The dictatorship of the road
The movement of "Blue buckets" won another major victory: in a few hours its activists exposed the Bank "Avangard", cars that got killed four people. The bank was forced to admit his involvement in the accident, in fact the incident a criminal case.
Accident involving a car "Mercedes" and "Land Cruiser" was on the 30th kilometer of the highway Moscow - Domodedovo airport. According to witnesses, immediately after the accident numbers draped cloth. But collective intelligence "Cinih buckets" it was not a hindrance.
- First, we in the "Learn" it was reported about the accident - says the coordinator of Peter Shkumatov. - Then there was a man who went by the DVR. It was possible to identify the first letter of the number of "Mercedes", and then away we go! Surfaced number jeep series AMP, and the number of "Mercedes", because they always go in pairs, and often appeared in the videos that drove on an opposite. There are plenty of videos and pictures with the machines. There are no secrets: a lot of us, and we are everywhere. Someone, perhaps even working in the bank "Avangard».
Initially, the bank press service rejected the possibility of their participation in the controversial car accident. But after the bombing of the Internet "buckets" has published an official report with the recognition of "Cars used to transport heads of holding" Avangard ", the drivers are employees of the bank." But at the time of the accident one of the leaders in the machines would have been no. Both the driver under house arrest.
- Drivers are also to blame - not discouraged Shkumatov. - They are not the military, are not required to comply with any order of the authorities. These here are the "poor" employees - people who are stunned by impunity. So you need a bucket of cold water. Blue bucket of cold water.
- You began to speak metaphorically, as a politician - I remark.
- No, I did not pathos added - meets Peter and coughing, he is sick, has a fever. - All civil society organizations that achieve something, just lighten up, bend your fingers. And we just once, every day we have something new: that last Friday was the analysis of the accident with a flashing light on the street in Moscow Mytnaya.
The only thing that threatens to "blue bucket" - are structural problems associated with the overgrowth of movement. Last month on their Internet resources already visited 300 thousand unique visitors. According to a recent poll by the Levada Center, 44% of Russians are aware of the community, 27% support it. "Bucket" has yet to learn how to coordinate such a mass of people.
The movement of "Blue buckets" won another major victory: in a few hours its activists exposed the Bank "Avangard", cars that got killed four people. The bank was forced to admit his involvement in the accident, in fact the incident a criminal case.
Accident involving a car "Mercedes" and "Land Cruiser" was on the 30th kilometer of the highway Moscow - Domodedovo airport. According to witnesses, immediately after the accident numbers draped cloth. But collective intelligence "Cinih buckets" it was not a hindrance.
- First, we in the "Learn" it was reported about the accident - says the coordinator of Peter Shkumatov. - Then there was a man who went by the DVR. It was possible to identify the first letter of the number of "Mercedes", and then away we go! Surfaced number jeep series AMP, and the number of "Mercedes", because they always go in pairs, and often appeared in the videos that drove on an opposite. There are plenty of videos and pictures with the machines. There are no secrets: a lot of us, and we are everywhere. Someone, perhaps even working in the bank "Avangard».
Initially, the bank press service rejected the possibility of their participation in the controversial car accident. But after the bombing of the Internet "buckets" has published an official report with the recognition of "Cars used to transport heads of holding" Avangard ", the drivers are employees of the bank." But at the time of the accident one of the leaders in the machines would have been no. Both the driver under house arrest.
- Drivers are also to blame - not discouraged Shkumatov. - They are not the military, are not required to comply with any order of the authorities. These here are the "poor" employees - people who are stunned by impunity. So you need a bucket of cold water. Blue bucket of cold water.
- You began to speak metaphorically, as a politician - I remark.
- No, I did not pathos added - meets Peter and coughing, he is sick, has a fever. - All civil society organizations that achieve something, just lighten up, bend your fingers. And we just once, every day we have something new: that last Friday was the analysis of the accident with a flashing light on the street in Moscow Mytnaya.
The only thing that threatens to "blue bucket" - are structural problems associated with the overgrowth of movement. Last month on their Internet resources already visited 300 thousand unique visitors. According to a recent poll by the Levada Center, 44% of Russians are aware of the community, 27% support it. "Bucket" has yet to learn how to coordinate such a mass of people.