Crazy hands: air humidification system
With the onset of cold weather and therefore the inclusion of various "heating elements", from central heating, finishing Heaters, air in the apartment becomes very dry. From this comes a lot of inconvenience - all things you strive to crack electrostatic discharge, the hair stands on end, a headache from lack of air, and the flu virus happily desantiruyut on parched, vulnerable nasal mucosa. But with the help of our wonderful moisturizer with all these troubles will be over. Humidifier "Oasis-1" moisten the air in your home, even in the driest heating season!
Advantages of the model:
- Free (made from scrap materials and adhesive tape)
- Easy-to-manufacture and installation of
- Environmentally friendly
- Secure
- Silent
- Do not consume electricity
- Unlike cheap ultrasonic humidifier does not produce salt deposits on surrounding objects.
1) side of a plastic bottle cut a hole about the size of 5h10sm.
2) Hang up its hole on the horizontal tube battery using the ribbon of fabric.
3) Ribbons fasten the bottle with tape, so that it was not lost.
4) The gauze folded into several layers in the form of a rectangle the width of 10cm and a length of about one meter.
5) The slot bottles lower one end of the wick, and the remainder to the hot wind tube battery. It is better to make two of the wick.
6) Fill the bottle of water (e.g., with a different bottle).
The device has been successfully installed and ready for operation.
Maintenance is intermittent addition of water. You can adjust the intensity of moisture, raising and lowering unit.
Make sure that the wick is nowhere hangs below the water, otherwise the water will begin to drip on the floor.
© sompson
Advantages of the model:
- Free (made from scrap materials and adhesive tape)
- Easy-to-manufacture and installation of
- Environmentally friendly
- Secure
- Silent
- Do not consume electricity
- Unlike cheap ultrasonic humidifier does not produce salt deposits on surrounding objects.
1) side of a plastic bottle cut a hole about the size of 5h10sm.
2) Hang up its hole on the horizontal tube battery using the ribbon of fabric.
3) Ribbons fasten the bottle with tape, so that it was not lost.
4) The gauze folded into several layers in the form of a rectangle the width of 10cm and a length of about one meter.
5) The slot bottles lower one end of the wick, and the remainder to the hot wind tube battery. It is better to make two of the wick.
6) Fill the bottle of water (e.g., with a different bottle).
The device has been successfully installed and ready for operation.
Maintenance is intermittent addition of water. You can adjust the intensity of moisture, raising and lowering unit.
Make sure that the wick is nowhere hangs below the water, otherwise the water will begin to drip on the floor.
© sompson