This carton of brandy than just not served.
Vorning! Attention! Attenshn! Uwagi! and so on.
The author of this post hands from birth curves, but always itching to do something thread.
Below - the result of one of these experiments.
This carton of brandy than just not served. And piggy bank and a warehouse for the thread ... but once again his hands itch for some reason I thought that it must be a lamp.
11 pics + 1 video korotyusenkoe.
Sfotkatsya 8 raznokolibernyh boxes of brandy
01 Actually, the box of brandy garland + + Chinese automotive spray paint. Names obscure. So, just in case. That advertising is not named.
Drill holes in the box. Not necessarily at regular intervals. I protupila, but it seems to me that nakolampotsannye in a chaotic manner they would have looked a lot more fun.
As a result, in order to somehow smooth the impression of parallel to perpendicular holes cut out some crap figured.
The opening on the back side from which the cord comes out from the plug.
Color, paying special attention to the places where the incisions were made and dyrdochki.
Somewhere on the mezzanine or balcony find a cardboard box from the computer power cord and cut a rectangular piece, an example to freely entered into.
We find out that we are casing sucks to paint and go dokrashivat. And at the same time paint and a piece of cardboard with the previous photos, that not shone inside the case.
In the short glass studio buy a piece of corrugated (or whatever it's called) glass, because the first "test drive" showed that stupid light bulb protruding from the box - it is not pleasing to the eye.
Drum garland around a rectangular piece of cardboard ....
By the way, the same first "test drive" sfotkatsya was not, as when the garland "Maid Ying rank" it became clear that it is too heated and even melt the paint. I tried to disassemble it and somehow fix the situation, but it ended up being me pizdanulo current, and board with Conder burned fuck.
Moral: do not differ from the volt amps - do not go.
So ...
Drum NEW garland around a rectangular piece of cardboard.
Power, female, long and b 5 pieces of fixtures enough.
Stacked on top of the glass, we deduce that the cord has done more for the 4th hole a photo and close the lid.
Turn on, trying to take a picture. No dick is not clear.
Filmed, to somehow explain how this works garbage.
Cool, damn!
The war is over. Thanks to all.
The author of this post hands from birth curves, but always itching to do something thread.
Below - the result of one of these experiments.
This carton of brandy than just not served. And piggy bank and a warehouse for the thread ... but once again his hands itch for some reason I thought that it must be a lamp.
11 pics + 1 video korotyusenkoe.
Sfotkatsya 8 raznokolibernyh boxes of brandy
01 Actually, the box of brandy garland + + Chinese automotive spray paint. Names obscure. So, just in case. That advertising is not named.

Drill holes in the box. Not necessarily at regular intervals. I protupila, but it seems to me that nakolampotsannye in a chaotic manner they would have looked a lot more fun.

As a result, in order to somehow smooth the impression of parallel to perpendicular holes cut out some crap figured.

The opening on the back side from which the cord comes out from the plug.

Color, paying special attention to the places where the incisions were made and dyrdochki.

Somewhere on the mezzanine or balcony find a cardboard box from the computer power cord and cut a rectangular piece, an example to freely entered into.

We find out that we are casing sucks to paint and go dokrashivat. And at the same time paint and a piece of cardboard with the previous photos, that not shone inside the case.

In the short glass studio buy a piece of corrugated (or whatever it's called) glass, because the first "test drive" showed that stupid light bulb protruding from the box - it is not pleasing to the eye.
Drum garland around a rectangular piece of cardboard ....
By the way, the same first "test drive" sfotkatsya was not, as when the garland "Maid Ying rank" it became clear that it is too heated and even melt the paint. I tried to disassemble it and somehow fix the situation, but it ended up being me pizdanulo current, and board with Conder burned fuck.
Moral: do not differ from the volt amps - do not go.

So ...
Drum NEW garland around a rectangular piece of cardboard.
Power, female, long and b 5 pieces of fixtures enough.

Stacked on top of the glass, we deduce that the cord has done more for the 4th hole a photo and close the lid.

Turn on, trying to take a picture. No dick is not clear.

Filmed, to somehow explain how this works garbage.
Cool, damn!
The war is over. Thanks to all.