Always hated the Jedi in "Star Wars" are presented as a positive force. It's time to dot the i:
- Republic was a republic only in words. In fact, it was a feudal military dictatorship. Senate because of the multiplicity and stupidity (typical senator - Jar Jar Binks) was a talking shop. The real power belonged to the Jedi Council, who are appointed by themselves. Of the 12 members of the council elected for life 5, 4 more - in the long term, to the voluntary resignation. Total 9, enough to make any decision.
- For thousands of years the Jedi have failed to introduce in the country a federal law and to align the level of economic development. On Coruscant kilometer skyscrapers and Tatooine as he was 4000 years ago, a beggar hole remained.
- Anakin Skywalker was a slave. And they would have remained if not for the lucky break. The Jedi did not do anything to eradicate slavery.
- Big Business (the Trade Federation) increased taxes and corruption brought to the point that he decided to war against their own government.
- Counterintelligence did not exist. For all the republican authorities was a surprise: an army of clones, Sith-puppeteer order 66.
- Budgetary control was set out very badly. An army of clones can not be created without large allocations from the federal budget. The government did not even know what a fantastic trilliardy go who knows where.
- Did the social base of the Jedi? When Palpatine staged a coup, power was not a single loyal regiment. And the population has reacted with indifference.
- Empire in Star Wars has signed a pact with the public: you are not getting into politics, and we do not trouble and ensure economic growth. In recent history, such regimes have proven to be most effective.
- What was the political program of the rebels? It consisted of a single item: to overthrow the emperor and take power themselves. Who joined the rebels counted on the planet's key positions in the government of the New Republic and the Jedi dreamed of returning to the establishment.
- Republic was a republic only in words. In fact, it was a feudal military dictatorship. Senate because of the multiplicity and stupidity (typical senator - Jar Jar Binks) was a talking shop. The real power belonged to the Jedi Council, who are appointed by themselves. Of the 12 members of the council elected for life 5, 4 more - in the long term, to the voluntary resignation. Total 9, enough to make any decision.
- For thousands of years the Jedi have failed to introduce in the country a federal law and to align the level of economic development. On Coruscant kilometer skyscrapers and Tatooine as he was 4000 years ago, a beggar hole remained.
- Anakin Skywalker was a slave. And they would have remained if not for the lucky break. The Jedi did not do anything to eradicate slavery.
- Big Business (the Trade Federation) increased taxes and corruption brought to the point that he decided to war against their own government.
- Counterintelligence did not exist. For all the republican authorities was a surprise: an army of clones, Sith-puppeteer order 66.
- Budgetary control was set out very badly. An army of clones can not be created without large allocations from the federal budget. The government did not even know what a fantastic trilliardy go who knows where.
- Did the social base of the Jedi? When Palpatine staged a coup, power was not a single loyal regiment. And the population has reacted with indifference.
- Empire in Star Wars has signed a pact with the public: you are not getting into politics, and we do not trouble and ensure economic growth. In recent history, such regimes have proven to be most effective.
- What was the political program of the rebels? It consisted of a single item: to overthrow the emperor and take power themselves. Who joined the rebels counted on the planet's key positions in the government of the New Republic and the Jedi dreamed of returning to the establishment.
