Turkmenistan distributing free fuel
Turkmenistan began issuing traditional coupons for free gasoline and diesel fuel in the first half of 2013.
State within the framework of the President of Turkmenistan on state support of the population for the fifth year allocates vehicle owners free limit of gasoline and diesel fuel.
Gasoline is issued to owners of cars total weight up to 3, 5 tonnes and not more than eight passenger seats, excluding the driver. Every month they are entitled to 120 liters of gasoline and 2400 liters per year; and for owners of motorcycles - 40 liters per month.
In addition to fuel presidential program provides free use of gas, electricity, water and salt to 2030.
This is despite the fact that per capita GDP in Turkmenistan almost three times less than in Russia and in spite of that their government does not seek to boost the coffers at the expense of the high excise duties on fuel.
Turkmen President Berdymukhammedov Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich
State within the framework of the President of Turkmenistan on state support of the population for the fifth year allocates vehicle owners free limit of gasoline and diesel fuel.
Gasoline is issued to owners of cars total weight up to 3, 5 tonnes and not more than eight passenger seats, excluding the driver. Every month they are entitled to 120 liters of gasoline and 2400 liters per year; and for owners of motorcycles - 40 liters per month.
In addition to fuel presidential program provides free use of gas, electricity, water and salt to 2030.
This is despite the fact that per capita GDP in Turkmenistan almost three times less than in Russia and in spite of that their government does not seek to boost the coffers at the expense of the high excise duties on fuel.
Turkmen President Berdymukhammedov Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich