Taxi Service raised everyone's ears SMSami
The residents of the Russian city of Izhevsk outraged publicity stunt by a local taxi companies, send SMS to mobile phones of the sender name "Mama". "Honey, save money - says the message, after which the phone is a dispatcher service - until I get there for 80 rubles. Waiting! ". SMS-mailing sparked a lively discussion on local Internet forums and social networks. In particular, a case where an 8-year-old child received a sms from a taxi and called his mother in hysterics. "I had the same. I'm a grown man, I realized what was happening, and my son is 8-year-old calls hysterically: "Mom, what happened? Where drive ?! ". I reassured him, well at least he was able to reach me. And if suddenly I'd be out of range, or the phone would be busy ... "- he says a woman named Inessa Part offers users using such advertising boycott taxi drivers, others intend to complain to the prosecutor's office and the antitrust authorities.
