden", which depicts a wing of the estate, by Obolensky lane, and Tatiana Wasi levnu Olsufyeva - the daughter of the then owner, a young girl, supportive grandmother. (Yu.D.Olsufev. From the past of my family.)
When we came to the clinic, we also started with the garden, which is now given to patients for walks
For this ladder go for a walk patients.
Some patients enjoy playing volleyball
In 1880, Leo Tolstoy decided to move from Yasnaya Polyana to Moscow. Here he writes about it in his memoirs, Anna V. Levitsky, one of Olsufyeva "; One day, in the summer of 1880, Tolstoy, dining with us, said he thought with horror and can not imagine how living in Moscow, he will have to walk on the pavement, he can not stand. When he said about it, my father said Tolstoy: take house next to our garden in Khamovnicheskiy alley. From there you will be able to constantly go for a walk on the Sparrow Hills, never stepping into the street, going out of your garden in our garden. ... Tolstoy loved as a house and garden, and we soon learned that he had acquired the property. & Quot; (Yu.D.Olsufev. From the past of my family.).
But Olsufyeva long been neighbors of Leo Tolstoy. In 1887 there was opened a psychiatric clinic, established on the initiative and with the money Varvara Morozova (1848-1917)
In the seventeen year old daughter fell in love with industrialist Khludov director of "Partnership Tver Manufactory" Abram Morozov. Girl repeatedly rejected the proposal muzhikovatogo groom. But a rich merchant Morozov, from the standpoint of not less than wealthy merchant Khludov was a brilliant match for his daughter. Since Khludovskoye children inherited his father's hard character had his own daughter put under lock and key, so as not stubborn. A son of Michael, demanded independence, generally put out of the house. Barbara sat for about a year in a locked room and only surrendered in exchange for forgiveness of his beloved brother.
From overloads and hell mode uphill entrepreneur, nervous system Morozova failed. Mental illness Abram Abramovich lasted five years. Barbara refused to identify her husband to the hospital, as required by the nature of the disease, and nursed him until his death in 1882. In this difficult and dark period of her life she was very helpful Professor Korsakov, who treated the patient at home.
Not surprisingly, the first big and very important matter of charity V.A.Morozovoy after her husband's death was a device on its funds Psychiatric Clinic with the condition giving it the name of the deceased spouse. And led clinic refers then to the University, Sergei Korsakoff (1854-1900).
Korsakov - absolutely immense topic, so I will touch on it only slightly, mainly citing an essay by Vladimir Levi
How to determine who one could calm the silent gaze of violent psychotic, one brief conversation remove insane anguish, heartache? ..
Possibly, when someone in a madhouse doors and windows were open all day and night, and no one escaped, not brawled nothing common did not happen? .. Togo, who made his face is psychological psychiatry and psychology psihoterapevtichnoy? ..
... In the completely natural home for the insane, where every second can happen anything, born and successfully operating system unhampered and open doors. No binding, no locks. Patients free entry and exit. The staff was less than now. No special insurance - only care ... Reaching out and socializing. Overcoming terrible enemy of the soul - the boredom and loneliness. Games, concerts and all kinds of venture and holidays in the style of non-enforced domesticity ... In scientific writings meant Korsakov's dry "system of moral influence».
Neither before nor after him was a psychiatrist who'd spent so much time with their patients. Spent day and night in the hospital, lived there seven days a week. Reception desk almost led - talked with patients anywhere, then sat down on the bed, then somewhere in the corner playing chess in a home clothes.
How about miracles told that it cost him only to come up and look to the most nervous patient calmed down. It was not hypnosis, no. It was love, not to declare themselves. Such love is powerful.
& Quot; ... the gate in the far depths of the long driveway of the yard you will meet Sergey.
I not only bolshelobom bearded bust on a pedestal with flower beds - not only ...
In Korsakov and in fact there was such a sculpture, a marvelous, majestic patriarchal head and bust itself is good, it chetyrehlapoe addition to the name: scientists, thinkers, psychiatry, Humanist & quot;
No wonder that crossed paths Korsakov and Leo Tolstoy - and not just because they were neighbors.
"Tolstoy went on a visit to the clinic and talked with Korsakov and patients attending concerts are held in the auditorium for patients and physicians attended medical hypnosis.
The clinic has guided Leo Tolstoy on the definition of the essence of all psiholechebnitsy: "a place where patients are commonplace kinds of craziness keep patients with rarer forms." Small madhouse in a big - just like nails it - but also himself from the "common" does not rule out ... "(V.Levi)
I once read a touching story of friendship died early Wani - the son of Tolstoy - with one of the patients in the clinic. They talked through the hole in the fence, and the relationship with the boy became perhaps the most important in the healing of (in modern terms) depression. The story I have not found on the network, found a name - "Vanya. True incident of his life "- and the author. This story Sophia Tolstaya wrote after the death of Vanya. (Update. The story is found, there in comments)
After the death of SS Korsakov clinic headed V.V.Serbsky, and in 1918 became director of the clinic PB Gannushkin.
(Bust Gannushkina on the landing clinic).
Other names of its leaders, who are likely little say layman, I do not give. There were many famous patients are treated Vrubel and Yesenin.
And a little more of today's clinic. There is surprisingly little from the hectic 21st century.
Information stand preserved since time immemorial. Image Komsomol icon is appropriate.
Exhibition of works by patients of the clinic. The exhibition is old, but the exposure is relatively new.
Ladder withdrawn mesh to prevent the fold down. In two steps - the entrance to the department. True to the second floor are calm branch, but still precautions are taken.
Well, that's all. Tour of the small psychiatric hospital over
Source: moscow-i-ya.livejournal.com

The main attraction of the clinic - a huge garden, the distal end of which (the area greatly reduced due to the building, but still rather big) rests on the "back" part of the estate of Tolstoy in Khamovniki. And it is no coincidence that neighborhood.
In the 18th century, near the Maiden field is a vast country estate Vice Chancellor Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Golitsyn. Manor Park lasted until the Moskva River. The estate became the property of Olsufyeva, after the daughter of Prince Golitsyn married Dmitry Adamovich Olsufyeva.
The house, which stood on this estate was built in the second half of the XVIII century and is a typical noble residence in Moscow at the time. The front of his, according to Anna Vasilevny Levitsky, born Olsufyeva was extensively described by Leo Tolstoy in "War and Peace", as the front house Rostovs.
Artist Vasily Polenov shot outbuilding house on the Virgin's Field from 1878 to 1881, and the romantic in its ruins, crumbling architectural ensemble was perceived by them as the embodiment of noble Turgenev's nest. There he wrote his famous painting "Grandmother's Garden", which depicts a wing of the estate, by Obolensky lane, and Tatiana Wasi levnu Olsufyeva - the daughter of the then owner, a young girl, supportive grandmother. (Yu.D.Olsufev. From the past of my family.)

When we came to the clinic, we also started with the garden, which is now given to patients for walks

For this ladder go for a walk patients.

Some patients enjoy playing volleyball

In 1880, Leo Tolstoy decided to move from Yasnaya Polyana to Moscow. Here he writes about it in his memoirs, Anna V. Levitsky, one of Olsufyeva "; One day, in the summer of 1880, Tolstoy, dining with us, said he thought with horror and can not imagine how living in Moscow, he will have to walk on the pavement, he can not stand. When he said about it, my father said Tolstoy: take house next to our garden in Khamovnicheskiy alley. From there you will be able to constantly go for a walk on the Sparrow Hills, never stepping into the street, going out of your garden in our garden. ... Tolstoy loved as a house and garden, and we soon learned that he had acquired the property. & Quot; (Yu.D.Olsufev. From the past of my family.).
But Olsufyeva long been neighbors of Leo Tolstoy. In 1887 there was opened a psychiatric clinic, established on the initiative and with the money Varvara Morozova (1848-1917)
In the seventeen year old daughter fell in love with industrialist Khludov director of "Partnership Tver Manufactory" Abram Morozov. Girl repeatedly rejected the proposal muzhikovatogo groom. But a rich merchant Morozov, from the standpoint of not less than wealthy merchant Khludov was a brilliant match for his daughter. Since Khludovskoye children inherited his father's hard character had his own daughter put under lock and key, so as not stubborn. A son of Michael, demanded independence, generally put out of the house. Barbara sat for about a year in a locked room and only surrendered in exchange for forgiveness of his beloved brother.
From overloads and hell mode uphill entrepreneur, nervous system Morozova failed. Mental illness Abram Abramovich lasted five years. Barbara refused to identify her husband to the hospital, as required by the nature of the disease, and nursed him until his death in 1882. In this difficult and dark period of her life she was very helpful Professor Korsakov, who treated the patient at home.
Not surprisingly, the first big and very important matter of charity V.A.Morozovoy after her husband's death was a device on its funds Psychiatric Clinic with the condition giving it the name of the deceased spouse. And led clinic refers then to the University, Sergei Korsakoff (1854-1900).

Korsakov - absolutely immense topic, so I will touch on it only slightly, mainly citing an essay by Vladimir Levi
How to determine who one could calm the silent gaze of violent psychotic, one brief conversation remove insane anguish, heartache? ..
Possibly, when someone in a madhouse doors and windows were open all day and night, and no one escaped, not brawled nothing common did not happen? .. Togo, who made his face is psychological psychiatry and psychology psihoterapevtichnoy? ..
... In the completely natural home for the insane, where every second can happen anything, born and successfully operating system unhampered and open doors. No binding, no locks. Patients free entry and exit. The staff was less than now. No special insurance - only care ... Reaching out and socializing. Overcoming terrible enemy of the soul - the boredom and loneliness. Games, concerts and all kinds of venture and holidays in the style of non-enforced domesticity ... In scientific writings meant Korsakov's dry "system of moral influence».
Neither before nor after him was a psychiatrist who'd spent so much time with their patients. Spent day and night in the hospital, lived there seven days a week. Reception desk almost led - talked with patients anywhere, then sat down on the bed, then somewhere in the corner playing chess in a home clothes.
How about miracles told that it cost him only to come up and look to the most nervous patient calmed down. It was not hypnosis, no. It was love, not to declare themselves. Such love is powerful.
& Quot; ... the gate in the far depths of the long driveway of the yard you will meet Sergey.
I not only bolshelobom bearded bust on a pedestal with flower beds - not only ...
In Korsakov and in fact there was such a sculpture, a marvelous, majestic patriarchal head and bust itself is good, it chetyrehlapoe addition to the name: scientists, thinkers, psychiatry, Humanist & quot;

No wonder that crossed paths Korsakov and Leo Tolstoy - and not just because they were neighbors.
"Tolstoy went on a visit to the clinic and talked with Korsakov and patients attending concerts are held in the auditorium for patients and physicians attended medical hypnosis.
The clinic has guided Leo Tolstoy on the definition of the essence of all psiholechebnitsy: "a place where patients are commonplace kinds of craziness keep patients with rarer forms." Small madhouse in a big - just like nails it - but also himself from the "common" does not rule out ... "(V.Levi)
I once read a touching story of friendship died early Wani - the son of Tolstoy - with one of the patients in the clinic. They talked through the hole in the fence, and the relationship with the boy became perhaps the most important in the healing of (in modern terms) depression. The story I have not found on the network, found a name - "Vanya. True incident of his life "- and the author. This story Sophia Tolstaya wrote after the death of Vanya. (Update. The story is found, there in comments)
After the death of SS Korsakov clinic headed V.V.Serbsky, and in 1918 became director of the clinic PB Gannushkin.

(Bust Gannushkina on the landing clinic).
Other names of its leaders, who are likely little say layman, I do not give. There were many famous patients are treated Vrubel and Yesenin.
And a little more of today's clinic. There is surprisingly little from the hectic 21st century.

Information stand preserved since time immemorial. Image Komsomol icon is appropriate.

Exhibition of works by patients of the clinic. The exhibition is old, but the exposure is relatively new.

Ladder withdrawn mesh to prevent the fold down. In two steps - the entrance to the department. True to the second floor are calm branch, but still precautions are taken.

Well, that's all. Tour of the small psychiatric hospital over

Source: moscow-i-ya.livejournal.com