Military Sniper 10 years living as a hermit in the forest
A former special forces soldier lived in the woods in the Amur region, tired of working in law enforcement.
The hermit lived in the forest for 10 years
In the dugout SWAT hermit stumbled local mushroom pickers. They told the police that in the taiga 110 kilometers from the nearest settlement alone does man live.
Former military back to the people is not going to. According to Victor F., life in the deep woods to his liking. Meanwhile, behind the "forester" - school of special forces and many years of service.
- Boarding and lodging is no problem - the military training is still making itself felt. Well, the thirst for the hunt I came back in school - says Victor. - For bread, salt and clothes sometimes, of course, I go down to the village. Residents still remember me, happy to change everything I needed for fresh meat.
Living in the forest, Victor F. has not dreamed ever. In his native village in Magdagachinsky District ex-military all knew and loved. But one day, went hunting, the man realized that he can not part with the silence of the forest.
- A familiar bustle life with a light heart, I took over thousands of kilometers of taiga forest. He left his home and went to the forest as a hermit - says Victor.
Victor chose a place hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest village. I have built dugout that was not cold in winter and hot in summer. In the cold host humble abode warms stone oven. At lunch on the table there is always a fresh game and icy spring water.
Former commando produces food, hunting in the woods
In the forest, Victor has lived for more than 10 years. Find the path to his house is not easy. But the villagers are sometimes visited by a hermit. Basically they come for advice: ask where to hunt and how to navigate the distant taiga hikes.
- We survey the territory. If you find one, it will check the documents and send it to the social chamber - said the district village of Victor Popov. - The person live better home than run and hide in the dugout.
The hermit lived in the forest for 10 years
In the dugout SWAT hermit stumbled local mushroom pickers. They told the police that in the taiga 110 kilometers from the nearest settlement alone does man live.
Former military back to the people is not going to. According to Victor F., life in the deep woods to his liking. Meanwhile, behind the "forester" - school of special forces and many years of service.
- Boarding and lodging is no problem - the military training is still making itself felt. Well, the thirst for the hunt I came back in school - says Victor. - For bread, salt and clothes sometimes, of course, I go down to the village. Residents still remember me, happy to change everything I needed for fresh meat.
Living in the forest, Victor F. has not dreamed ever. In his native village in Magdagachinsky District ex-military all knew and loved. But one day, went hunting, the man realized that he can not part with the silence of the forest.
- A familiar bustle life with a light heart, I took over thousands of kilometers of taiga forest. He left his home and went to the forest as a hermit - says Victor.
Victor chose a place hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest village. I have built dugout that was not cold in winter and hot in summer. In the cold host humble abode warms stone oven. At lunch on the table there is always a fresh game and icy spring water.
Former commando produces food, hunting in the woods
In the forest, Victor has lived for more than 10 years. Find the path to his house is not easy. But the villagers are sometimes visited by a hermit. Basically they come for advice: ask where to hunt and how to navigate the distant taiga hikes.
- We survey the territory. If you find one, it will check the documents and send it to the social chamber - said the district village of Victor Popov. - The person live better home than run and hide in the dugout.