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The six hostages savvy


Let's face - in this case, nekinoshnoy danger "Die Hard" there exists among us a little bit. But these are. We know of at least six.

1. The pilot, who led anti-terrorist operation right under the noses of the terrorist

In 2007, the year of commercial aircraft, was flying from Mauritania (North Africa) to the Canary Islands, shortly after takeoff captured man with two pistols. The terrorists demanded to deploy the plane and fly to France, where he planned to seek political asylum.

Manage aircraft already the case quite complicated, and when you constantly poked gunpoint in the cabin sits 71 terrified passengers ...

Besides more it appears that fuel to France just is not enough ...

As long as the pilot fought hard to explain to an idiot, that his claims did not feasible, he realized something important - the thief did not know a single word of French. Not one.

And then he turned on the radio broadcast of voice and deadpan French warned passengers that is going to make a pretty tough landing, during which the terrorist necessarily lose his balance and fall. As soon as this happens, passengers should pounce and otmutuzit thief so that "teach it." All the time until the pilot gave the MC, the offender with their guns stood by in the belief that everything is under control, and a message pilot was purely technical, routine nature.

Preparations for the operation. Women and children were transplanted to the rear seats, partly for their own safety, in part to make room for maneuver.

The plane went in to land. And then the pilot did exactly what he promised: the landing dramatically gave the brakes, and then just as sharply pressed the gas. As expected, at the time of the terrorist he blurted out on the floor and lost his weapon. And then about a dozen passengers stormed the cockpit and spent a thief educational work in full compliance with the instructions received and its own conception of justice. And then another, and flight attendants arrived with teapots and scalded his loyalty to the boiling water.

After the hostages were taken per capita, the hijackers surrendered to the Spanish authorities.

Why, of all the countries he chose the French language which did not know, it had remained a mystery.

2. Tarzan retired Cuban rebels disarm the famous Tarzan yell

In 1958, a group of Americans had the opportunity to stay at the Hilton Hotel in Cuba, where they took part in a golf tournament. One day they were on the field surrounded by the rebels, with guided them at gunpoint.

Of course, no sympathy with the rebels a bunch of bourgeois cause could not. They arranged golfers interrogation, which caused one.

And then ...

Among the hostages was a 54-year-old actor Johnny Veysmyuller which 30-40th viewers are accustomed to seeing swinging on vines in a loincloth. Veysmyuller played Tarzan in 12 films and is still associated with the image of touching savage. When his turn came up, Veysmyuller decided to try to use their star status, "I - Tarzan." But "Tarzan" in Spanish pronounced a little differently - some as "Tar-Zaan". The argument did not work.

And then Veysmyuller decided to present only available in the current situation it means: he stood to his full height, banged his fist on his chest and a middle-aged uttered a cry of the same company, who was at that time the sign of cinema lovers worldwide. Here such:

And at this point in the abductors something clicked.

True true. As if by magic severe bristly face suddenly lit up with happy smiles, the rebels dropped their weapons and ran to the children Veysmyulleru shouting: "Tarzan! Tarzan "and" Welcome to Cuba! "It turned out that Hollywood Cubans in the concept of the" West "was not included, and therefore the hatred of the damned bourgeois is not covered.

In general, not just the rebels released all the hostages alive and healthy, but also solemnly escorted them to the hotel, so they are not pleased by the way even into some scrapes. 3. Taken sends the thief away and jumps out of the car at full speed

Anyone who in the '60s took it to the head to steal one of the famous singers of the group the Supremes, no doubt, would have chosen Diana Ross. Firstly, it was really incredibly good, and secondly, only her name was well-known at all (other girls alternated with regularity member of the group "Viagra»).

But the kidnapper named Charles Collier has its own logic. He decided that with Russia could prove to be too much trouble, and opted for the lesser-known Cindy Birdsong.

The abduction took place on 2 December 1969, when Cindy opened the door of his Hollywood apartment. Collier put a knife to the throat of the girl and forced her to sit on the passenger seat of his car. After that, the thief somehow decided to make the car hostage romantic walk along Long Beach.

Apparently, companion Collier was not so hot some, because half an hour later Birdsong decided he could no longer endure his company for a minute, even on pain of death. And first of all I tried to grab the knife, but she cut herself. Plan B was born in the next second: Cindy opened the door and jumped out of the car - at full speed and in the midst of bustling highway.

To survive in such a situation is practically impossible.

Nevertheless, she landed a relatively well - being in the result in a roadside ditch. Wounded and bleeding, she rose to her feet and made another mad act, the third a minute she returned to the highway, and ran in the opposite direction of movement to Koller was difficult to turn around, catch it, and push back into his car.

Cindy struggled waving to passing cars, but no one stopped (which would not have happened, whether in its place Diana Ross - here the calculation of the kidnapper was correct). Fortunately, a police patrol was passing by, and they tell you how to stay put in similar situations.

In general, all cost minor cuts and bruises. A few days later it was obtained confession kidnapper.

4. Hostage escapes with the bed, to which was fastened

It was in January 1986. Mohammed Sadiq al Tazhir slowly strolled through the streets of London in the direction of his house, and suddenly found himself held hostage by four types unknown to him.

Here I must say that was the guy Tazhir far from simple, and the brother of billionaire Arab ambassador in London, Mohammed Al Mady Tazhira. So the kidnappers thought that the return of the hostage can safely forgive 17, $ 5 million, and even doubted whether not a bad bargain. And while there were negotiations, Tazhira chained to a bed in a room without windows and stuck some potent drugs.

Ten days Tazhir lay in bed shot up and blindfolded. On the eleventh (as it turned out) morning, he came to his senses. No dressing. Right before my eyes hung a note in which it was reported that before the release remains very little, and it will live up to that moment, only if will lay quiet as a mouse. Since Tazhir still was chained to the bed, he decided not to risk and began studying cracks in the ceiling.

Patience was enough for a few hours. Then Tazhir heartily cursed loudly, he got up and left the room ... with the bed. With a terrible roar of the bed they went down the stairs, out of the house and walked down the street in London suburbs, where, in fact, and held hostage. Some how to get to the house next door, a young man knocked on the door. The woman who lived there, then tell all interview: "I opened the door, and to my amazement, I saw a handsome young man in pajamas and bed behind».

When the cops separated finally the guy from the ill-fated bed Tazhir learned that his brother, one of the richest people in the world, for the last week trading with the kidnappers, trying to reduce the amount of ransom to 17, 5 million to three million. And that money has been paid in exactly one day before the miraculous escape Tazhira.

5. The bus driver rescued 26 students taken hostage

In one of the most beautiful days of July 1976, three armed criminals - Frederick Woods, James and Richard Shoenfeld Shoenfeld stopped school bus in the town Chouhilla (CA) and took hostage 26 children, along with the driver.

To easily understand what to do and how to spend five million who planned to shake off a 26-family, the kidnappers pushed the hostages in his van, drove to a deserted place, was closed for a reliable bolted and left alone.

Ed Ray (the name of the bus driver) was a man with a heightened sense of responsibility. He knew he had to bring the children to the destination. Should all. Ray looked - from scrap materials in the van was except that stack of 14 mattresses greasy. And yet the hope inspired in a small window on the roof of the van.

Ray mattresses laid on one another and with the help of the children could reach the window. Yes, but the kidnappers, as it turned out, and provided the opportunity. The window was closed and pressed down on top of several car batteries. But the 55-year-old driver and then did not give up. He lifted and swung the door again and again until the batteries have not budged, and the road to freedom was not open.

Soon the children have told the fascinating story of the abduction of her parents. Unfortunately, in hot pursuit to catch the offenders could not - they just realized what happened and fled. But here he was rescued by the driver. Under hypnosis, he remembered the number of the car thieves, so in the end, turned out to be the last still in prison.

6. Journalist escapes from captivity with the help of the game "pachisi»

In November 2008, New York Times reporter David Rohde traveled to Kabul to collect material for his book about the American invasion of Afghanistan, where he was taken prisoner by members of the Taliban. Together with Rod prisoner turned his driver and interpreter. For the liberation of the hostages the kidnappers demanded that the government of the United States release from US prisons all his comrades, or, at worst, the payment of tens of millions of dollars.

It has been seven months, and the situation is the deadlock and did not move. The driver began to show symptoms of Stockholm syndrome clearly (it's when the hostages begin to experience empathy and sympathy for criminals to capture them). Happy ending to this story is not planned ...

In June 2009, Rod and his partner have developed a plan to escape - and so incredibly mad that the translator called it "suicide operation". The first phase of the operation was quite simple: unleash the guards on the game in pachisi (in Russia at the beginning of the XX century the game, this game was known as "Do not be angry, my friend"), and play as long as they do not faint or fall asleep.

As difficult to believe, but the plan worked: the interpreter played with such zeal that completely exhausted protection. As soon as the Taliban fell asleep, hostages climbed over the wall of pripasёnnoy advance rope. And immediately we started to implement the second part of the plan - to run without looking back.

They ran, ran and ran until he reached the base of Pakistan where they initially took for suicide bombings and almost shot. Fortunately, the misunderstanding was resolved quickly and the Americans returned home safe and sound.
