The bright memory of you guys!
Now all are preparing for the New Year gifts to buy, in the air pre-holiday mood with the smell of tangerines and trees. To the holidays have passed quietly, doing a great job, that ordinary citizens almost never see. And only occasionally to the general public came the faint echo of what made the police officers in order to make people happy holiday.
Continuing further & gt; & gt;
Day October 24 began to receive reports from Kazan that the city hosts a large-scale special operation to capture terrorists. This was the main news of the day. On that fateful day in the storming barricaded in an apartment with her armed bandits killed an officer of special division to combat terrorism of the FSB of Russia. The news of the death of an employee has been controversial in the Internet. Some part of the creative class rejoice - it's so cool when they kill law enforcement officers! However, the majority of people and to provide adequate realized that FSB officer gave their lives to save the lives of many of anything unsuspecting people. Entrenched in the apartment criminals were preparing a terrorist attack. The bombing in the city center of their plans was to be resonant, and not only to kill, but to frighten. During the inspection of the clash after the surgery, it was discovered three kilograms of explosives. If a bomb exploded in a crowded place, there would be dozens of dead and very, very many wounded.
I know exactly what happened and how events unfolded - very tight world of special forces ... And trust me on this - who died in a split second officer took the only solution that allows you to save the life of the rest of the group. He closed a grenade. Two more officers were injured by shrapnel. They pulled the badly wounded, and the rest of the group continued to fight with other militants from the "Islamic Party of Liberation." Visited the fragments guys while waiting for "soon", trying to stabilize his badly wounded another. Even they drove to a nearby pharmacy to buy saline - so journalists and learned that there are wounded in combat, with hard. Bleeding Man another hour rocked saline. First, on the spot, then in the car ... His name was Sergei. Callsign "Yakutia". He died in a carriage "Ambulance" - Sergei tried to save to the last. But how then to write in the report: "In the course of the special operation of the FSB Major Ashihmin received a heavy mine-blast trauma and multiple shrapnel wounds incompatible with life, and died from blood loss».
"Yakutia" was a true professional and a very good man. He knew a lot and was able to perfecting their skills spirited hours of training in the gym and tactical exercises, weeks worked in the North Caucasus mountains and went to the special operations throughout Russia. On most of the special operations in which he participated, he will not be able to tell even two hundred years. And he fulfilled his duty to the end ...
Presidential Decree №1660 of December 14, 2012, for their courage and heroism in the performance of military duty, Major Federal Security Service Sergei Anatolyevich Ashikhmina awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) Family ogibshego officer awarded a special sign of distinction: "Gold Star" . Pro is not written in the newspapers and in the news. Journalists not interested in talking about the fact that this person remembers. But the fact that Sergei was awarded the title of Hero, we know, people close to him in spirit. I have already said that the world of special forces is very tight. Barely two months after the death of Major TSSN FSB Sergei Ashikhmina, was killed during a special operation of the Moscow riot police, Major Alexander Knyazev. He died at the detention of terrorists who were planning to commit terrorist attacks during the New Year celebrations. Sasha came to say goodbye and staff units, which served Sergei Ashihmin. Wounded in Kazan officers of the FSB special forces, incidentally, is already in service.
Friends losing very hard. But they will remain forever in our memory, in spite of everything. Sleep well, "Yakut" sleep well "Prince." You no longer will be aired - You deserve peace and relaxation. And we will work. Work and remember you guys! And while we're alive, you stay with us - in our hearts. We are many, and our children, knowing about what you did and how they lived, too, will soon stand in our overall operation ...
Continuing further & gt; & gt;

Day October 24 began to receive reports from Kazan that the city hosts a large-scale special operation to capture terrorists. This was the main news of the day. On that fateful day in the storming barricaded in an apartment with her armed bandits killed an officer of special division to combat terrorism of the FSB of Russia. The news of the death of an employee has been controversial in the Internet. Some part of the creative class rejoice - it's so cool when they kill law enforcement officers! However, the majority of people and to provide adequate realized that FSB officer gave their lives to save the lives of many of anything unsuspecting people. Entrenched in the apartment criminals were preparing a terrorist attack. The bombing in the city center of their plans was to be resonant, and not only to kill, but to frighten. During the inspection of the clash after the surgery, it was discovered three kilograms of explosives. If a bomb exploded in a crowded place, there would be dozens of dead and very, very many wounded.
I know exactly what happened and how events unfolded - very tight world of special forces ... And trust me on this - who died in a split second officer took the only solution that allows you to save the life of the rest of the group. He closed a grenade. Two more officers were injured by shrapnel. They pulled the badly wounded, and the rest of the group continued to fight with other militants from the "Islamic Party of Liberation." Visited the fragments guys while waiting for "soon", trying to stabilize his badly wounded another. Even they drove to a nearby pharmacy to buy saline - so journalists and learned that there are wounded in combat, with hard. Bleeding Man another hour rocked saline. First, on the spot, then in the car ... His name was Sergei. Callsign "Yakutia". He died in a carriage "Ambulance" - Sergei tried to save to the last. But how then to write in the report: "In the course of the special operation of the FSB Major Ashihmin received a heavy mine-blast trauma and multiple shrapnel wounds incompatible with life, and died from blood loss».
"Yakutia" was a true professional and a very good man. He knew a lot and was able to perfecting their skills spirited hours of training in the gym and tactical exercises, weeks worked in the North Caucasus mountains and went to the special operations throughout Russia. On most of the special operations in which he participated, he will not be able to tell even two hundred years. And he fulfilled his duty to the end ...
Presidential Decree №1660 of December 14, 2012, for their courage and heroism in the performance of military duty, Major Federal Security Service Sergei Anatolyevich Ashikhmina awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) Family ogibshego officer awarded a special sign of distinction: "Gold Star" . Pro is not written in the newspapers and in the news. Journalists not interested in talking about the fact that this person remembers. But the fact that Sergei was awarded the title of Hero, we know, people close to him in spirit. I have already said that the world of special forces is very tight. Barely two months after the death of Major TSSN FSB Sergei Ashikhmina, was killed during a special operation of the Moscow riot police, Major Alexander Knyazev. He died at the detention of terrorists who were planning to commit terrorist attacks during the New Year celebrations. Sasha came to say goodbye and staff units, which served Sergei Ashihmin. Wounded in Kazan officers of the FSB special forces, incidentally, is already in service.
Friends losing very hard. But they will remain forever in our memory, in spite of everything. Sleep well, "Yakut" sleep well "Prince." You no longer will be aired - You deserve peace and relaxation. And we will work. Work and remember you guys! And while we're alive, you stay with us - in our hearts. We are many, and our children, knowing about what you did and how they lived, too, will soon stand in our overall operation ...