Homeless: An Inside Look
Every day in the big cities, we are faced with homelessness. They are sitting on the subway, railway stations, sleep in doorways or heating mains. The state, of course, is doing everything to remove homeless people from the streets - open shelters, there are services to help with documents. But still, the homeless off the streets do not disappear. Most people sink to the bottom because of the vodka. And a way of life many people like. "Look at me, you see, I'm a happy man! You can not imagine what a joy when you have nothing to lose! "These people do not tend to shelters, because there can not drink. They do not need the documents, the work of the future. They have everything here and now. There, at the bottom, they seem to be totally free, even the police are not interested - because they have nothing to take. The main purpose of life is production of vodka. Drink a lot and all. Some do not trezveyut months unless treated in hospital. In this state they live, until one day freeze on the street, or die from a knife companion.
Markov Yesterday we decided to make the company a group of homeless people, have a drink and talk to their difficult lives.
10 photos via
We begin our journey with the Kuznetsk bridge. Olga - a former employee of the passport has become, and now slightly swollen face homeless - we agreed to arrange a dive to the bottom of the social capital. The cost of admission to this attraction was very democratic - 500 rubles.
We went to color: as the said Olga, a local boulevard is the point of collecting all the homeless people in the county. Alex became the first responder and Valera. Alex said that he was born in Hungary and the couple's son, military translators and Valera, groaning and swaying, was able to extract from his throat a few low sounds. At first, the guys were wary and tense, but after our company there was a bottle of vodka, noticeably brightened. Even Valera, who previously could not really podkurit cigarette, suddenly showed remarkable ease of movement with a plastic cup.
- That's how we live - quite Lesch said, pouring a second - now sit down with you and go to bed.
- Where?
- At the entrance, - Alex answered briefly and cautiously added, - but what kind of - I will not say.
Olga explained: dislocation warm entrances - the strictest confidence and knowledge of the sacred in the world of the homeless. Nobody beats down their points: the boys are divided into groups of two or three people, and spend the night in small flocks. Alex, for example, the "live" Valera: They spend the night together and always looked after each other. Stroking them, it seemed that way, perhaps, to smoothen Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, twenty years later.
Ten minutes later we were approached by two more. Alex reached for the vodka and trying to open the cap while holding the glasses, smashed a bottle. It is impossible to describe the shock experienced by children. If we had not gone that hour for another one, Lesha would undoubtedly lynched on the square with a clown.
Fifteen minutes later, the pair pulled three more booze. At this time, the company was a girl: she refused to talk with us for a long time hiding from the lens.
Sanya, one of the newcomers, sharing with us the correct code of the homeless:
- I'll explain it all to you! - He said - Look here: I'm sleeping in a stairwell. Long spent the night a few years. Come with their cardboard, I went to bed after midnight and left at six in the morning to not collide with tenants. And I'm always for a clean, always kept his porch clean! I even know some tenants. But once brought with him one asshole that shit straight in the stairwell! You count? Directly under the door bulk! Well, I have, of course, then kicked ...
The boys excitedly roared, it was evident that Sanya has opened an important and vital topic.
- Yes! - Said some dude - there are assholes who do not understand that we must live by the rules, I do not interfere, you tell me. Why to shit under the door? You can go outside, around the bushes completely ...
- And if you absolutely unbearable and cold - said Alex - you can take an ordinary bag, lay on the stairs and ...
Cancel fecal topic could only call a drink. This time the bottle decided to entrust the lady who smiled for the first time on this honored and knocked out two teeth bared.
- The complex story of the girl, - whispered to me a bum on the side - left home, there is sort of like a father or stepfather was a pedophile ...
Suddenly our light Kyrgyz crowd standing at attention. They looked unfriendly, but just noticing generously pouring vodka, plump and hastened to speak:
- Moscow homeless still okay - can be a shelter or hospital if that. And to us what to do? We were evicted from everywhere.
- So maybe home?
- What home? I've got a wife, children, parents ...
There was a pause.
- In the world where I was - his wife and children, as if, on the contrary, be deemed a reason to return home instead bomzhevat in another country.
- Well, I'll divorced - said the Kyrgyz and just in case added on duty - and money with no documents, stolen everything.
To the right was the sound of a thud: it Valera fell from the bench, did not calculate the dimensions and size. The three boys immediately rushed to Valera and put him on the spot. He did not mind: in fact his whole appearance said that last half hour Valera is in hibernation mode. We expressed our concern:
- Do not freeze it here?
- No, - smiled guys - Valera is not lost. He's tenacious.
- Well, because the freeze may well one day?
- We are in the first place, it will not abandon - and Alex wake will take place in a warm, - the guys - Second, who usually freezes in winter? Members who have just arrived. Who do not have the company of his, who do not know where to go. And those who have been in Moscow will not be wasted. We are eyeing each other.
- That is to say, the key to success in community-bum - is the presence of broad social relations - we have summarized.
- Of course - without delving, echoed Kirghiz.
- But still, it is not clear how you survive.
- Come on. You, too, have survived. It just seems to be impossible. And find yourself on the street, you will start to turn and ...
- I hope not find myself.
- Anything can happen in life - said the Kyrgyz and leaned on Poster National Geographic, - Come on, take a picture of me with the bunny.
The end.
Markov Yesterday we decided to make the company a group of homeless people, have a drink and talk to their difficult lives.
10 photos via

We begin our journey with the Kuznetsk bridge. Olga - a former employee of the passport has become, and now slightly swollen face homeless - we agreed to arrange a dive to the bottom of the social capital. The cost of admission to this attraction was very democratic - 500 rubles.
We went to color: as the said Olga, a local boulevard is the point of collecting all the homeless people in the county. Alex became the first responder and Valera. Alex said that he was born in Hungary and the couple's son, military translators and Valera, groaning and swaying, was able to extract from his throat a few low sounds. At first, the guys were wary and tense, but after our company there was a bottle of vodka, noticeably brightened. Even Valera, who previously could not really podkurit cigarette, suddenly showed remarkable ease of movement with a plastic cup.

- That's how we live - quite Lesch said, pouring a second - now sit down with you and go to bed.
- Where?
- At the entrance, - Alex answered briefly and cautiously added, - but what kind of - I will not say.
Olga explained: dislocation warm entrances - the strictest confidence and knowledge of the sacred in the world of the homeless. Nobody beats down their points: the boys are divided into groups of two or three people, and spend the night in small flocks. Alex, for example, the "live" Valera: They spend the night together and always looked after each other. Stroking them, it seemed that way, perhaps, to smoothen Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, twenty years later.

Ten minutes later we were approached by two more. Alex reached for the vodka and trying to open the cap while holding the glasses, smashed a bottle. It is impossible to describe the shock experienced by children. If we had not gone that hour for another one, Lesha would undoubtedly lynched on the square with a clown.

Fifteen minutes later, the pair pulled three more booze. At this time, the company was a girl: she refused to talk with us for a long time hiding from the lens.
Sanya, one of the newcomers, sharing with us the correct code of the homeless:

- I'll explain it all to you! - He said - Look here: I'm sleeping in a stairwell. Long spent the night a few years. Come with their cardboard, I went to bed after midnight and left at six in the morning to not collide with tenants. And I'm always for a clean, always kept his porch clean! I even know some tenants. But once brought with him one asshole that shit straight in the stairwell! You count? Directly under the door bulk! Well, I have, of course, then kicked ...

The boys excitedly roared, it was evident that Sanya has opened an important and vital topic.
- Yes! - Said some dude - there are assholes who do not understand that we must live by the rules, I do not interfere, you tell me. Why to shit under the door? You can go outside, around the bushes completely ...
- And if you absolutely unbearable and cold - said Alex - you can take an ordinary bag, lay on the stairs and ...
Cancel fecal topic could only call a drink. This time the bottle decided to entrust the lady who smiled for the first time on this honored and knocked out two teeth bared.

- The complex story of the girl, - whispered to me a bum on the side - left home, there is sort of like a father or stepfather was a pedophile ...

Suddenly our light Kyrgyz crowd standing at attention. They looked unfriendly, but just noticing generously pouring vodka, plump and hastened to speak:

- Moscow homeless still okay - can be a shelter or hospital if that. And to us what to do? We were evicted from everywhere.
- So maybe home?
- What home? I've got a wife, children, parents ...
There was a pause.
- In the world where I was - his wife and children, as if, on the contrary, be deemed a reason to return home instead bomzhevat in another country.
- Well, I'll divorced - said the Kyrgyz and just in case added on duty - and money with no documents, stolen everything.

To the right was the sound of a thud: it Valera fell from the bench, did not calculate the dimensions and size. The three boys immediately rushed to Valera and put him on the spot. He did not mind: in fact his whole appearance said that last half hour Valera is in hibernation mode. We expressed our concern:
- Do not freeze it here?
- No, - smiled guys - Valera is not lost. He's tenacious.
- Well, because the freeze may well one day?
- We are in the first place, it will not abandon - and Alex wake will take place in a warm, - the guys - Second, who usually freezes in winter? Members who have just arrived. Who do not have the company of his, who do not know where to go. And those who have been in Moscow will not be wasted. We are eyeing each other.
- That is to say, the key to success in community-bum - is the presence of broad social relations - we have summarized.
- Of course - without delving, echoed Kirghiz.
- But still, it is not clear how you survive.
- Come on. You, too, have survived. It just seems to be impossible. And find yourself on the street, you will start to turn and ...
- I hope not find myself.
- Anything can happen in life - said the Kyrgyz and leaned on Poster National Geographic, - Come on, take a picture of me with the bunny.
The end.
