Why the poor - the poor and the rich - the rich?
Writes blogger fritzmorgen:
The poor have to change their approach to life. And it's not I said it, scientists said. Note the circuit is attached to the post (clickable).
In the diagram you can see the results of a survey of people of different income levels, which correspond to an important practical question: what are the main reasons for the success. What exactly distinguishes successful people from everyone else.
The rich think that the main thing - it is work, determination and ability.
The middle class sees the key to success in education and success.
Well, the poor imagine that all business communications, smart-ass, and the presence of the initial capital.
We'll go over the proposed range of researchers - from smart-ass to education.
1. smart-ass
My experience is that a person is worse than the money, the more it is inclined to cheat. Ride the subway without a ticket, dynamite debts, steal, moonlight, podsizhivat colleagues - a list you can easily continue to do.
This is understandable. Although poverty by itself is still not a vice, but it actively pushes to vice. Became entangled in financial problems people often do not have neither the strength nor the ability to behave honestly.
However, the converse is also true. The more a person tends to spoil the little things other people to climb out of turn and pressing of nearby penny for penny, so usually it is poorer. Since the smart-ass - unfavorable long-term strategy.
The easiest way to compare the smart-ass with alcoholism. If you take a little bit into ethanol, you immediately feel a surge of strength, your mood will improve. However, this does not mean that excessive consumption of ethanol will make you strong and happy. Since the side effects of the drug outweigh the serious short-term benefit of all.
On the other hand, we can see many successful people who have different stages of alcoholism did not prevent success. But - again - this never imply that the main reason for their success was just the alcohol.
In any case, the modern democratic world the poor must somehow consoling themselves: they need to justify themselves for their poverty. Agree, the statement "I am a poor, because I'm honest," which sounds like a more tolerant than the "I am a poor, as lazy," or "I have not as stupid».
2. Ability
I'll tell you very cynical thing. Get ready. Ready?
Not all people are equally talented. Some Gd gives more to others - less. Our world is unjust.
Abilities are very important, and more capable than a man, the greater his chances of success. Conversely, a man without any talent will be much more difficult to climb up the social ladder.
Tolerant slogan "all men are equal" - is no less nonsense than, say, the slogan "All men of the same height." No effort, no formation of a serious difference in the ability to fully compensate can not.
3. Communication
Links - a two-way street. On the one hand, your friends help you when you hard. On the other hand, they also pull you struggled down when you try to rise "above the team».
Doctors know that if the alcoholic does not replace radically your social circle, stop drinking it will be much harder. Swamp of old friends will be hard to pull it down.
The same is true for social elevator. The more links you will have, the harder you will "grow." Friends and acquaintances will unwittingly disturb you.
Of course, sometimes due helpful ... but do not forget that we are now living in the open world. Therefore, once you start moving in the right direction as soputsvuyuschie connection will wind up by themselves, without any effort on your part.
Personally, I'm a different kind of "connection" as a pleasant side of my life. I like to communicate with interesting people to me, but I do not expect this communication are no special benefits.
4. Luck
All three categories of respondents believe that the success of luck affects not too much.
I'm ready to sign under these words. In the long run the casino always wins, and the player always loses. Exceptions are rare.
If you behave properly, you will definitely be lucky - if not tomorrow, then in a year or five years. If you behave properly, then life again, you will be sure to punish.
At the same time, of course, fallen from the sky brick and manifest from the ground uncle millionaire in our lives, too, are occasionally found ... Only, I repeat, such events do not happen so often that should give Mr. occasion more significance than it deserves.
5. Work
I continue to believe that man was created to work like a dog for the flight. A person should enjoy life and not plow as the Przewalski horse. Nevertheless, the ability to work - that's what really distinguishes successful people from unsuccessful.
The answer is simple paradox. The thing is that it is considered difficult.
If it is a purely formal attributes - spent time at work, tired overworked member after a working day, and so on - then this kind of work-for-work, of course, no one is not particularly necessary.
However, if we define work as an action that results in a significant benefit, the work immediately becomes extremely important.
I will try to explain with an example.
Suppose we have two drivers. One works like a bayonet for twelve hours a day, does not drink and does not smoke, gently fills the paper and always picks up the phone when he calls the chief.
The second driver - a lazy dolt with curved arms, suitable only for molestation pretty dispatchers and cutting doctoral sausage.
Suddenly it turns out that there is a dirty job. We must go alone three thousand kilometers away and pick up the goods empty barrels from the diesel, while most of their body and plunging in.
The question is, which of the driver is able to work correctly? Those who having understood the importance of the problem, will be able to proceed with the execution. The driver, however, who would say 'no, I have football on the weekends, "to this work incapable.
In other words, a successful person does not necessarily work more than others. He just knows how to accept the work from which the other - for different reasons - refuse.
When I was little, my grandmother often told me, "there is such a word -" it is necessary "." I am saying this at first seemed moralofazheskoy, then clear, then incorrect. Now I finally understand its meaning.
A person who understands the word "necessary", can achieve much more finicky than others miserable truzhenniki.
It should be understood that we are not talking either about willpower, nor endurance, nor the hard work. It is about ready to perform the right job, no matter how hard, tedious, unpleasant or difficult it may look.
6. Strongly
Also of paramount quality. The faster and better you make decisions, the easier it will be to go upstairs.
In the life of every human being is constantly appearing and disappearing opportunities. If a man will repeatedly attempt to use the chance, he quickly caught the tail of luck.
Especially important is the quality of business. Details I wrote about it here:
7. Capital
Poor people often overestimate the value of the initial capital. People are usually provided not attach importance to this factor. Since the people in front of them with empty pockets constantly become millionaires.
Of course, it is foolish to deny Ksenia Sobchak was a good start. But ... who can calculate that played a more important role in its success - money the parents or the right character, coupled with the talents received by inheritance?
Personally, I have plenty of friends to start from scratch. At the same time - do not believe the comedy - no matter what a fantastic start-up capital for a crime they did not go. They just quietly worked and waited for his chance, and good luck in the end must come to them.
8. Education
As you know, I take the traditional form with a certain degree of contempt. If we subtract from academic institutions Dynasty, in which knowledge of the actual operation are passed from older to younger, there will be only a senseless asses polished wooden benches.
Of course, our society is full of conventions and diplomas yet have some price. But we must understand that education - it tracks the movement which will not allow you to achieve any significant heights.
I tell the story of life.
A few years ago, when the fashion was an MBA business, I started thinking about how to get it. I came to the familiar businessman, who has already tried to pass this course somewhere in the United States, and asked him whether I should spend time and money.
For me it was obtained a clear answer. The businessman explained that his wife - who worked his commercial director - he is an MBA and pay no regrets. He himself, being the owner of the business, spend time on it does not see sense.
To summarize
I guess not everyone will agree with my assessment of ways leading to success. Therefore, to reflect at least part of the objection, I will ask you a leading question.
Tell me, what quality is especially needed in order to become a professional athlete: smart-ass, abilities, communication, success, work, determination, capital or education?
The poor have to change their approach to life. And it's not I said it, scientists said. Note the circuit is attached to the post (clickable).
In the diagram you can see the results of a survey of people of different income levels, which correspond to an important practical question: what are the main reasons for the success. What exactly distinguishes successful people from everyone else.
The rich think that the main thing - it is work, determination and ability.
The middle class sees the key to success in education and success.
Well, the poor imagine that all business communications, smart-ass, and the presence of the initial capital.

We'll go over the proposed range of researchers - from smart-ass to education.
1. smart-ass
My experience is that a person is worse than the money, the more it is inclined to cheat. Ride the subway without a ticket, dynamite debts, steal, moonlight, podsizhivat colleagues - a list you can easily continue to do.
This is understandable. Although poverty by itself is still not a vice, but it actively pushes to vice. Became entangled in financial problems people often do not have neither the strength nor the ability to behave honestly.
However, the converse is also true. The more a person tends to spoil the little things other people to climb out of turn and pressing of nearby penny for penny, so usually it is poorer. Since the smart-ass - unfavorable long-term strategy.
The easiest way to compare the smart-ass with alcoholism. If you take a little bit into ethanol, you immediately feel a surge of strength, your mood will improve. However, this does not mean that excessive consumption of ethanol will make you strong and happy. Since the side effects of the drug outweigh the serious short-term benefit of all.
On the other hand, we can see many successful people who have different stages of alcoholism did not prevent success. But - again - this never imply that the main reason for their success was just the alcohol.
In any case, the modern democratic world the poor must somehow consoling themselves: they need to justify themselves for their poverty. Agree, the statement "I am a poor, because I'm honest," which sounds like a more tolerant than the "I am a poor, as lazy," or "I have not as stupid».
2. Ability
I'll tell you very cynical thing. Get ready. Ready?
Not all people are equally talented. Some Gd gives more to others - less. Our world is unjust.
Abilities are very important, and more capable than a man, the greater his chances of success. Conversely, a man without any talent will be much more difficult to climb up the social ladder.
Tolerant slogan "all men are equal" - is no less nonsense than, say, the slogan "All men of the same height." No effort, no formation of a serious difference in the ability to fully compensate can not.
3. Communication
Links - a two-way street. On the one hand, your friends help you when you hard. On the other hand, they also pull you struggled down when you try to rise "above the team».
Doctors know that if the alcoholic does not replace radically your social circle, stop drinking it will be much harder. Swamp of old friends will be hard to pull it down.
The same is true for social elevator. The more links you will have, the harder you will "grow." Friends and acquaintances will unwittingly disturb you.
Of course, sometimes due helpful ... but do not forget that we are now living in the open world. Therefore, once you start moving in the right direction as soputsvuyuschie connection will wind up by themselves, without any effort on your part.
Personally, I'm a different kind of "connection" as a pleasant side of my life. I like to communicate with interesting people to me, but I do not expect this communication are no special benefits.
4. Luck
All three categories of respondents believe that the success of luck affects not too much.
I'm ready to sign under these words. In the long run the casino always wins, and the player always loses. Exceptions are rare.
If you behave properly, you will definitely be lucky - if not tomorrow, then in a year or five years. If you behave properly, then life again, you will be sure to punish.
At the same time, of course, fallen from the sky brick and manifest from the ground uncle millionaire in our lives, too, are occasionally found ... Only, I repeat, such events do not happen so often that should give Mr. occasion more significance than it deserves.
5. Work
I continue to believe that man was created to work like a dog for the flight. A person should enjoy life and not plow as the Przewalski horse. Nevertheless, the ability to work - that's what really distinguishes successful people from unsuccessful.
The answer is simple paradox. The thing is that it is considered difficult.
If it is a purely formal attributes - spent time at work, tired overworked member after a working day, and so on - then this kind of work-for-work, of course, no one is not particularly necessary.
However, if we define work as an action that results in a significant benefit, the work immediately becomes extremely important.
I will try to explain with an example.
Suppose we have two drivers. One works like a bayonet for twelve hours a day, does not drink and does not smoke, gently fills the paper and always picks up the phone when he calls the chief.
The second driver - a lazy dolt with curved arms, suitable only for molestation pretty dispatchers and cutting doctoral sausage.
Suddenly it turns out that there is a dirty job. We must go alone three thousand kilometers away and pick up the goods empty barrels from the diesel, while most of their body and plunging in.
The question is, which of the driver is able to work correctly? Those who having understood the importance of the problem, will be able to proceed with the execution. The driver, however, who would say 'no, I have football on the weekends, "to this work incapable.
In other words, a successful person does not necessarily work more than others. He just knows how to accept the work from which the other - for different reasons - refuse.
When I was little, my grandmother often told me, "there is such a word -" it is necessary "." I am saying this at first seemed moralofazheskoy, then clear, then incorrect. Now I finally understand its meaning.
A person who understands the word "necessary", can achieve much more finicky than others miserable truzhenniki.
It should be understood that we are not talking either about willpower, nor endurance, nor the hard work. It is about ready to perform the right job, no matter how hard, tedious, unpleasant or difficult it may look.
6. Strongly
Also of paramount quality. The faster and better you make decisions, the easier it will be to go upstairs.
In the life of every human being is constantly appearing and disappearing opportunities. If a man will repeatedly attempt to use the chance, he quickly caught the tail of luck.
Especially important is the quality of business. Details I wrote about it here:
7. Capital
Poor people often overestimate the value of the initial capital. People are usually provided not attach importance to this factor. Since the people in front of them with empty pockets constantly become millionaires.
Of course, it is foolish to deny Ksenia Sobchak was a good start. But ... who can calculate that played a more important role in its success - money the parents or the right character, coupled with the talents received by inheritance?
Personally, I have plenty of friends to start from scratch. At the same time - do not believe the comedy - no matter what a fantastic start-up capital for a crime they did not go. They just quietly worked and waited for his chance, and good luck in the end must come to them.
8. Education
As you know, I take the traditional form with a certain degree of contempt. If we subtract from academic institutions Dynasty, in which knowledge of the actual operation are passed from older to younger, there will be only a senseless asses polished wooden benches.
Of course, our society is full of conventions and diplomas yet have some price. But we must understand that education - it tracks the movement which will not allow you to achieve any significant heights.
I tell the story of life.
A few years ago, when the fashion was an MBA business, I started thinking about how to get it. I came to the familiar businessman, who has already tried to pass this course somewhere in the United States, and asked him whether I should spend time and money.
For me it was obtained a clear answer. The businessman explained that his wife - who worked his commercial director - he is an MBA and pay no regrets. He himself, being the owner of the business, spend time on it does not see sense.
To summarize
I guess not everyone will agree with my assessment of ways leading to success. Therefore, to reflect at least part of the objection, I will ask you a leading question.
Tell me, what quality is especially needed in order to become a professional athlete: smart-ass, abilities, communication, success, work, determination, capital or education?