Police Chevrolet

Yesterday, walking around the Seaside in St. Petersburg and I saw this miracle. Decided pofotkat, the more cars that the host was quite friendly and even held for me a small digression.
here's a brief our dialogue:
 - Well, you do not mind if I pofotayu your pepelats?
 - No problem, you're not the first, not the last.
Look, the cops and not doёbyvayutsya for such war paint and flashing lights?
 - No dick. Colorize in our not like, and white flasher. doebatsya not work.
 - Petrol and probably eats nemeryannom?
 - Well, as you say, for volume 4, 7 normally. the more you can fill the most shitty petrol. I eat everything. You can even piss in a tank and go.
we brought her this morning after a winter park. I started up with a half butting.
old she was already under the asshole, the bottom of a little rotten, but fuck it is framed. and indeed it does not break, fuck purebred American Vintage.
 - And all for what purpose you use it?
 - So much so simply pougorat. Along sheriffs and drove to the city. this is not my car, my drugana. he has such dohera. Doji chardzhery sorts, etc.

(will be 5 more pictures. scold for quality - do not scold me for pohuyu Fota super phone Sony Ericsson to 790)

© mine.




555. This I gave him a light.

666. everything.



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