Scary places on the planet
Thrill seekers can not only climb on the rocks and jump with a parachute, but also to visit the most horrible places in the world, which is enough.
And it's not necessarily Pripyat, where there was a terrible disaster.
This is a place about which you can shoot horror, about which legends.
Winchester House
160 rooms, 40 staircases and one big mystery. That's what is Winchester House - a huge manor house in San Jose, where lived a crazy widow, and a whole family of ghosts. It all started with the fact that Sarah Winchester lost her husband and inherited his multimillion-dollar fortune. Later, it was the spirit of the deceased, who said joyless news: money earned on human bones, all the Winchesters are cursed, and the ghosts will retaliate. To make peace with them, you can only start building a house. Preferably without stopping. Because if hammering dies down, the woman dies.
Sarah immediately set to work. Their new-found millionaire bought in California old house and hired workers. The house began to appear new rooms, corridors, balconies and hidden passages. Floors braided web of stairs, which often led to nowhere - slowly goes mad Mrs. Winchester was hoping to mislead ghosts haunt her. House has grown by leaps and bounds, the construction did not stop more than a day, and continued in the end as much as 38 years! Today, in this grand mansion lead guided tours. Fend off the group can not - or instantly get lost in the maze of creepy rooms. In which, it is said, the ghosts are still waiting for their victims.
Aokigahara Forest
Gloomy forest at the foot of Mount Fuji would amiss for the filming of "Blair Witch Project." Through the dense trees of the national park is almost breaks the sun, people here do not work compasses. Themselves, the Japanese called this place "Les suicides": from the 1950s brought more than five hundred people in a remote thicket own lives. By the number of suicides in front Aokigahara is just a bridge "Golden Gate" that in San Francisco.
Instead of plates, "Do not throw garbage!" In the forest hanging ad requests to think about loved ones. Everywhere written numbers of psychological services. Video surveillance. But people (most often tormented life office clerks in business suits) continue to die: peaceful tourists stumble from time to time in the woods on the bodies of dead or "tools killings" in the form of tablets and rope loops. In general, a nice walk!
Bridge Overtoun
Old arch bridge is located near the Scottish village of Milton. Next to him - a powerful Overtoun mansion, which could become a haven for dozens of disgruntled ghosts. But to the house we have no complaints, but the bridge there. In the middle of the XX century it began to make strange things: dozens of dogs suddenly threw a 15-meter height and fell on the rocks and smashed to death. Those that survived - back and retry. The bridge has become a real "killer pets».
In ten years, died on the bridge a few hundred dogs. All of them jumped from the same parapet. What pushes watchdogs into the abyss, could not understand anybody. Unravel the terrible secrets tried to zoologists, veterinarians and other professionals. It soon became clear that under the bridge live rats and mink, which could throw the dogs chased hunting instinct. But there is another version - say, the bridge is on the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead. Sensing something paranormal, dogs were "on track" and died as punishment for his curiosity.
Ghost town of San Zhi
Luxury resort on the coast was built specifically for the local rich. Houses in futuristic style with round rooms and a curved staircase was designed for those who are tired of ordinariness. However, during the construction phase, it became clear that San Zhi is a curse. Dozens of workers have died under strange circumstances: broken neck, falling from a height (even with tether), died under the collapsed crane. Nearby residents were convinced that the town inhabited by evil spirits. There were heart-rending stories about the Japanese "death camp", which once was in these places.
In the late 1980s, construction stalled. Investors are waiting to see what "space" Apartment San Zhi find their buyers, but the talks ended in nothing. Found out about the features of this sinister place, superstitious Taiwanese refused to invest in real estate. As a result, the resort has gradually turned into a ghost town. Bellied houses are in ruins, beautiful beaches deserted paths overgrown with weeds. Authorities even wanted to demolish the abandoned resort, but were stopped by the wave of protests: the locals are afraid that after the destruction of homes evil will walk to nearby villages.
Island Pauwels
Povegliya tiny island near Venice is surrounded by dense fog horrific stories. For several decades, the XIV century, during which raged in the world "Black Death", were brought here plague infected people - terminally ill patients, who had no chance of survival. Here, on the island, was organized "mass grave" in which thousands of bodies were buried. There is a version that the corpses were not buried and burned, because of which the soil on Poveglii 50 percent is made up of human ashes.
However, this is only the beginning of a horror film. In 1922 on the island housed a psychiatric hospital. Almost all of her patients soon began to suffer from nightmares and headaches complain that the clinic is literally packed with the ghosts of the dead. But it was only on hand the chief doctor who force-fed mentally ill neuroleptics and put them on experiments. On the island still retains the dilapidated clinic building with barred windows, beds and fragments of medical equipment. There is also a bell tower (now it serves as a beacon), which, according to legend, folded in the final stories kooky doctor.
Dzhatinga village in the mountains of the Indian state of Assam has long earned the nickname "graveyard of birds." Every August in the sky over the local valley there are large flocks of birds that are shouting fall to the ground. Mass suicide lasts for several days, some birds are killed, the rest, as if under the influence of hypnosis, easily give to pull myself together. Farmers call this eerie phenomenon of "night birds falling" and especially the evening campfire going to take a look at the almost incessant ptitsepad. Indians consider it God's gift.
Ornithologists many years studying the phenomenon Dzhatingi. According to one version, blame - geophysical anomalies that migratory birds knocked off course. Another idea is that the birds fall into the powerful wind currents, lose strength, and blows towards the village. Noticing razozhzhёnnye fires, birds catch the light and does not calculate the distance die.
Island of the Dolls
Get into this realm of fear in the country Aztecs can boat on the famous canals Xochimilco. Opening types will please fans of films about killer Chucky doll: every tree and every building on the island are covered with terrible bobblehead with empty eye sockets, broken limbs and crushed their heads. All this on the island gave a guy named Julian Barrera. Once, when a girl drowned in the canal, he accidentally found on the site of her death doll. Believing that the toy is connected with the spirit of the deceased, Barrera left her on the island. And then found another doll. And could not stop, continuing to collect discarded in the trash PUPS over the next 50 years.
Deranged Mexican (which, by the way, loved to lay the collar) even built a hut on the island, where he settled. Collection mutilated toys continued to grow. Once an island suddenly went under water (in Mexico this sometimes happens), and soon came up again, but its inhabitants had already disappeared. There are only dolls, look at that today go indifferent to the horror stories tourists.
Impasse Mary King
400 years ago quarter Mary King (the name of the owner of the majority of the local houses) was one of the busiest places in Edinburgh. The situation changed when the city came the plague. Legend has it that trying to prevent the spread of the disease, the authorities isolated the infected all in one area, then was surrounded by dangerous stretch of blank wall. People were brought to a standstill Mary King during several epidemics, and they died, left without any outside help. Among these accidents was Annie and the baby - a little girl who was excommunicated from his parents and locked in the "city of the dead" because it was infected. It is known for certain that only part of the legend - a fabrication. In fact, no wall was not, although quarantine infected who visited a doctor there.
Today underground quarters Edinburgh (over them for a long time to build a new city) turned into a tourist attraction. Why not ceased to be terrible. In the stone labyrinths better not to go without a guide, and in the light should insert new batteries - no light in the cave to do nothing. There are stories that the impasse Mary King infested with ghosts of dead people, and some "lucky" enough for the baby's knees ghost Annie.
Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com
And it's not necessarily Pripyat, where there was a terrible disaster.
This is a place about which you can shoot horror, about which legends.
Winchester House

160 rooms, 40 staircases and one big mystery. That's what is Winchester House - a huge manor house in San Jose, where lived a crazy widow, and a whole family of ghosts. It all started with the fact that Sarah Winchester lost her husband and inherited his multimillion-dollar fortune. Later, it was the spirit of the deceased, who said joyless news: money earned on human bones, all the Winchesters are cursed, and the ghosts will retaliate. To make peace with them, you can only start building a house. Preferably without stopping. Because if hammering dies down, the woman dies.
Sarah immediately set to work. Their new-found millionaire bought in California old house and hired workers. The house began to appear new rooms, corridors, balconies and hidden passages. Floors braided web of stairs, which often led to nowhere - slowly goes mad Mrs. Winchester was hoping to mislead ghosts haunt her. House has grown by leaps and bounds, the construction did not stop more than a day, and continued in the end as much as 38 years! Today, in this grand mansion lead guided tours. Fend off the group can not - or instantly get lost in the maze of creepy rooms. In which, it is said, the ghosts are still waiting for their victims.
Aokigahara Forest

Gloomy forest at the foot of Mount Fuji would amiss for the filming of "Blair Witch Project." Through the dense trees of the national park is almost breaks the sun, people here do not work compasses. Themselves, the Japanese called this place "Les suicides": from the 1950s brought more than five hundred people in a remote thicket own lives. By the number of suicides in front Aokigahara is just a bridge "Golden Gate" that in San Francisco.
Instead of plates, "Do not throw garbage!" In the forest hanging ad requests to think about loved ones. Everywhere written numbers of psychological services. Video surveillance. But people (most often tormented life office clerks in business suits) continue to die: peaceful tourists stumble from time to time in the woods on the bodies of dead or "tools killings" in the form of tablets and rope loops. In general, a nice walk!
Bridge Overtoun

Old arch bridge is located near the Scottish village of Milton. Next to him - a powerful Overtoun mansion, which could become a haven for dozens of disgruntled ghosts. But to the house we have no complaints, but the bridge there. In the middle of the XX century it began to make strange things: dozens of dogs suddenly threw a 15-meter height and fell on the rocks and smashed to death. Those that survived - back and retry. The bridge has become a real "killer pets».
In ten years, died on the bridge a few hundred dogs. All of them jumped from the same parapet. What pushes watchdogs into the abyss, could not understand anybody. Unravel the terrible secrets tried to zoologists, veterinarians and other professionals. It soon became clear that under the bridge live rats and mink, which could throw the dogs chased hunting instinct. But there is another version - say, the bridge is on the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead. Sensing something paranormal, dogs were "on track" and died as punishment for his curiosity.
Ghost town of San Zhi

Luxury resort on the coast was built specifically for the local rich. Houses in futuristic style with round rooms and a curved staircase was designed for those who are tired of ordinariness. However, during the construction phase, it became clear that San Zhi is a curse. Dozens of workers have died under strange circumstances: broken neck, falling from a height (even with tether), died under the collapsed crane. Nearby residents were convinced that the town inhabited by evil spirits. There were heart-rending stories about the Japanese "death camp", which once was in these places.
In the late 1980s, construction stalled. Investors are waiting to see what "space" Apartment San Zhi find their buyers, but the talks ended in nothing. Found out about the features of this sinister place, superstitious Taiwanese refused to invest in real estate. As a result, the resort has gradually turned into a ghost town. Bellied houses are in ruins, beautiful beaches deserted paths overgrown with weeds. Authorities even wanted to demolish the abandoned resort, but were stopped by the wave of protests: the locals are afraid that after the destruction of homes evil will walk to nearby villages.
Island Pauwels

Povegliya tiny island near Venice is surrounded by dense fog horrific stories. For several decades, the XIV century, during which raged in the world "Black Death", were brought here plague infected people - terminally ill patients, who had no chance of survival. Here, on the island, was organized "mass grave" in which thousands of bodies were buried. There is a version that the corpses were not buried and burned, because of which the soil on Poveglii 50 percent is made up of human ashes.
However, this is only the beginning of a horror film. In 1922 on the island housed a psychiatric hospital. Almost all of her patients soon began to suffer from nightmares and headaches complain that the clinic is literally packed with the ghosts of the dead. But it was only on hand the chief doctor who force-fed mentally ill neuroleptics and put them on experiments. On the island still retains the dilapidated clinic building with barred windows, beds and fragments of medical equipment. There is also a bell tower (now it serves as a beacon), which, according to legend, folded in the final stories kooky doctor.

Dzhatinga village in the mountains of the Indian state of Assam has long earned the nickname "graveyard of birds." Every August in the sky over the local valley there are large flocks of birds that are shouting fall to the ground. Mass suicide lasts for several days, some birds are killed, the rest, as if under the influence of hypnosis, easily give to pull myself together. Farmers call this eerie phenomenon of "night birds falling" and especially the evening campfire going to take a look at the almost incessant ptitsepad. Indians consider it God's gift.
Ornithologists many years studying the phenomenon Dzhatingi. According to one version, blame - geophysical anomalies that migratory birds knocked off course. Another idea is that the birds fall into the powerful wind currents, lose strength, and blows towards the village. Noticing razozhzhёnnye fires, birds catch the light and does not calculate the distance die.
Island of the Dolls

Get into this realm of fear in the country Aztecs can boat on the famous canals Xochimilco. Opening types will please fans of films about killer Chucky doll: every tree and every building on the island are covered with terrible bobblehead with empty eye sockets, broken limbs and crushed their heads. All this on the island gave a guy named Julian Barrera. Once, when a girl drowned in the canal, he accidentally found on the site of her death doll. Believing that the toy is connected with the spirit of the deceased, Barrera left her on the island. And then found another doll. And could not stop, continuing to collect discarded in the trash PUPS over the next 50 years.
Deranged Mexican (which, by the way, loved to lay the collar) even built a hut on the island, where he settled. Collection mutilated toys continued to grow. Once an island suddenly went under water (in Mexico this sometimes happens), and soon came up again, but its inhabitants had already disappeared. There are only dolls, look at that today go indifferent to the horror stories tourists.
Impasse Mary King

400 years ago quarter Mary King (the name of the owner of the majority of the local houses) was one of the busiest places in Edinburgh. The situation changed when the city came the plague. Legend has it that trying to prevent the spread of the disease, the authorities isolated the infected all in one area, then was surrounded by dangerous stretch of blank wall. People were brought to a standstill Mary King during several epidemics, and they died, left without any outside help. Among these accidents was Annie and the baby - a little girl who was excommunicated from his parents and locked in the "city of the dead" because it was infected. It is known for certain that only part of the legend - a fabrication. In fact, no wall was not, although quarantine infected who visited a doctor there.
Today underground quarters Edinburgh (over them for a long time to build a new city) turned into a tourist attraction. Why not ceased to be terrible. In the stone labyrinths better not to go without a guide, and in the light should insert new batteries - no light in the cave to do nothing. There are stories that the impasse Mary King infested with ghosts of dead people, and some "lucky" enough for the baby's knees ghost Annie.
Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com