Musicians Bleu @ Th!
Odmenestratsyya uyutnenkova is your vnemaneyu wretched portrait gallery zhyvopisi somnitelnovo similarity based cultural figures music industry!
Opens our small govnovystovku known shoumastgoonschik and part-time - honored bugger All UK Freddie Mercury bleat! Many by the way like evo not only that, but there are those INTO just - just for that
8 Picchu
via: soba4ki
further - again English producer. Seksopizdolz bleat! Everyone knows these guys and many of their own and hate. And after they do something in music INTO neozhydannoe - practically fucking nevazmozhno.
But some still udaёtso PVCs. Here, for example VIA "Prodigy" bleat! Kakbe hinted at it and, to some extent motivate actions to reshytelnye family zhyzni
Nervana bleat! By the way I somehow uhitryalso listen to them at the same time practical. And Nervanu and above VIA. While Cobain vsёzhe was somehow closer, because voroshylovskey arrows and all that
The ensemble Asay-Disi bleat! .. Well, not all of course I, on the whole I gouache drawing paper is not enough. Karoche on Cavo enough Tavo and watch. Here it bleat!
Marilyn Manson Onotolevich bleat! Some evil tongues say, he kind INTO same as Freddy Merkuri only protected. But we do not believe in and strongly deny such rumors!
Abbot bleat! Well here blasphemy specify, tru here forever and every Amen! Well, of course slavaSotone! All black mitoool posony!
That's all bleat! And Maykol kakbe pottverzhdae it. To be continued. Or should not be. Odmenestratsyya magazine fucking owns informatsyey this schёt. While all fuck!
Opens our small govnovystovku known shoumastgoonschik and part-time - honored bugger All UK Freddie Mercury bleat! Many by the way like evo not only that, but there are those INTO just - just for that
8 Picchu
via: soba4ki
further - again English producer. Seksopizdolz bleat! Everyone knows these guys and many of their own and hate. And after they do something in music INTO neozhydannoe - practically fucking nevazmozhno.
But some still udaёtso PVCs. Here, for example VIA "Prodigy" bleat! Kakbe hinted at it and, to some extent motivate actions to reshytelnye family zhyzni
Nervana bleat! By the way I somehow uhitryalso listen to them at the same time practical. And Nervanu and above VIA. While Cobain vsёzhe was somehow closer, because voroshylovskey arrows and all that
The ensemble Asay-Disi bleat! .. Well, not all of course I, on the whole I gouache drawing paper is not enough. Karoche on Cavo enough Tavo and watch. Here it bleat!
Marilyn Manson Onotolevich bleat! Some evil tongues say, he kind INTO same as Freddy Merkuri only protected. But we do not believe in and strongly deny such rumors!
Abbot bleat! Well here blasphemy specify, tru here forever and every Amen! Well, of course slavaSotone! All black mitoool posony!
That's all bleat! And Maykol kakbe pottverzhdae it. To be continued. Or should not be. Odmenestratsyya magazine fucking owns informatsyey this schёt. While all fuck!