Builder enthusiast builds a house for 10 years
From Minsk by train - 23 kilometers, then the station Khmelevka need to go across the bridge, and there is still two kilometers on foot. Eugene knows the path by heart. For 10 years every weekend and on weekdays after work and he comes here alone, without anybody's help, is building a house. In his designs he used more than 1,000 glass bottles, and local residents have nicknamed the house "fairytale castle". 1. With the money that went to the construction of the house, we could buy "odnushku" in Minsk
We go to Eugene on a country road. She still wet after the rain to get to the "fairytale castle" is not so simple. The owners assure that soon there will put asphalt, and is close to the second ring road.
2. - "Materials are spent faster than I have time to buy them. They, plus delivery takes me $ 500 per month, - shares his experience builder enthusiast. - Roughly the same for all the neighbors, who build themselves. If someone has an income greater hiring of workers, then the case goes faster. "
3. The wife Eugenia, Hope, is with him. Unlike him, she does not come here every weekend, but the passion of her husband hope is good.
- The money that went to the construction of all the 10 years we could buy "odnushku" in Minsk, but is that going to any comparison with its own home?
Among the typical cottages have grown like mushrooms along the way, we finally saw a house with two floors with a loft. This is the most fabulous castle. He had not yet completed, but is markedly different from the houses in the neighborhood.
4. Monogram initials daughter owners of the house. Photo:
The first thing that catches your eye - an unusual symbol of blue color on a wall of the building, which resembles the coat of arms. This monogram. It depicts the letters E and T - the initials of the house owners daughter Emilia Terekhova.
. On the walls of the building lined silhouettes of different animals.
6. - This mother and daughter experimented. Here is a giraffe and a wolf, which looks more like a mouse - laughing Eugene.
After reviewing the houses near it becomes clear why it is popular with locals. The building was constructed according to the standard design, but it draws attention to the unusual decor.
- The idea of decorative solutions belongs to my 6-year-old daughter - with a smile says Eugene. - She will find a picture and say, "Dad, are you you?" Then something sfantaziruet: "And you can screw column do? And tighten the arch? "And so it has turned out unusual house.
7. Several windows made of glass bottles.
8. - When we bought the land, there were bottles and broken glass. The basement had to let the light and glass block was impossible to buy here and handy bottle. Some of them are used in the foundation laid by other windows. Throughout the construction of more than a thousand homes.
When people started coming to look at unusual house, the hosts had the idea to do here agroekousadbu.
9 - According to my calculations, agroekobiznes can in half to increase the country's GDP. In my opinion, this is an important area of the economy - said Eugene. - Farmsteads - the main way to detain people in the village. In addition, Belarus has all the interesting tourist places, like beads, scattered over a large area. When the site visit takes 30 minutes, and get to a 3:00, a few impressions from tourism fade. And if the road will farmsteads, the journey will be much more interesting.
10. Go inside the house. A spiral staircase leads to the second floor. The owner shows us the twisted columns. According to Eugene, is receiving widespread and long-known, but inclined arch - a rare phenomenon. We are interested in the host why he is building a house alone.
11 - Find people who can do this here artistic masonry, I can not. Their unit. Besides, I was so used to doing everything himself, that he could not imagine how you can work with someone.
The landlord a physicist. The desire to build came after visits to the construction crew in his youth, and a tendency to experiment - a family tradition.
- To introduce new technologies - this is our family. Santa before the war worked on the railroad station chief and one of the first introduced there electrical equipment and telephone. His father worked for almost half a century as a lawyer. He always sought to use new methods in criminology. My mother worked as the head rayupravleniya of Agriculture, engaged in the implementation of ecological agriculture and balanced economic methods to stimulate labor. As a result, Vileyka district for 15 years, three times increased productivity, all farms become profitable, even in the Soviet Union as a whole, agriculture was unprofitable, - tells the story of a family history of Eugene. - And now my daughter is involved in scientific conferences and the game comes up.
12. Evgeny - winner of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. At one time he worked in the National Academy of Sciences, and was engaged in improving the retting flax technology.
- This technology related wastewater treatment. Those ideas that have been implemented there could be successfully used in cottage construction for sewage treatment. This problem is solved in the world is bad. I would try to replace expensive nylon nets in this technology conventional plastic bottles. I do not know yet what happens.
"Often we are building the house functional, but ugly, and vice versa"
As a scientist and a builder with experience, Eugene sees the flaws that exist in the construction industry of Belarus:
- We have divided construction companies and architectural development. In the West, when a man orders a house, he talks only with the architect, who has more works closely with builders. Therefore, he could see the disadvantages of the process and to consider how to improve it. We also do not exist, why is it that often build homes functional, but ugly, or, conversely, beautiful but uncomfortable. Another problem - the low foundations. They must be at least 50 cm above the ground, and we are almost touching the ground, so get wet and moisture coming from the ground in the housing.
We continue tour of the house. Eugene shows us the arch, shaped like an egg. According to the builder of an amateur, it was difficult to lay down. But there are some tricks:
13. - The idea is that as long as it expands, everything is easy. Then you need to make a temporary backup, and then fold it and knock. It turns out this arch.
14. Together with the owner climb to the attic of the wooden stairs. Here in packs of juice are harvested carefully to build a house of bricks. Again, on the initiative of his daughter, Eugene makes them on special technology.
15. - poured concrete solution in a package of juice. Until he froze, insert stones at him. The solution may be colored. When the concrete dries, the package of juice rented. Now the brick is ready - says the secret of the production of Eugene. - The operation is quite time-consuming. Picked proportion of sand and cement. Such bricks are not only a good decorative appearance, but they also have a high level of vlagomorozostoykosti. In our climate it is important in the construction of foundations and chimneys.
16. On the roof of the house are two towers. Still, the owner says:
- This is an ordinary house in which to live ordinary storytellers. Our family all write stories, and they are, by the way, have already been published in the books "Tales Loshitsa park", "Yak zveranyaty forest ratavalі" and published in journals. Now with her daughter are preparing for publication the book "Princess fairytale castle". Tales also write a mother and grandmother Emilia.
History dating Eugene with his wife and all the mystical into believing the impossible even hardened skeptics.
17. - I worked as a director Loshitsa park, tours are held there. The park has grown 400-year-old "zaruchalny" oak, near which a boy and girl on Kupala night declared himself the bride and groom. I had prepared a suit Treefolk and Bereginia for dramatization. This suit Treefolk I spent sightseeing. He came to me a journalist to interview, and put on a suit Bereginia, we both were at this oak, and then, as it should be according to legend, got married.
"Build us a loan impossible, impossibly high interest"
Near the house Yevgeny hand dug well in the 4 rings. According to the owners, the water is clean and tasty.
What will be the heating system, Eugene is not exactly decided.
18. - Here 5 chimneys, you can put 5 boilers. Maybe I put a gas boiler if the gas will hold and it will not be too expensive. Below I want to put a steel boiler with wood, solid fuel. Above you can put a fireplace with glass doors.
House get a great, but you need to bring it to mind, ask the owner how he plans to speed up the construction process.
- To get a soft loan for the development of agri-business, you need to have a residence in the village. If you build a house on salaries take 25 years. Build a loan with us is impossible, impossibly high interest rates - says the owner of the house. - In Germany, for housing private houses give a very low percentage of the loan - from 1 to 3% a year. Germans can take the credit, to build a large house, and then three generations of his family will pay.
19. There will be a summer shower.
20. According to calculations of the owner, will take another 15 years to a fairy-tale castle could live and receive guests. While Eugene is optimistic, it will continue to come here on weekdays and weekends, to continue to build and experiment. A daughter will grow up and help.
Source: realty.tut.by
We go to Eugene on a country road. She still wet after the rain to get to the "fairytale castle" is not so simple. The owners assure that soon there will put asphalt, and is close to the second ring road.

2. - "Materials are spent faster than I have time to buy them. They, plus delivery takes me $ 500 per month, - shares his experience builder enthusiast. - Roughly the same for all the neighbors, who build themselves. If someone has an income greater hiring of workers, then the case goes faster. "

3. The wife Eugenia, Hope, is with him. Unlike him, she does not come here every weekend, but the passion of her husband hope is good.
- The money that went to the construction of all the 10 years we could buy "odnushku" in Minsk, but is that going to any comparison with its own home?
Among the typical cottages have grown like mushrooms along the way, we finally saw a house with two floors with a loft. This is the most fabulous castle. He had not yet completed, but is markedly different from the houses in the neighborhood.

4. Monogram initials daughter owners of the house. Photo:
The first thing that catches your eye - an unusual symbol of blue color on a wall of the building, which resembles the coat of arms. This monogram. It depicts the letters E and T - the initials of the house owners daughter Emilia Terekhova.

. On the walls of the building lined silhouettes of different animals.

6. - This mother and daughter experimented. Here is a giraffe and a wolf, which looks more like a mouse - laughing Eugene.
After reviewing the houses near it becomes clear why it is popular with locals. The building was constructed according to the standard design, but it draws attention to the unusual decor.
- The idea of decorative solutions belongs to my 6-year-old daughter - with a smile says Eugene. - She will find a picture and say, "Dad, are you you?" Then something sfantaziruet: "And you can screw column do? And tighten the arch? "And so it has turned out unusual house.

7. Several windows made of glass bottles.

8. - When we bought the land, there were bottles and broken glass. The basement had to let the light and glass block was impossible to buy here and handy bottle. Some of them are used in the foundation laid by other windows. Throughout the construction of more than a thousand homes.
When people started coming to look at unusual house, the hosts had the idea to do here agroekousadbu.

9 - According to my calculations, agroekobiznes can in half to increase the country's GDP. In my opinion, this is an important area of the economy - said Eugene. - Farmsteads - the main way to detain people in the village. In addition, Belarus has all the interesting tourist places, like beads, scattered over a large area. When the site visit takes 30 minutes, and get to a 3:00, a few impressions from tourism fade. And if the road will farmsteads, the journey will be much more interesting.

10. Go inside the house. A spiral staircase leads to the second floor. The owner shows us the twisted columns. According to Eugene, is receiving widespread and long-known, but inclined arch - a rare phenomenon. We are interested in the host why he is building a house alone.

11 - Find people who can do this here artistic masonry, I can not. Their unit. Besides, I was so used to doing everything himself, that he could not imagine how you can work with someone.
The landlord a physicist. The desire to build came after visits to the construction crew in his youth, and a tendency to experiment - a family tradition.
- To introduce new technologies - this is our family. Santa before the war worked on the railroad station chief and one of the first introduced there electrical equipment and telephone. His father worked for almost half a century as a lawyer. He always sought to use new methods in criminology. My mother worked as the head rayupravleniya of Agriculture, engaged in the implementation of ecological agriculture and balanced economic methods to stimulate labor. As a result, Vileyka district for 15 years, three times increased productivity, all farms become profitable, even in the Soviet Union as a whole, agriculture was unprofitable, - tells the story of a family history of Eugene. - And now my daughter is involved in scientific conferences and the game comes up.

12. Evgeny - winner of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. At one time he worked in the National Academy of Sciences, and was engaged in improving the retting flax technology.
- This technology related wastewater treatment. Those ideas that have been implemented there could be successfully used in cottage construction for sewage treatment. This problem is solved in the world is bad. I would try to replace expensive nylon nets in this technology conventional plastic bottles. I do not know yet what happens.
"Often we are building the house functional, but ugly, and vice versa"
As a scientist and a builder with experience, Eugene sees the flaws that exist in the construction industry of Belarus:
- We have divided construction companies and architectural development. In the West, when a man orders a house, he talks only with the architect, who has more works closely with builders. Therefore, he could see the disadvantages of the process and to consider how to improve it. We also do not exist, why is it that often build homes functional, but ugly, or, conversely, beautiful but uncomfortable. Another problem - the low foundations. They must be at least 50 cm above the ground, and we are almost touching the ground, so get wet and moisture coming from the ground in the housing.
We continue tour of the house. Eugene shows us the arch, shaped like an egg. According to the builder of an amateur, it was difficult to lay down. But there are some tricks:

13. - The idea is that as long as it expands, everything is easy. Then you need to make a temporary backup, and then fold it and knock. It turns out this arch.

14. Together with the owner climb to the attic of the wooden stairs. Here in packs of juice are harvested carefully to build a house of bricks. Again, on the initiative of his daughter, Eugene makes them on special technology.

15. - poured concrete solution in a package of juice. Until he froze, insert stones at him. The solution may be colored. When the concrete dries, the package of juice rented. Now the brick is ready - says the secret of the production of Eugene. - The operation is quite time-consuming. Picked proportion of sand and cement. Such bricks are not only a good decorative appearance, but they also have a high level of vlagomorozostoykosti. In our climate it is important in the construction of foundations and chimneys.

16. On the roof of the house are two towers. Still, the owner says:
- This is an ordinary house in which to live ordinary storytellers. Our family all write stories, and they are, by the way, have already been published in the books "Tales Loshitsa park", "Yak zveranyaty forest ratavalі" and published in journals. Now with her daughter are preparing for publication the book "Princess fairytale castle". Tales also write a mother and grandmother Emilia.
History dating Eugene with his wife and all the mystical into believing the impossible even hardened skeptics.

17. - I worked as a director Loshitsa park, tours are held there. The park has grown 400-year-old "zaruchalny" oak, near which a boy and girl on Kupala night declared himself the bride and groom. I had prepared a suit Treefolk and Bereginia for dramatization. This suit Treefolk I spent sightseeing. He came to me a journalist to interview, and put on a suit Bereginia, we both were at this oak, and then, as it should be according to legend, got married.
"Build us a loan impossible, impossibly high interest"
Near the house Yevgeny hand dug well in the 4 rings. According to the owners, the water is clean and tasty.
What will be the heating system, Eugene is not exactly decided.

18. - Here 5 chimneys, you can put 5 boilers. Maybe I put a gas boiler if the gas will hold and it will not be too expensive. Below I want to put a steel boiler with wood, solid fuel. Above you can put a fireplace with glass doors.
House get a great, but you need to bring it to mind, ask the owner how he plans to speed up the construction process.
- To get a soft loan for the development of agri-business, you need to have a residence in the village. If you build a house on salaries take 25 years. Build a loan with us is impossible, impossibly high interest rates - says the owner of the house. - In Germany, for housing private houses give a very low percentage of the loan - from 1 to 3% a year. Germans can take the credit, to build a large house, and then three generations of his family will pay.

19. There will be a summer shower.

20. According to calculations of the owner, will take another 15 years to a fairy-tale castle could live and receive guests. While Eugene is optimistic, it will continue to come here on weekdays and weekends, to continue to build and experiment. A daughter will grow up and help.

Source: realty.tut.by